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Everything posted by kellywinter1

  1. That's crazy that they were the only two to make it. If I were them I would totally feel like there was a reason as to why I made it and the others didn't. I think I would examine my life and try to figure out if I am truely serving my purpose in life. My prayers will be with the families of all those in the crash.
  2. Daine I am sorry to hear you are going through this. I had a similar experience. I was engaged and planning a wedding with a man that I had been with for 7 years, had a daughter with and had just purchased a house with, when out of the blue he decided to tell me he didn't want to get married. I was completely shocked and I felt like my world was ending. Initially I fliped out and started making rash decisions, instead of trying to talk about how and why he was at the point. After i calmed down we eventually talked about things and I came to the conclusion that getting married wasn't the right thing to do. In my situation we had a rocky relationship from the begining and there were many other issues involved like cheating and alcohol. So m advise to you is as long as your story doesn't involve similar issues to mine give him time and dont't make any rash decisions. Like all the other ladies suggest try to talk about this and get to the root of why he is feeling this way. I hope every thing works out for you and you have a happy ending to report back to us.
  3. Hi Jamie! I have been battling with acne my whole life! It was so bad that I was even put on Accutane, which is a very strong medication that while taking you can not give blood and blood test are required frequently while on the medication, when I was a teenager. While I wouldn't recommend this for you currently it did work. I currently treat my acne with the skin medica brand acne care kit. I have tried everything from prescription creams, antibiotics, and OT products and nothing has ever worked as well as the skin medica brand! Also I receive microderm treatments at least every 3 months. This also has helped a lot!! I have tried a chemical peel but I did not get the desirable effect. I hope this helps. Good luck!!
  4. I am sorry to hear about your troubles. I completely understand what you are going through right now. My FI is unemployeed and has had no luck with finding a job in this job market, and my father just got laid off from his job!!! Our wedding plans are on hold right now until we can find a way to pay for it.
  5. You did a great job! the pinatas are adorable. Where did you get them from?
  6. Centerpieces on the cocktail tables, except with bright pink rose petals instead of orchids: I LOVE your centerpieces!!!! They would work perfct for me with the orchids though!!! Thanks for all your pictures and great ideas!!! It is amazing you still have a job! LOL
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by nikkianddean kelly that is so cute!! i love personalized stamps!!! make sure you take them to the post office so they send them out without that ugly bar code. that happened to my friend right over her picture stamp Your pic is beautiful!!! Nikki thanks for warning me about the bar code, I would be upset it I paid all this money for special stamps for them to get ruined by the bar code! Although this is not one of my favorite pictures of myself. It had just got done raining when we left for the park so my hair frizzed out, then when we got into the AC at the castle my hair went flat. Plus I was crying so much due to all the emotion of the moment my eyes were red and my eyes were puffy! The close up pictures of us in the castle when he proposed are hillarious because I look so horrible! It's pretty funny!
  8. Hey ladies! I was so happy to find our personalized stamps in the mail today and I just had to share them with my BDW friends! I ordered these off of zazzle.com. They were a little expensive but I think worth it. Zazzle was very easy and great to work with. I ordered them last week and used standard shipping, so it didn't take long for them to arrive! This picture was taken in Disney World shortly after we had dinner in the castle where Joe had proposed. Zazzle.com
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by IslamoradaBride Ooh, those are pretty, kellywinter1! Make sure to take pictures for us when you try on so we can see for ourselves . Thanks! I will! I think I am leaning more towards the 2 one because it just seems more like a bridal gown, plus my FI was looking through the magazine and told me that dress was the one he liked best.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by CODestBride2009 This is what we said on one of our boarding passes... "Dear Family & Friends, while we both would love for all of your and your families to attend, your attendence certainly is not expected. We hope that you are as excited as we are about this special event. We look forward to celebrating this occasioin in a beautiful destination and having a vacation to remember with all of you! Upon our return from Mexico we are planning on having a reception in Denver, date TBA." We said something very similar to that, but we put ours on our wedding site and just had the sites address on our STD.
  11. I love that they are different than the usual BM dress. They look comfortable! And I am sure your girls will wear them again!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by KLC77 I know... and looking at them on the site again today was a bad idea... I want to have more than one dress!* Ha, my fiance would kill me. lol* Yours is awesome too.* I like the new styles. Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK OOooOo I love that dress! They have so many nice ones to chose I went to David's Bridal this weekend and found 2 dresses I like! I am going back in a couple weeks with my mom, FMIL and MOH to make the final decision. Here are the two I like, both are totally different styles!David's Bridal - Bridal Gowns V8798 Satin A-line halter with pearl beading at gathered empire waist.David's Bridal - Bridal Gowns T9381 Faille A-line gown with pleated knot front empire bust and bubble hem.
  13. Aww I love your pictures. The one reminds me of Romeo and Juliet! How romantic! That site was awesome!!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Jennifer Kelly - Did you get the email I forwarded from Gaby this week? Just curious if you were getting my emails! Jennifer- Hi! I wasn't in my office on Friday, I was traveling for work, so if you sent it then I haven't gotten a chance to look at it. I did receive an email from Gaby from Daniella's email address saying she will be helping me now and asked if corresponding through email was ok. On Monday I will check my work email and get back to you.
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