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Everything posted by Thomasjsgirl

  1. That's absolutely disgusting. HE is the swine. Filthy pig.
  2. Hi Caleya, I just sent them off to you. I hope you can find some useful stuff in them. Good luck!
  3. Sexy has no size! Whether you're well-endowed or not won't make any difference. Sexy is an attitude - so go in there with attitude and your shots will be gorgeous!
  4. The organizers of my stagette did something similar, since everyone was invited via email and telephone. They created little address slips with a spot for each guest's name and address and had the guests fill those out. So, they weren't addressing their own thank-you cards, but still providing their info nonetheless. Then, my mother-in-law threw a small surprise shower for me and did the envelope thing. It was the first time I had ever seen that, but no one seemed to mind or care! I guess it should bear mentioning to the B2B and if she is uncomfortable with it, then ultimately the decision to veto it should be hers.
  5. I didn't know Canada Post did this! I thought it was a service only available in the US. That's good to know for future events. Thanks so much for posting!
  6. I like the replacement mugs better than the originals! What a great colour, it really pops! Your guests are going to love them!
  7. Sometimes its a cultural thing ... my background is Italian, and there is absolutely no way that only my family and friends would be invited to a bridal shower held in my honour. It's considered an insult to the groom's family if they are shut out. Usually both sides provide a list of who they would like to include, similar to the actual wedding and reception. Was she consulted at all about family invitees?
  8. Elizabeth, you've outdone yourself. I don't even know this beautiful couple, but you managed to bring tears to my eyes through your photos. You've captured the emotions so brilliantly, that you can feel them. Simply gorgeous.
  9. Try bed and bath shops. the inflatable bath pillows will do the trick!
  10. Well you could stay silent on it, but that could be interpreted that you are expecting gifts, which might be considered grasping after your guests have shelled out $thousands to share your day. Those who truly want to gift you, will do so even with a note from you/fiance not to. Personally, I think it's a trade-off -- you get the gorgeous, tropical wedding of your dreams surrounded by your closest family and friends, and you forgo the toasters, sheets and towels. OR, you fork out big bucks for a traditional at home wedding, but you get the toasters, sheets and towels. You can always get what you need to set up house a little at a time, but a destination wedding and it's memories are a once-in-a-lifetime event that you'll cherish more than a china setting, lol!
  11. Exactly! I prepared a pre-travel brochure that had flight and hotel details, etc. On the very last page I added a paragraph about gifts, and stated that their gift to us was their presence at our wedding. (I used the old stand-by "your presence is present enough") I kind of made a joke about it, but got our message across.
  12. I did the same thing! My girls wore a cute flowered print dress and they, and everyone else, loved it. It also looks fabulous in the pictures!
  13. You look beautiful! That dress is gorgeous. You should have no trouble selling it!
  14. We set up a registry for those who couldn't make it, but wanted to give us a gift anyway. For the actual wedding, we insisted on no gifts at all - monetary or otherwise. Since those who came with us used up their holidays (and $$) for our wedding, we felt that was more than gift enough. Of course, there were a few who insisted on giving us a little something anyway, but for the most part, the majority respected our wishes and were probably secretly grateful that they didn't have to give us anything on top of what they had already forked out.
  15. Those are adorable. Did you know that Dollarrama has kits too? They're not as pretty, but they do the job too
  16. What a great idea! And they're something that will surely be used again when you guests go home and for the next time they travel. Great to have on a long flight, that's for sure
  17. A lot of hard work I'm sure, but what fantastic results. They look great and your guests will be so impressed!
  18. Everything looks amazing Cindy! I hope you and Hector have the wedding of your dreams and look forward to reading your review when you get back! Â Congrats!
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