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Everything posted by cutierosie

  1. Hi, I am thinking I may go for the beach wedding set up since yours looks very pretty, do you happen to have the information for those set-ups. I would love for them to set up a small white gazebo by the ocean... Thank you!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by KBMD12309 This may seem like an out of the blue question but is everyone bringing a cake topper down for their cake at the resort? Told ya weird question...Im on a website now that has some pretty cool monogrammed ones what website are you looking at? I am thinking about flowers as a topper, but really what I want is a white ribbon made of icing..but don't know if I can get that one through the WC, anyone know?
  3. Sorry, also how do you book a presidential suite and how much does that cost...Sounds AMAZING!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Dez921714 I have a TA, but I am also in direct contact with the resort. I set up my own ceremony and stuff and just used the TA for the guests rooms. That being said, your TA is right...however, the people in FL can send you the request forms and then put it through to the resort. I don't know if they can guarantee you'll get what you want, but you have a better chance. They can also answere a lot of questions you might have, at least for me, they act as a middle man...I ask them, they ask mexico, they tell me the answer. Hope that helps. Hey everyone, sorry I've been out of the loop...been busy with work, but I have been reading all of your stuff. Anyway, I sent my contract for the wedding package and room. I am still waiting for the link. Apparently, if you book 20+ you get a free private reception and if you book like 30 you get unlimited receptions. Also, I in my room contract, if your people book 3 nights or more they get activities (dolphins, pyramids etc)..which is a really good thing for our guests. Anyway, just curious how much you guys are paying through your TA for the rooms, I didn't get a TA for the rooms and I am paying 422 for double occupancy for April 2009.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by cheeks75 Hello all, I have received menu information, dj information, spa pricing, and I think photographer information. The attachments are at home on my computer. If anyone needs any of that, please let me know. If enough of you need it, then maybe I will just figure out how to post it all here, so it will be available for everyone. Hi, do you have information about table setting decorations (other than flowers) like the candles and napkins etc, I am trying to see what stuff I can put on my budget, or what stuff I would have to buy at home so it can be cheaper. Thanks!
  6. I found the menus on the website, I think these are the ones for reception Palace Resorts Homepage
  7. Thanks dez for the info on the link...I can't wait to get my link and have people start booking! I also want to see the menu options pretty please
  8. RE Room booking link help Hi everyone, my FL coordinator asked me how long people were going to stay, and I provided a five day window, but honestly, I don't know how long people are going to stay at the resort, or if they are staying there at all. So, my question is when they give you the link, can guests edit the info when clicking the link to the time frame they are going to stay there? Thanks you girls are the best!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Dez921714 Whooohooo...after weeks of nagging them, I FINALLY got my link from the MP for my guests to book through 11 poeple already have their airfair bought, so now they can start booking their rooms. I'm so excited!!!! You girls are right! nagging them is the best way to go to get a WC early. I think my person in FL (Elizabeth) is probably tired of me already. I haven't sent my contract yet and I am already asking for the room link, I just don't want to send save the dates that say cancun and then have people booking stuff in cancun that is not the Moon Palace...I don't want to miss out in the room promotions that give you the cocktail hour etc for booking a certain number of rooms.
  10. HELP RE Contract Just got my contract from FL and on the e-mail that prefaces the attachment, it says the "wedding coordinator from the resort will contact you 30 days prior to your wedding to confirm further details," I thought it was 90 days What is the deal with this?
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by RECancunBride I got married there in November - it was awesome. There is someone that just got married there recently if you look she has a long review of vendors list - I think her userID lbberger (?) but I will help in anyway possible. Congratulations - I tell my husband all the time I want to get married again! I loved everything about our destination wedding. Hi, I am interested in doing a ceremony there in April, but having my reception at Moon Palace. Do you have a cost sheet of the ceremony etc... and an e-mail with contact information? THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH! and Congratulations on booking such a beautiful resort for your wedding
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Dez921714 I think we're heading down on the 13th. Most of our families are coming down the 16-19th...with our wedding on teh 17th. FYI...check cheaptickets.com, cheapest flights I have found are on Mexicana out of JFK...direct flight too! I am going to book the rooms through MP, but for airlines, I am wondering if any of you have any suggestions as far as Travel Agents for flights, I have some people coming from NY, Wisconsin, Los Angeles and San Francisco.
