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Everything posted by cutierosie

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by mtomas5555 Hello from Cancun! Things are going great so far! Wedding is Monday. I'll send pics and review when I get back. Melissa Melissa, thank you so much for thinking of us! My thoughts are with you. I hope you have a wonderful wedding. I look forward to viewing your pics and review!!! Much Love, Rosie
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by absolutpink24 Thank you. Trust me, the Miami office won't disappoint. Neither will Mexico. I work better at freelance wedding planning because the outcome is handled by me and not dependent on someone else sending me info. Not having the information to answer questions and having to wait to hear from the Mexico office irritated me. Carolina is more then aware of the issues that need tweaking. They are going to be adding to their staff in Miami hopfully to lighten the work load on the coordinators. Miami is just the stepping stone. Mexico finalizes every detail and they do it well. If you guys have any wedding questions I'll be happy to help. Dear Elizabeth, I am sorry things didn't work out with the Palace...but I am glad to hear you are going to go to a place where you will be happier.You helped me a lot with my own wedding planning and the delays that took place were understood given that the WC's are in Mexico. Truth be told one of the reasons I went with Moon Palace was because they had an office in FL and was able to obtain information maybe not right away but at least within two weeks...a lot shorter time than the time it took me to hear back from many other resorts. I hope you don't feel personally attacked by complaints about delay on this forum...almost every resort has delays given that the wedding is to take place in a foreign country. I never complained about you to your manager etc I understand that it was difficult for you to answer questions given that you have to wait to get a response for a long time and then it wrongfully appears as though you are the person responsible for the delay. I too have that problem at my current job and therefore am looking for a new one. I support your decision fully and understand why you departed. Thank you for offering to answer our questions!!!! Best Wishes, Rosie
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by mexico2009 Hey girls! Did you get the email about Elizabeth no longer working at the Palace?? What are you talking about Elizabeth Stinson in Florida? I have elizabeth stinson and did not receive an e-mail, can you PM me the e-mail please.... Thank you!!!!
  4. Nicole your dress is gorgeous!!! You look so pretty. Are your flowers real? Can't wait for your review. I am really happy things worked out for you Love,Rosie
  5. You look like a princess! Thank you for writing this well organized review. I am very happy to read your review because it helps some of the concerns I was having 1) One of the big reasons I chose the Moon palace was the carriage, I love that idea, and the pictures look beautiful. I am glad to see the carriage guy was not wearing a mariachi suit, I love the the carriage, but don't really like the mariachi suits LOL Did you ask for a no mariachi suit carriage driver? 2) the flowers are a huge issue for me because I want natural flowers but I am already over my budget and I am not even half way through my planning. So, I have a question does the 12 calla lillies reception centerpiece cost $70? 3)I like your idea of the North Solarium which is a raised platform overlooking the pool. Did you have to pay extra for this? Thanks for help and review Mrs. Pookie!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by LorenaandAndy We are only about one month away. Wedding is September 6, 2008. Wedding will be at the Imaculate Conception Chapel (gazebo). Reception at the Buganvilia Terrace. Welcome Lorena! So exciting your wedding is right around the corner!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by blinkgrl119 omg i want elizabeth medina!! obviously its too early for us to book...we will wait til the wedding has been booked and confirmed then that is next to organise. Which of elizabeth's packages have you chosen? If we are lucky enough to get her, I want 6 hours then a TTD session! Have you let MP know you are bringing her? I know from people on this forum that it won't be a problem as long as they are a "guest" at the hotel...but just wondering if you have ran it by MP as well? One last question...get me, little miss nosey...but I have communicated with Elizabeth through email, and she had said we would be required to pay for her accommodation....do you know what mp's rate is for one night? sooo many questions...sorry lady! but soo happy i have found someone in a really similar situation as me! woo hooo! I contacted Elizabeth Medina 9 months before the wedding (I was waiting on wedding date confirmation etc) and she was already booked, so if you are interested in booking her do it way in advance, she told me all she needed was a retainer. I actually went with matt adcock from del Sol photography and they are great too!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by mexico2009 Im still trying to figure out how to navigate the forum, soooo many pages LOL : ) Would you mind posting the link to the post of pictures for the MP beach wedding? Thanks!!! Check out page 39 of this thread, that is where the beach set up pictures I found are located (There you will also see the set-up I want lol) If you get info on any other beach set-ups (or cost) please let me know as I am leaning towards a beach wedding and your wedding is before mine so you will get that info before me.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by mexico2009 For those of you who set up a wedding website,( personal not from the knot), like www.soandso.com. What site did you use? Thanks! I used wedding window, if you pay 15 dollars you can have your personal named website (if the name is available as a domain). The website is so easy to use, you can have your guests rsvp for the wedding through it and it sends you notifications as well as thanking the person who rsvp'd. You can also put music on it, your pictures, and they have TONS of options like polls, quizes, hotel information, albums, and many stock photos you can use. Also, you can sign up for their 10 day trial period without a credit card so you can experience it. The websites look very beautiful, classy and personalized. It does cost like 75-100 per year, but it is totally worth it. I know that there are MUCH cheaper sites out there, but not as good as this one for weddings. Also note that there is a thread on this forum called wedding websites, so you can read about different websites.
