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Everything posted by Ellipse22

  1. It's ok..I'll let it go this time!! At least you didn't call me Tracey LMAO!
  2. I posted the other day about whether or not anyone knew if the CD Player used at the ROR had a connection for an iPod. I heard from Chandlyn today and apparently you can hook up your iPod to the CD Player. Just in case you were wondering...
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride OMG I know!! My head is really starting to spin!! I honestly don't really know what to be focusing my attention on!! There is so much to do. FI and I have kind of separated the events...I'm doing wedding stuff & he's doing house stuff. But of course I am dealing with some of the house stuff too. Oh boy...& then Christmas!! YIKES!! I hope I get through it all!! LOL So how are your plans going?? Almost all done?? You just hijacked my thread lol
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by chicklet You'll be fine...this is suppost to be a stress free process. What's going on? I honestly don't know what is going on! I think it's just one of those things...overwhelmed etc. I don't have much to do. There are a few things I can't control like appointments etc. I think I just need a break! Glass of wine & a nice bath is what I am looking for now!
  5. I will email her. I just need to know if there is an adapter hole...I have the cord to plug in because I use it at home. Thanks anyway!
  6. Question for past brides at ROR: The CD Player they use for the music does it come with an adapter for an iPod? Also is it loud enough? The reason I ask is because I was prepared to bring my docking station for my iPod but I'm running out of room in my suitcase. I want to bring it but only if I have to. TIA!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride Oh crap!! I'm an idiot!! I knew that!! I have a friend Tracey - that must be where it came from!! Dumbass! LOL Maybe you'll get some money for your wedding & you can get a last minute trip to ours??!! In any case I know you will be there in spirit...as I will be at yours! Oh...you must be dying with excitement!!!! HEHEHEHE! Not dying from excitement...dying from STRESS! Yup, hardly eating..not really sleeping and panicing about EVERYTHING! I just want to get on the plane right NOW! It's all good though...I'll be just fine...I HOPE!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride Yes you are Tracey!! Want to come to our weddding for your honeymoon!!? Invitation goes out to everyone!! I'd love to have my BDW girls at my wedding with me!! Nice bride buddy! My name is Tanya Unfortunately I may not have time off or any money left after my wedding to come...but boy oh boy would I love to!
  9. I'll post here even though I'm getting married SOON! User Name: Ellipse22 Name: Tanya & Jeff Location: RIU Ocho Rios Wedding: November 19, 2008 in JA: November 16 - 23, 2008
  10. I'm your bride buddy!! But I know it's not the same!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Kimmer We arrive on the 17th and are staying thru until December 1st. Our guests leave on November 24th. When are you staying until? Yes for sure we will have to get together for a drink (or 2) LOL! See you at the ROR! I'll be there from the 16th to the 23rd...we will definetly have to go for a drink..send me an email with a pic so I know who I am lookin for ;-) [email protected]
  12. Showering the night before makes sense. I will have to get in touch with the spa then and book. I don't want to have to go to their location because of how strapped we are going to be with time. So if we have showers the night before that will help save some time! Ok...time to re-write my plan LOL
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride Doesn't he know smoking is bad for you!! But...if that's his thing then the cig pack is great!! I was thinking cuff links too for my Jeff!! But he eyed a watch the other day when we were looking at bands (his eyes always wander to the watches!) so I might get that for him. We weren't planning on getting gifts, but I think we are now...I don't know where I'm going to get the money...pull it out of my @$$ I guess!! I think he's going to get me a piece of Larimar jewellery when we get down to the DR - It's the local stone. It's so beautiful!!! And I guess we can wait for 3 weeks for pics...but you know what pic whores we are!! I hear ya about money...I am in the same situation..I can't wait to eat a full meal..I've been a bad girl about eating..only eating when necessary because I'm sooo strapped for cash..but it's all good lol I thought of a watch but just bought him one for christmas last year. I can't wait to see what you get..lucky girl getting jewellery!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by chicklet We are doing wedding gifts but scrapped christmas this year. None of our family including our parents on both sides aren't doing gifts. Jamaica is enough!! I think I may buy Brad luggage as a wedding gift..*lol* that way I can cram more wedding stuff in I think luggage is a great idea!!! I sure could use another suitcase!