  13. SUBJECT: Favors I really like the favors at this website and the cost is very reasonable. My main concern is the weight of the items for travel as I plan to carry wedding dress etc. So, I'm thinking about going with small candles, and maybe do more with the OOT bags. OOT bags freak me out though seems like a lot is involved in making them and they probably will weigh a lot. Any info on OOT bags is greatly appreciated. Wedding Favors - Unique Wedding Favors - Cheap Wedding Party Favors
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by MoonPalacePookie OMG, I get on here and I have 3 unread pages, you girls have been busy. For favors, we got personalized shot glasses that are big enough to hold tea candles, I got some LED candles for them, so we dont have melted wax in them. We will have them on the table as part of our decoration and then the guests can take them to their room and have fake candles and shot glasses. We're also doing personalized napkins, they're blue and will have each guest's name of them as place cards. This way we can get the basic white set-up from the hotel and add our own napkins. (I need to take pictures of the napkins, we just finished them last night and I will post a planning thread with all the pics.) Everything we're doing have a dual purpose to save on the amount of stuff we have to bring. We're also doing palm fans from the Oriental Trading company for the ceremony with our program attached with ribbon. Still haven't been assigned a wedding planner, GGRRRRRRR. Those napkins sound cool! would love to see them!
  15. SUBJECT: MP Multiple Gazebos So, how many gazebos are there at MP?? I read somewhere there were more than one...is that true If so, do you have any pics? PS Thanks for the flower suggestion, I will take a photo of my bouquet and hope for the best!
  16. Subject: MP Bride Bouqet So, I saw some bouquets for the bride on the MP website, but they don't look that great and the selection is not that big, I am wondering if you guys have received pictures additional to the ones on their website and cost of those. I know previous brides have chosen to get syntethic flowers, but I really don't want to go that route, more so in light of the fact they are already charging me for that on my weeding package. Thanks for the replies
  17. Subject: MP Beach As far as concerns regarding the beach, I saw tons of pictures of this on trip advisor, so you can get an idea of what it looks like. Here's the link (it is under Traveler photos & videos) Moon Palace Golf & Spa Resort (Cancun, Yucatan Peninsula) - Resort Reviews - TripAdvisor
  18. SUBJECT: Table settings Hi everyone, just to update you girls, I still have not had my 5pm time slot confirmed for the ceremony, but I do have a 6pm confirmed, so hopefully, my time slot will be confirmed soon! Anyway, I appreciate the info about the different reception areas that was posted I was wondering if any of you has information about the table settings for the reception?? I saw info about the cost of flower table settings, but if you have received information as to how much they charge for say the name cards, candles, etc. I saw some on their website and they look beautiful, but I am sure they cost a lot...I'm trying to figure out my budget, so info about this would help me a ton. Thank you to all for posting!
  19. Mariela, I just received an e-mail from Elizabeth Medina, turns out that you have to pay for her to stay there the night of the wedding...I guess that is how you get around the policy of no outside vendors. So, not too bad...but god I can't afford her services I found out. Her pictures are awesome!
  20. Fire dancers sound soooooooooooo cool I LOVE THE IDEA! Hey, blinkgrl, can you tell me how much Elizabeth Medina charging you? I am trying to fit it in my budget. I love her pictures.
  21. Blinkgrl, Way to go on planning early!!! I wish I had done that as I am getting a little nervous about doing all the planning and I still have about a year left to plan...
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by deznchris2006 According to what they sent me today, the Lake Terrace can accomodate up to 300 guests for a coctail reception and up to 150 guests for a buffet Quote: Originally Posted by deznchris2006 I got this from the FL office today "The function details are handled and finalized with your coordinator on-site. For the time being since she has not been assigned, I have attached more information on our locations and menus" FL office has been pretty good to us. Karina is our main contact. Takes her about 24 hours to respond to emails, but she does respond. About a month ago she tried to get me assigned to my onsite person because I had a lot of questions she couldn't answer LOL Onsite wasn't responsive, so she's been a middler person...I ask her, she asks them, she tells me their answeres. I'm hoping that once our room block is good to go, they'll assign my person and we can get the ball rolling. We signed the wedding contract in Feb. and JUST signed the group contract for the rooms. We're having them home 10 rooms thursday night and 25 rooms friday, sat, and sunday nights. Guests have up to 45 days before the wedding, if rooms aren't booked by then, they release them. To set up the contract we had 2 options...either put 10% down on each room, or pay for our room in full. We paid for our room in full, as we KNOW we'll be there LOL I am glad to hear about the option as to the rooms, as that was my concern about putting down 10% of all the rooms now. I will also pay our room in full that is the best way to go!!!
  23. Hey Pookie, I LOVE YOU thanks so much for pic of Lake Terrace. I think that is where I am going to hold mine too. You think there is enough space for a dance floor for 55 people? I hope so since that is how many people I am expecting.
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