  10. Sharla thank you sooooo much for your lovely review. I am really sorry about the room issue, I am glad to hear you got the private dinner in light of that problem (that private dinner cost almost 2k). Anyway, I LOVED your hair style, I am glad to know that there is a talented hairstylist as I was concerned about what my hair was going to look like. The one question I have is where did you have your cocktail hour and dinner? once again, you looked AMAZING!!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by mexico2009 Im getting a little frustrated. I requested my date 5 days ago and have not heard if I got it. How long did it take you to hear? It says 24-48 hrs. I had elizabeth and it took her about 2 1/2 weeks to confirm my date and time, she stated that the minister was taking awhile to respond (mind you my wedding is not even religious, but a minister still had to be confirmed what the hell lol) But she did say that it was tentatively reserved until she heard back from the minister. Then it took like another 3-5 days to get a contract.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by erinnjosh Hello Ladies!!! I got another email today insisting that I cannot reserve anything until 90 days before the wedding when I am given my onsite coordinator. Geez louse. Is anyone getting married on the beach?? Do we just make this decision last minute when we get there?? Plus, I was thinking of asking all of my guests to wear a certain color. like "dress in colors of the ocean" or "dress in colors of the sunset" I've seen in a few of Elizabeth Medina's pictures and it looks cool. Anyone else thinking of doing this?? if so, what color?? random smiley but I thought he was funny. "All the beaches in Mexico are considered as public, everybody can freely walk along the beach strips of the Mexican territory. However most of the hotels located on the beach would not allow you to use their facilities if you are not guest of them or unless you do some comsumption at their restaurants or bars." See Cancun Beach - Cancun Beaches - Cancun Beach Resorts - Cancun Public Beaches I am considering a beach wedding and have done research regarding this, MP is huge and you can do a beach wedding on the sand, or in the lake terrace overlooking the ocean (if you want to wear high heels), I have posted previously pictures of the beach weedings for MP (i think). They generally charge 300-700 for the set up (and i think 10 per person) and you get to choose which set up you want. You can do this when you get your WC or in the case of someone I know she changed her mind from gazebo to beach when she arrived to the resort and they accomodated her. I don't know if for sure i will go for the beach wedding because I want to wear high heels lol The good thing about MP is that is huge, so you will be able to have many options...and they have a vendor that has beach set-ups, so don't worry too much.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by ashrose That's good to know. Elizabeth wont answer my questions. She'll respond to an email... but maybe half-way answer an email. I mean... I was really clear that I needed A, B, and C from her... UGGG. Also she quoted me rates over the phone for 2010 and then I emailed her several times and said "confirm confirm" and then today she sent me entirely new rates. Buggaboo! I have elizabeth in FL too, and l have the same problems you do with her...if you can figure out who her manager is let me know. Thanks!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by erinnjosh hey ladies! I emailed the florida lady and go the "you will have to wait until 60 days" routine. She also said they do the ceremonies in the gazebos only...SO....hm...I don't know what to do. I'm thinking I might just show up, pick whatever flowers they have, and get married wherever they put me.....is that horrible?? I don't want to stress or have to nag the people in Mexico. And I think we're going to do the cocktail hour, and then eat dinner in a restaurant afterwards, as long as we're all seated together. We have a pretty laid back crowd. We're also considering a sunset cruise to Isla Mujeres for the reception depending on the ## of people coming. However, I'm sure I'll change my mind 100000 times before then! I'm so jealous of all you ladies who are getting close to your date! We're ready to go now! Now we're planning the AHR, and its stressful too!!!!!! so much $$$ to dish out. Erin Erin, first of all the FL lady is wrong, because 1. My contract states you can get a wedding coordinator 90 days before the wedding NOT 60. 2. When you get your WC in Mexico, you can choose where to have your wedding (If you want to call mexico earlier you can, or you can go through the FL lady's manager, they all have one) 3. You can get married in the beach instead of the gazebo, you just have to pay set-up fees. Hope this helps! Rosie
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by katt Hello ladies Wow you all are like a family. cutierose,and pookie plesae tell me how everything goes. I'm interrested in doing a slideshow at my reception Hey Katt, my wedding is in April 11, 2009. I am so excited yours is also in April 2009!
