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Everything posted by Ellipse22

  1. Thank you for the info & honesty! It appears as if there will only be 6 of us anyway..but I will ask what they think before I decide on anything. I like the idea of the free time but I also want to make it memorable for everyone. I will check out your links!!
  2. To be honest, I didn't like any of the flowers the Riu had to offer. The daisy's were nice but not what I am looking for. FH doesn't want to spend more on flowers but wants to spend more on pictures. I decided to make my own silk flowers since it will only be me and FH with MOH & BestMan I'm sure can I make something equally nice that I can keep. I know there were some threads...I think the links are posted
  3. I have done some research on different excursions etc. but does anyone know if there is a mid-day cruise available?!?! I am getting married at 11am and was thinking about doing something before the dinner (I have another thread posted about this) and was hoping to get more info. I would prefer to stay in my wedding dress for the entire day...any suggestions or ideas about a possible cruise?
  4. THANK YOU! I was having a moment...you are a doll
  5. I am new to this whole "OOT" bag idea. I know that I will be looking for a tan coloured bag of some sort...I know what I want but have no idea what it's called I have a monogram completed (my avatar) that I would like to put on the bag. I would like to do this myself - to try to save money although I'll be sure to give myself a headache - and wanted to know what type of "paper" (or whatever you call it) to use and where I can get it. I guess it's like a transfer type paper. Forgive me for the lack of "professionalism" in this post but I am lost!! I've read through may posts on this board and I'm almost lost in translation! HELP!!
  6. Congrats! Your pics and slideshow are beautiful!
  7. OK...breathe ;-) She didn't email you to tell you that she hadn't received them yet?!?! Hmm...ok...I would get them done ASAP and send them through a Priority Courier. I work at Canada Post so I would be the first to recommend using Purolator..but I don't know where you are. I would just send them out express ASAP..good luck!
  8. I will have no family video taping. I think it would be a good idea because I only have 6 people going (including us) and maybe I can arrange a get together to view the video ;-) That's one way to convince him!! P.S. What is your first name?!?! Thanks!
  9. Don't know of any in Toronto but I'm in Hamilton and there is a TA in Mapleview Mall - Burlington named Flight Center and they will price match any price - even Selloffvacations ;-) Don't go with Marlin...I had HUGE issues!! One more thing....the Flight Center was much cheaper than Marlin!
  10. Thank you for the review! As much as you think it's in bad taste for the brides to be it's definetly handy! Now I know what to ask for and what to keep an eye out for ;-) You are absolutely gorgeous! I wanna see more pics!!!
  11. Thank you for posting your pics! You are gorgeous! I may have to think about the DVD...convince the FH ;-)
  12. Keep in mind that they seem to have updated their website and I couldn't seem to find the pricelist..so use this as an estimate only
  13. Thank you all for the ideas! I have yet to check out the tread you posted Becky..but I will when I get home - I'm at work and I might get in touch
  14. I hope this link works..keep in mind that the prices may have changed since I can't seem to find it on their website anymore.. Spa Price List
  15. I am wondering who has had an 11am wedding - mainly at ROR? I'm assuming you did pics after the ceremony but what did you do to kill some time until dinner? I'm not sure what to do! I don't want to have lunch instead of a dinner. I was thinking about after the ceremony have champagne and cutting the cake and then pics but I don't know if that's a good idea either. Suggestions would be great & input from those who had an 11am wedding would be great!!
  16. Here is the link for the spa at ROR: Renovaspa They have changed their website and I couldn't seem to find a price list but I have a price list printed off that I can scan & email to you...let me know if you are interested...just email me ;-)
  17. Here are a couple of links I found: Dolphins Cove - Swim with the Dolphins Barrett Adventure Tours of Jamaica Bicycle Tour Dunn's Rivers Falls Trip Advisor Info On ATV Tour (I couldn't find an actual link to the ATV Tour) Trip Advisor You may be able to find some info here as well..this is where I found some links. I think the horseback riding on the beach you may have to get info from the hotel as well as the jet skiing. HTH!
  18. I'm not 100% sure about the excursions other than Dunn's Falls, Horseback riding on the beach, parasailing (sp?) and Jet Skis. You can also take a cab into Margaritaville etc. Depends on where you are staying. The above is for staying at ROR. I have a list of Spa prices for ROR if you are interested email me at [email protected] and I can send them to you ;-)
  19. Congrats! Can't wait to see your pics!
  20. Great Pics!! I especially love the pic with your hubby's expression when seeing you...thanks for the great idea! Congrats!
  21. I have a pic I used for my invites...it's the gazebo on the beach w/palm tree...if you are interested you can email me ;-) [email protected]
  22. So you are leaving the day I get married! I know you have alot of people attending but if you are interested in getting together for a drink that would be great!
  23. It's funny that I never thought about putting candles in the OOT bags..great idea!!!
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