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Everything posted by kellywinter1

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by CODestBride2009 I love those colors! Awww I love these programs! I love the colors, same colors as mine.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by DLyteful I was having a fit about what to do for flowers. The upgrades at the resort were soooo expensive and the free ones were not all that cute. I really wanted something to add color. Then I thought PARASOLS. Plus alot of girls on here started posting their pics and it looks soooo good and it fits into the whole beach thing. PLUS its so much less expensive than flowers (silk & real). I think I spent $45 for 5 parasols. That's all we are going to carry (even me). What the heck, its a destination wedding! I am totally with you and your thinking! I think I still may carry flowers but I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars for all my BMs to carry flowers too. Some of the reasons we decided on a destination wedding was to have something fun nontraditional so I think the parasols work in beautifully with that idea.... Thanks for sharing the site info where you purchased yours, I will be looking in to ordering mine!
  3. I love it! I think it's great! To me the seating seems more intimate than the traditional seating.
  4. Love the shoes! Sexy!!! My feet would be hurting at the end of the night if I tried to sport those babies!
  5. The pictures are great! I would have totally have guessed you photographer was a seasoned professional! And you looked like a hotty!!!! I love the shoes! Where did you get them from?
  6. You did a great job paying attention to detail! I love the stamps! LOL Are you sending them in clear envelopes? Where did you get them?
  7. First off congrats on the weight loss! I have 2 tatoos. A butterfly with flowers on my upper thigh and Stars and a Sun with the word sunshine on my lower back. The butterfly I got when I was 17 and added flowers to it 2 years ago. The lower back started as just a sun and then turned into stars with sunshine after my father died . He use to call me his sunshine.
  8. Your pictures were great! I like the one where one of the GM was with a bunch of girls in bathing suits! LOL You look beautiful! Congrats!
  9. Aww you look so happy! I am so glad everything worked out so well for you, except the weather, and it was everything you wanted!!!
  10. The dress is perfect! It looks like it was made for you!
  11. You looked so happy! The bustle picture is cute! Congrats!
  12. Thanks for sharing your pics! You looked beautiful. I love your dress!
  13. I wanted to have my hair long for my wedding too, but I wanted to cut it so I know your dilemma. I ended up cutting it. Plus I have plenty of time for it to grow out. If it is not long enough to satisfy me when the wedding comes around I am just getting extensions. I say cut it!!!
  14. Thanks for sharing your pictures! I want to see more! I love the picture of you and your new husband dancing! Awww so cute! I keep seeing BM holding parasols insted of flowers and I am loving that idea more and more! Sorry your professional pics didn't work out.
  15. I would use the palm tree covered bag but Im not too into the first one. I do think the first one could be utilized for younger guest like children, just not the adults.
  16. I am in total agreement with you- DC sucks! Ok so maybe not all of DC sucks but driving in DC is def the worst!!! Every time I have been to DC I have gotten lost. UGH! DC recently has been ranked as one of the top 5 cities in the US with the worst drivers! LOL I couldn't agree more!
  17. Judy, your pictures were absolutely amazing! They looked like something right out of the pages of Modern Bride!!!!!You looked beautiful! Your site was amazing! I am in awe! I can't wait to see more pics!!!
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