Wow! I'm hoping to get away with under 6000 for 40 people! But I'm not having my reception at a resort but a there's no extra fees for the rental......just the food and alcahol....I think i can pull this off! Wish me luck!
Oh yeah for centerpieces..they used huge martini glasses sitting on mirrors planted with real ivy and they stuck those plastic pink flamingo drink stirers in them and scattered coin candy on the mirrors with votives and poker was really cute!
I went to a vegas style wedding a few years back and they used playing card decks that they had gotten printed up special...I just don't remember what was on the front but I bet you could come up with something cute! maybe the "Welcom to Las Vegas" know the famous one....
This is a great idea! My father passed away several years ago so he can't walk me down the aisle...but this way he can be with me as I walk down.........thanks!