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Everything posted by Ellipse22

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by JUSTUSTWO Both styles look very pretty & I love the flower. As long as you bring pics with you I'm sure you'll be fine! Also make sure you have a good holding spray...it's quite windy on the beach! I've got lots of hairspray on order FI works for Shoppers...3 bottles already packed!!
  2. Thanks ladies! The flower was made for me my Agape_Gems mother.
  3. I decided to try out a hairstyle before goingn to Jamaica. I have naturally curly (really curly) hair. She decided to curl my hair and then pin it up in a messy type look. The pics don't do the style any justice...let's hope they can replicate at the ROR for my big day! Here are a few pics of me and my bridesmaid: Please excuse my dopey look...I was tired! My bridesmaid Niki:
  4. I don't have any guests coming other than the 6 of us that are a part of the wedding party. I have an iPod and a docking station. I've downloaded songs I want for the ceremony and about 15 steel drum songs to play during pics etc. I have also burned a CD just in case. ROR will provide a CD player if you choose to not go with the steel drum band.
  5. I sent the documents today. My main concern was getting a tracking number. I paid $35 to ship it as an international parcel. I just hope it gets there in time! Thanks for the help ladies! 30 days till take off!
  6. I'm heading back to the post office today to see what other services I can use. I'm not about to spend $50+ to send these documents..it cost over $100 to get them notarized as it is. Ugh...I just don't want to spend anymore money lol
  7. Thanks! That is the address I have. For some reason the post office here (I am actually a supervisor in our parcel delivery department) is telling me that I can't ship with our new service priority worldwide. I'm going to try again and find another service I can use. How long did it take for the documents arrive?
  8. I've sent Chandlyn an email about the address to use in which to send my documentation. She gave me the address but I am now told that Fedex can't ship for me because the address is incomplete. Does anyone have the address to the WC at ROR? I just want tosee what it is that I am missing. I need to send these documents but I'm not having much luck hearing back from Chandlyn. HELP! Ohh also...Fedex is expensive! The cheapest I have found is $75 to ship from Canada. Anyone have any suggestions?!?!?!?!
  9. I should be asking Chandlyn this question..but I know she's busy and I figure I'd get a quicker response here. When we send the documents what are they used for? I'm assuming that they are used to get a marriage license. Is this true?!?!
  10. WOOHOO! I'm getting excited now..just a little bit lol Yes..we will be there at the same time. I arrive on the 16th and will be there until the 23rd. We'll have to meet for a drink
  11. Do you still have pics of what you are talking about? I am assuming some of these or at least some decorations are included in the package! I'm running out of money so I guess I'll have to take what they give me lol
  12. I'm not 100% sure how it works..but I'm under the impression they are treated the same as cash. I don't think there is a need to take them to a bank there and cash them. The process of signing it before you give..yes..that I think that would be correct. I'll have more answers once I actually buy them and cash them
  13. I missed your question about photography. I know with ROR if you have any packages other than the free package the on site photographer will automatically show up at the wedding. If you have a free package you will have to make arrangements for the photographer to be at your wedding or hire someone outside. The photographer at ROR only takes cash...no CC. I plan on paying for everything via Travellers Cheques.
  14. I made a point of getting in touch with the WC to go over a few details instead of waiting until I get down there. I'm not having any guests at my wedding so I don't need as many things as you would. If you are getting flowers with your package I'm sure the WC should have sent you an email with details on flowers & cakes. I would send an email inquiring on the items you want/need!
  15. I am ready with the exception of paperwork. I have an appointment next week to get our ID Notarized and then I'm sending it out. I go in on the 18th to have my dress hemmed and I'm also having a hair trial done as well. Other than that we are ready! I emailed Chandlyn to give her specific details of a few things that I wanted but mainly I just went over the details of the entire day including wedding time etc. just to be sure! Kater ~ I'll be looking for your review...hopefully you have time to post before I take off ccunningham ~ What do you mean by gazebo decorations? I only ask this because I havn't picked anything. Mind you I'm not paying for extras or anything as I have the Royal Package. Chicklet ~ I keep forgetting that you are less than an hour away from me...too funny! I think I'm beyond excited now!
