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Everything posted by bsoxluvr

  1. Sorry everyone, I found the big thread of reviews on the Marriott. Sounds kind of sketchy, but I am keeping my fingers crossed things get better.
  2. Hi Everyone, I am trying to find hotels to contact and I wondered if anyone had reviews on the CasaMagna Marriott? I hear it is close to the dock, which is good because we are getting married at Las Caletas. I did read one very bad review, so I was hoping to find some good ones to counter that. Any help would be great. Thank you, Ladies!
  3. I think you have sold me on her! And no, you certainly do NOT have to be a newly wed to roll around in the sand You should make it an anniversary trip!
  4. Thank you Ladies! I did get a list from Kelly, but I was hoping to talk to someone who has used them before. There doesn't really seem to be anyone on the forum so that is kind of scary. Im pretty sure I will be using Elizabeth, I loved your pics Rachel! How much was extra was the TTD session if you don't mind me asking?
  5. Hi Everyone: I have seen a number of threads regarding photographers in PV, but has anyone used the photographers listed at part of the Las Caletas "package"? I am trying to look at them and I am also looking at Cristine Vince Photography. If anyone has used any of these and are willing to share you experience and photos I would really appreciate it!
  6. Thank you ladies!! Rachel, you look so beautiful! I LOVE your dress!!! Who was your photographer?
  7. This may sound silly, but are you able to see the sunset from Las Caletas? In all the pictures I have been looking at I never see a sunset photo, just the sky at dusk. I have never been to PV so forgive me if I sound crazy!
  8. Hi Everyone! Has anyone used L&A Photography before? I love what I have seen but have been unable to send a request, the address listed comes back as invalid. Just wondering if anyone has some pics they could share and maybe some pricing info? All the best!
  9. Hi All! Can someone tell me what the trashing of the dress is? I have seen it mentioned a few times here but I have never heard of it before. Cheers!
  10. I am not one for public transit (not a fan of the bus) but given your review on driving it is sounding pretty good right about now!!! Good luck on the hotel issue, I hope they do the right thing and save you the stress.
  11. It looks beautiful! Was is a city bus or a shuttle you took into town? Was there any need to rent a car? I feel like I have too many questions
  12. Ladies, where did you all stay? Now that I know where the ceremony will take place, the issue is finding where to put everyone! I know there are a number of vacation rentals and hotels, but what areas did you like best? Any do's or don'ts you can guide me on? You all have been a great help, I am loving this!
  13. Hi, one more thing! Can you send me your pics and maybe some info on your photographer? I love the one you have posted, looks like a great group of gals
  14. Hi Vanessa: Thank you for so much detail! It makes me want to go RIGHT NOW! If you dont mind, I have two questions for you: 1. What about the Westin did you not like? 2. You said the sun went down very fast, about what time would say? I was told that in May the sun doesnt set unil about 8:30pm. Cant wait to see the rest of your pics! Best, Natalie
  15. Thank you for all of the help ladies! Rachel, how was the weather in March? Was it still warm enough at night?
  16. Sorry I noticed those just after I sent the message. By the way, I LOVE your photos! And congrats on the newest member in the family
  17. Thank you, Ann! May looks like a great month, plenty of light. By any chance do you have any information on October? Sorry to ask for more, I kind of had my heart set on November (it seems like a good amount of time from now to save and plan) but sunlight is an issue so now im looking May or October. Best, Natalie
  18. Hi Everyone! I am trying to decide on May vs. November to get married at Las Caletas and am hoping for some help! Am I crazy or will a November wedding ceremony start once the sun has gone down? I have never been to PV before so I am basing all of my assumptions on the information I have read. It seems the weather in November is a little warmer at night and the water clarity is better. May would be my next option (trying to go when the rates are a little easier for everyone) so any information on either month would be GREATLY appreciated!! Best
  19. bsoxluvr


    Hi Everyone! As you can see, I am a newbie My name is Natalie and this is all very new to me. My finacee and I plan to be married at Las Caletas in Puerto Vallarta although no date has been set as of yet. I look forward to being a part of the group!
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