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Everything posted by kellywinter1

  1. I love the hair style. That what I am looking for- something sexy and pretty! I like the venue to. I am asuming you are going with an Asian theme. I like it! And the ringbear is adorable! I can't wait to see the wedding pics!
  2. I absolutely love this thread!!! All the real brides look so much better than the models! All you guys look beautiful! I haven't went shopping for my dress yet but when I do I will make sure to post pictures!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Juan Navarro Hello, I am Juan Navarro, the Dreams Resort photographer. Just to clarify this fact, the basic package the resort includes are 90 mins. covering ceremony, candid shots, family pics, wedding party, beach location, bride & groom together, bride alone. For this package there are 300-400 pics taken. If you have any further questions, please reply this message and I will be more than happy to help you. Hi Juan! Thank you for clearing things up for us Dreams Cancun brides. I also think you need to contact the WC at Dreams and make sure they are giving out the correct information regarding the photo packages. I am a May 13, 2009 bride and I have purchased the ultimate package which includes photos. Could you please send me rate for additional time and photos? Thanks!
  4. AWWW! I like the song. It's nice you have this special song incorporated in the wedding. Have you thought about adding it into your invites?
  5. Your dress is amazing! I love it! That's the style I want. I have seen so many good deals on dresses on line but I am worried I will buy it and it will look horrible on me or wont fit. Sis you just order the dress straight off the internet or did you try to find a similar dress some where to try it on?
  6. I like the first one the best, but I also like the second one too. What about doing both?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by dc22173 I sent an email to the group excursions desk at Dreams and they sent me a listing of all the group tours they had to offer. The person who responded said that if I needed pricing for the excursions to email them again. I have attached the listing he sent me. Their email is [email protected]. As for hotel sponsored group activities, I am wondering is you could email the concierge and they might be able to provide you with a listing of activities. Their email is [email protected]. I do agree that both Daniella and Claudia can be pretty vague with their answers but it makes me wonder if they are understanding what they are being asked. I dont know if there is a language barrier there. Just my two cents I thought that there may be a language barrier also, but I don't think that is the reason why they handle all things so poorly. My concern is their lack of consistancy. I have read through a bunch of threads where the WC responses to different brides conflict. Some weddings they have demanded a deposit where others they didn't want any money until arrival; they tell one bride she can have outside vendors and they tell another she can't; ect. Also I feel like the website package information is lacking information and is a bit deceitful, as we have seen from the whole picture incident. I want to be possitive and it is helpful to see that while so many other brides have had similar issues with the WC at Dreams Cancun yet still had a fabulous wedding, but I don't want to be one that ends up with a horror story.
  8. I agree with every one else, you should do what you want! I don't think I will be doing a rehersal dinner, I would rather do a welcome dinner. We may do a fun excursion with our bridal party (that is if we even have one). I also will not be doing a program. I like you would have no idea what to include in it until after I met with the WC. Plus I don't plan on having a long or detailed ceremony. But I say go for whatever you a most comfortable with!
  9. You have been hard at work planning and getting all this together! I like your ribbons as tabel runners. I was considering this myself! It looks very nice. Congrats!
  10. I am sorry I have no suggestions on your wording, I too am blanking. But I would like to reap the benefits of any suggestions any one has for you.
  11. There are a couple TA on here. Take advantage of these ladies knowledge. I am working with Jennifer, she is an expert on Sandals, but she is helping me with travel and accomidations for both me and my guest for Cancun.
  12. You did a really great job on your brochure! Very creative. I, like every one else, liked the meet the guest portion. How did you make your brochure?
  13. Congrats, new mommy! I am glad Gwendolyn is doing well. All of you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Michelle&Steve thanks so much everyone!!! im sooo excited! ive been studying for my medical boards, so im exhausted and in dire need of a vaca.. i emailed claudia a couple weeks ago to set up a appt time, but havent heard back yet, i guess itll work out when we get there... i did get the discounted rate for me, my fiance, my mom, and his parents! i emailed claudia about this a few months ago, and she set it all up. i will def get spa pics! no prob! i wanted my cocktail hour at the spa as well. so ill get some pictures and see if its possible to do that. we are doing our recpetion in the ballroom.. :-) Wow studying for your medical boards! Good luck! You have a lot going on with the wedding and becoming a doctor I bet you need a vac! Thanks for taking the time to assist us fellow brides with getting pics and info when you do your site visit. I can't wait to hear how much fun you had and see all the pics and get all the info you have for us.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 Yeah i think they are on here but i'll re-post for you. Its a bloody fortune and you can't deduct what you've already got you have to pay the whole lot again, if you want an upgrade you don't pay the difference you pay the lot!!! Package 1 Photo Express 36 photos on a CD only Not printed $ 470 usd + 10% tax 1 hour Package 2 36 photos 5x7 Colour Prints Album & CD with 36 negatives $ 590 usd + 10% tax 1 hour Package 3 50 photos 5x7 Colour Prints Album & CD with 50 negatives $ 690 usd + 10% tax 1-2 hours Package 4 90 photos 4x6 5 photos 5x7 5 photos 8x10 Colour, B&W, Sepia, Mix Colour prints Album & CD with 100 negatives 2-3 hours $ 980 usd + 10% tax Package 5 130 photos 4x6 10 photos 5x7 10 photos 8x10 Colour, B&W, Sepia, Mix Colour prints Album & CD with all negatives $ 1,610 usd + 10% tax 5 hours So this whole Dreams package thing is turning out to be a joke! I thought I was getting a good deal when I decided on paying for their ultimate package but they don't explain all these little loop holes like this one! My package includes pictures but that only includes 40 mins of a photographer, so if I bought the extra minimum package I would be paying $470 for an extra 20 min or would I get an extra hour? And would the 36 photos on the CD be the photos I should have already received from the package I bought or will they be extra? Has any one checked out the prices for the VIP flowers and cakes!? Again flowers and a cake are included in the package I purchased but the flowers I really want are in the VIP package and they range from $130-200 extra! Same things with the cake! You would think if you purchased a package they would give you a discounted rate if you wanted to upgrade. I don't see the benefit in buying a package now!
  16. Michelle I hope you have a great time! Reading through some other threads I believe I read Dreams will offer you a discounted price for a site visit. I was wondering if you received a discounted price? If so who helped you get this, and how far in advanced did you have to plan your visit? I can't wait to see pics from your trip! If you can can you get some pics of the spa, that's where I want to have my reception.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 Yeah apparently so, either him or Claudia Rodriguez, thats what the WC told me anyway -not happy tho because if you get the package you only get him for 40 mins !! 40 mins!!! Ugh that is nothing! Do you know the rates if you want him to stay longer?
  18. Thanks every one for the encouragement and suggestions! I am happy to report that the FI and I have decided to go on with our wedding in Cancun! After much more discussion between us, my FI confided in me that having a wedding that all his family and friends can attend is important to him. Plus his mom freaked out when I told her we were going to elope, and I think that was what prompted him to speak up. We are now getting more positive encouragement from our friends and family and people are beginning to take more of an interest in our day.
  19. I am so greatful for this thread. I am also on a tight budget and I went with the package that included the photography for that reason, but reading throught the other threads and not really knowing the work of the resort's photograher I was worried. But not my fears are gone. Juan's work looks pretty nice.
  20. Very impressive! It looks like you put a lot of hard work into these invites. I am sure your guest will be awed.
  21. You have been working hard, girl! Everything looks great! And I love the ring! It's beautiful! Congrats!!
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