I've thought about this issue a lot too! I don't want the added cost for one.......I don't want to haul all the crap down and I don't want the added stress of having to put it all together and get it to everyone! HOWEVER having said that.......I read some advice on someone's knot bio that I took to heart....she said not to fill up an OOT bag with a lot of little cutesy crap that no one will use anyway. Instead she gave out, beach towels to her guests and said they were a huge hit! I think I'm planning on doing this....a "Welcome Roll" if you will. I can get the towels at the Nassau Straw Market for about $5.00 a piece, so I won't have to carry them down there.....and I will include some lip balm, Bahamas postcards, a welcome letter and a wedding weekend itinerary. I plan on giving these out at a Welcome to the Bahamas cocktail party the first day everyone arrives. I may even do some DIY luggage tags to include with names for a little something extra. But since I'm feeding people 3 times...(the cocktail party, everyone is included in the Rehearsal Dinner and the Wedding Reception), I don't feel the need to give big welcome gifts. I think they are a totally cute idea , if I didn't think I would stress too much about it or spend too much, I would be tempted to do it! Hope that helps! Good luck!