  15. Ohhh and do they come to your room? I didn't reserve online because I didn't want to use my credit card..I plan on booking when I get there!
  16. I had originally thought that getting up at 6am for a 11am wedding is enough time..but now I'm not sure. There are 3 ladies (including me) that are getting our hair done by the Spa at ROR. My bridesmaid is doing our make up. Here is my timeline: 6am - Wake up, Shower & Eat (well try to eat) 7am - Bridesmaid Hair done first, Maid of Honour in Shower 8am - Maid of Honor Hair, Bridesmaid make up 9am - Brides Hair, Maid of Honor make up My bridesmaid is planning on showering the night before. We all have thick hair and it takes forever to dry. We are all having our hair curled (with a curly iron). I would have to get my make up done sometime in there but not sure when. Wedding is at 11am...and I have a feeling I have to walk to the other side of the resort to get to the Pond Gazebo so I figure I need to leave by 10am. I am starting to think I should get up at 5am...yikes that's EARLY! Any suggestions?
  17. Congratulations from one Jamaican bride to another! Welcome!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride So...how'd the list go today?? What did you manage to cross off?? Oh...and hair pics please! I got alot accomplished today...I'm surprised!! No hair pics...I'm a mess lol You'll see pics in 3 weeks..can you wait that long LOL I actually have to go through my list again tomorrow and see what I have to left to do. Question: Are you doing wedding gifts to one another? We agreed to get gifts for eachother but to a max of $50 (we are super tight with money right now..obviously lol) and I got him a cigarette pack (yes he's a bad boy) and silver cuff links...whatcha think?
  19. Thanks ladies! No aisle runner then....getting married at the pond gazebo...don't want to pay the extra $40 lol...yes I'm cheap!
  20. Just curious if previous brides could tell me if you had the Royal Package and the decorations was the aisle runner included? If not...how much? TIA!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by sunstarsmoon Oh one more question. Did you send the orginal copies notarized or your actual birth certificate etc. I am thinking its the copies notarized. Chris I sent notarzied copies. I scanned them into my computer - just so I had a copy and then sent the notarzied copies down to them. You can't send copies of the notarization because the notarization then becomes void...that's what the lawyer told me. I was able to find a lawyer to do 4 pieces of ID for $40...great deal! BTW Where in Ontario?
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by sunstarsmoon I have a question for you about your birth certificate did you send the small wallet version or the long version. Chris Hiya Chris, I didn't send a copy of my birth certificate. I sent notarized copies of my passport and drivers license. They said the documents were fine.
  23. I was told that they wanted them beforehand. I think it was in the information email they sent. Honestly, I don't even remember now LOL
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride That's a relief!! Above everything else your documents are the MOST important thing to have!! Without them you just can't get married!! So, is that one of your 12 off the list?? No...not #12...I didn't even have it on the list. Mainly because I made up the list after I sent the documents..but it is something else to take off my list of stressing me out things I hope to get 2 things knocked off the list this weekend. I thought I was going to be able to go for my last fitting on Saturday but it turns out she is sending it to be pressed on Monday/Tuesday so I can't pick up until Wednesday...that's only 10 days before I leave...let's hope she hemmed it properly..otherwise the dress fit perfectly!
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by christenew oh one other thing. Did you send the original notarized documents or photocopies? Here is the address: Club Hotel Riu Ocho Rios Mammee Bay St. Ann's Bay Jamaica W.I. Att: Chandlyn Edward There is no street address. I attempted to send via Priority Worldwide and they said they needed a proper street address so I sent it International Air Parcel - to ensure I got a tracking #. Also, you have to send the originals. I scanned a copy of the notarized documents into my computer and sent them a copy via email as well as the originals by mail. Just a safety precaution!
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