  16. 39 days until take off! I've finally heard more from Chandlyn on details! It seems as if everything is falling into place. I have to admit I'm glad there aren't any extra guests coming because it makes things sooo much easier! Anyone else getting close & freaking out?!?!
  17. Luv - WOW that is crazy & absurd! The beef about him not being around...well there is nothing I can do about that and I had come to realize a long time ago that I can't force him to be a dad and be in his children's lives. I think some of this stems from the fact that I am also taking him back to court for financials. He pay next to nothing for child support and refuses to pay (even at proproriate to income) for any extras - i.e. medical, dental, child care & extra cirriculars as well as post secondary education - so that being said I think he's just pissed! I have completed my affidavit and have only added the particulars...nothing extra. I will wait to seek Duty Counsel (no way I can afford a lawyer especially on such sort notice) to discuss loss time wages for this crazy request. I will be sure to update after I go to court on Friday! Thank you so much ladies for your support & advice.
  18. Thanks everyone! I've calmed down somewhat but now have some paperwork to do! luv - I don't know what the "rules" are here..but I know there are some that have had difficult times getting a restraining order put on their husbands/ex's due to violence so I find it hard to believe that he will get what he wants. I know that I am not a danger or threat to him..he's just being a dork! I often wonder if perhaps he just wants to be controlling..who knows..he's just being a dink! He's costing me money by having to take time off work to file the papers and go to court..perhaps I should mention that in my affidavit!
  19. My ex has gone to him twice now about the situation. Because all of his family & friends are going to be at his wedding he thought my dad was the next best option...hello...I'm their mother! I am surprised at my dad because he has never got involved or never wanted to be involved with issues between my ex and I. Also, my dad makes very little money and my step mom isn't working. So my ex now expects my dad to pay for gas to pick up the children and feed and entertain them for a weekend in his small 2 bedroom house. Totally unacceptable in my opinion to ask anyone to do such especially considering my dad's financial situation. I won't be calling my dad anytime soon as I am still very upset! I'm sure i'll be talking to him soon though!
  20. Yup..my ex is a freak and for some reason thinks it's appropriate to put a restraining order against me! LOSER! So..the long & short of it all is that I have an ex. I was with him for 10 years and we have 2 children together. He has access to the children every other weekend - his choice I might add - and is getting married next Friday. When I first found out of his plans last month I was cool with everything. No biggie..I'm getting married too..happy that he's happy etc. etc. The jerk decides to go behind my back to talk with my father. The friday he is getting married is his scheduled weekend for visitation. He asks my father to pick up the children from his wedding and keep them for the weekend. I spoke with my ex and told him that was not necessary and inconsiderate of him to get my father involved. I told him that I can pick up the children at whatever time and they will come home for the weekend. He flips out on me calls me all sorts of nasty names (including the c word) and tells me NO. He proceeds by having another meeting with my father yesterday and serves me with court papers today. He is requesting access according to his wedding schedule and a restraining order because he fears I intend to "crash" his wedding. WHAT A JOKE! It thinks I still want him..NOT..I left him 4 years ago..jerk! So, I'm now not speaking to my father after all of this. I simply don't understand why my father would even get involved in this mess. And now I have to get a lawyer (which I don't have money for) and miss a days work in order to go to court this friday. I can't believe the nerve of this guy! This is the same guy who lives 10 minutes away and only sees his children 4 days a month. The same guy who pays next to nothing in support and refuses to pay for anything else. I am beyond hurt!
  21. I personally downloaded a bunch of tunes from itunes. We have 5 instrumental wedding songs - The O'Neill Brothers - one of which is the song I will walk down the aisle to "How Beautiful by O'Neill Brothers" and then 5 other songs that will play *softly* during the ceremony. Right after the last "ceremony" song we have 15 songs by Jamaican Steel Drum Band, Syd Marsh & Peter Samuels. These songs will play after the ceremony, toasts and pictures. We are using an iPod docking station. Just a suggestion or something to consider instead of spending the extra money...but to each's own
  22. Congratulations! You're pics are great! BTW Who was your photographer? I didn't see that in the review ;-)
  23. Is St. Ann's a buffet? If so, what type of foods? I was thinking of Sir Richard for a rehearsal dinner but I'm a picky eater and don't like seafood. And now I read you have to pay for it....St. Ann's it may be!
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