  16. Happy Birthday Dez! PS I also can't wait for Sharla's and Pookie's review. I am really interested in seeing pookie's bouquet!!!
  17. If you put a link on your website for people to book their rooms at the MP, do you get a message every time someone books a room? How do you find out how many people have booked their rooms? Thank you for your help.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by MoonPalacePookie Sharla, Glad to see you back, your pictures are gorgeous, I'm so sticking with the hotel photographer. Can't wait for your review, but I will probably miss it as I'm leaving next week. Sorry you had a bad experience with the WC, but glad to hear everything was perfect. I loved your bouquet, I'm doing the same exact thing, only with white roses instead of red. You looked absolutely gorgeous, I love your hair and your dress. Good Luck with your wedding Pookie! I am sure your wedding will be awesome~! Would love to see your pictures when you return
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by SharlaScott Hey Melissa!! I WISH I could tell you everything went smoothly before the wedding but it was a complete disaster. Nancy Anduja had EVERYTHING messed up! I don't want to scare you or anyone else but it was the most stressful week of my life until the wedding day. THAT WAS PERFECT!!! All my WC would tell me is what time I had to be at the salon and what time they were picking me up....so simple and relaxing and it was WAY beyond my expectations! We were married at 4pm....I tried to get it at 6 because it was so hot...so 5 o'clock would be great I think! I can't wait for your review Sharla
  20. Dez, honey I had no idea you were going through this!!! I am soooo very sorry to hear you are having some problems. At the end of the day, every relationship goes through ups and downs, and only you know if this is the right thing for you. I agree with people that say that you shouldn't worry about the people that have spent money etc, this is your life, worth more than any amounts money . As I mentioned in my MP thread a while ago, my FI and I also had problems with him telling me i was obsessing over the wedding. At that time I told him he may be right, but he obsesses over other things like baseball, so to let me be and I would let him be...and that he should love me for who I am even if I am obsessed with the wedding (which I am not, in fact I didn't even want one but for him asking for one). Since the day I told him that he was sooo nice, even telling me he was going to pay for most of the wedding and that he would let me choose whatever I wanted (within the budget of course)...I hope he doesn't take that back LOL As far as the cleaning thing, I am not rich by any means, but before I moved in with my FI, I told him we had to work out the cleaning situation and we both came to an agreement that we would hire a cleaning lady to come every 15 days. That has worked well, I am not saying it is perfect, but it has helped the situation regarding the cleaning. Counseling helps for sure as you have an outsider that looks in and takes a neutral position. I would like for you to be happy, so whatever decision you make I am confident you will make the right one, and everyone that cares for you will stand by your decision...after all, it is you who will live with the decisions, so you should make the decision based on what you think is right regardless of what everyone else thinks. I am glad to hear things are better with your FI, and wish you the best of luck!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Dez921714 Just an FYI...I was told that you can only have an outside photographer if a) they were a guest at the hotel and they were not based in Mexico. You might want to look into it. Thanks Dez for the info, I know that Elizabeth Medina has been able to take pictures at moon palace if you put her up as a guest in a room for the day of the wedding. So, I just e-mailed the WC in Florida to get all the details. Will let you all know when I find out.
  22. Amduran, Matt just contacted us and said he could be our photographer and I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!! We will book him a room for the night, to be on the safe side with the MP's policy. As far as the guest passes, I got this from WC in florida: The day pass is from 8am to 10pm. For 2008 it is $81.00 & 2009 is $84.00 per person. It includes food, beverage and alcohol.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMHeikkinen Melissa, Del Sol Photography is stationed in Riviera Maya. Not only is their photography great but they are terriffic people to work with. Sol Tamargo even accompained my wedding planner to a resort to check it out, and I didn't even ask! Matt Adcock, her husband I believe, was also a tremendous help! We put down our deposit for May 24, 2009 mon Hi there, did you put a deposit for Del Sol for your wedding on May 24, 2009? I had contacted them and initially Matt said that they couldn't really do it because of the "no vendor policy" at the Moon. Then Del Sol, said they could do it, but we have still not heard back from them (I think they were on vacation), when did you put the deposit down?
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