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Everything posted by Mrs.R2be

  1. I sent mine out on June 13, 2007 and my wedding is not until Oct 11,2008.... Its good to give them enuf time to save and make plans of there own... I think the earlier you send them the better, but not every family is the same... Do what you think works for you & your family.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Kristy! First of all, I'm so sorry. That just sucks. Hopefully this will make you feel better...I used to work in customer service at a bank. The way we handled our debit card disputes was that you would fill out a form for each charge you were disputing (hi-lighting your bank statement makes this much easier). I would then take the forms from you and give it to our back offices. You would have all of the money deposited back in your account within 24 hours. The bank then researches the disputes with Visa to make sure they are legitimate. If it turns out you were lying, the bank would then take the money they deposited into your account back. If it was legitimate, the money remains in your account and the bank gets reimbursed from Visa. I hope that makes sense. I think I only saw one person have the money taken back out of their account in the 2 1/2 years I worked there, so no worries. Oh, and we were a small bank, so I'd be shocked if most banks do not use these procedures. Good luck! This is for sure so GOOD news.... I hope its going to be that easy !!!
  3. OMG... I am so sorry you are going through this right now... WHAT A**H***!!!! How could they do that to you.... Should'nt the travel agent try and help you find where this money has gone Well I hope everything turns out well in the end... Keep us posted...
  4. Love the Robes and the sarongs... I think maybe you should stick with the whole spa theme and add some sented beads , candles, lotions, or body wash.... Just a thought...
  5. I wish they had a Hobby Lobby here in Canada...
  6. I love the colour of the parasol... Great job so far...
  7. Thanks for all your comments... I tell ya those vases were such a great find... I'm glad there such a big hit!!
  8. Thanks for sharing your pics... What a happy bunch !!! I was my future inlaws were just has friendly looking...
  9. Mrs.R2be


    Welcome to the forum... You can try the jamaica theard... Theres tons of helpful info there... I'm also getting married in Jamaica... Sandals, Beaches, Couples and the Riu are very nice Resorts. It all just depends on your budget and if youre having a family sized wedding or just all adults..
  10. FI's Bout MOB pin corsage Sorry the pics are so big...
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari I just picked up that same sand ceremony containers at Pier 1. I love them too. They are so kewl looking... are you going to engrave yours?
  12. OMG... I just got back from picking up my flowers from Judy. (Special Day Designs) We live in Scarborough so we had to drive about 1 and a half hours up to her studio in Alliston, but ladies let me tell you it was worth every minute of it. I was so happy when I arrived she offered my FI and I a drinke poo and asked us about our day. She made us feel so relaxed everything was perfect. I think I few of you other brides have worked with her, my gosh she is amazing. When she sent me the mock up I was kind of on the fence, but when I say them in person holy I was BLOWN away... We got along so well on the phone and in person. Her passion for designing floral pieces definitely shows. I'm just so happy with them I couldn’t wait till tomorrow to post them.... So enjoy ladies and if you need her contact info then please let me know...
  13. Thanks for all your wonderful comments... Stay tuned cause i'm posting the rest of my stuff on friday...
  14. Are those from Davids Bridal? If those are from DB my BMs tryed them on in the honeydew colour, they look really cute on...
  15. Looks great.. I like your prgrams! Are those DIY ?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by melglnh2o Everything looks great. The parasol is beautiful! Thanks.. I got it from Chinatown in Toronto ... I only paid $4 for it... Thanks to my bargining skills. :cheer:
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