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Everything posted by Thomasjsgirl

  1. The colours really pop Danielle. They're going to look gorgeous in your wedding pictures!
  2. That sounds kind of dirty, lol! JK! Welcome to the forum and have fun planning your wedding!
  3. Photosouvenir live and work in the Dominican Republic and have taken many couples off resort to photograph their TTDs. There are sketchy places in DR, just like any other place (our home countries included), but Photosouvenir is a reputable company and I'm sure also that they would know safe places to take you. If you're still not comfortable, then see if they can arrange to shoot on the beach near (but not at) your resort.
  4. WOW, WOW, WOW! That picture is going to win some awards, for sure! What a great couple to just go with it and not let the rain spoil their fun!
  5. Your dress is gorgeous Vanessa, and I can see why you're worried about ruining it - but really, are you ever going to wear it again? If you plan to resell it, then go ahead to buy a cheapie to trash. Lots of brides do it and you don't even notice that they're not wearing "the one" in the TTD pics!
  6. I'm leaning towards the platform flip-flops, but only because personally I think they're more beachy. If your ultimate goal is comfort, then warm and fuzzy tennis shoes might be the exact opposite in a tropical setting where they're going to trap all that heat inside.
  7. I don't think the beach setting makes any difference! Buy what looks good on you!
  8. We brought the contents and bags with us and assembled them at the resort. If you choose to do the same and you have a lot of guests, it's more economical to split up the contents among them to avoid overweight luggage fees.
  9. Not bad for your first DIY!! I think you know Powerpoint better than you think!
  10. Arrgh! Have you told your family to stop sharing personal details about your plans? If you have, and they haven't, then you can't share anymore details with them, period. Sorry that you're having a tough time over this. Just know that what you're going through is very common as DWs are still rather "new" and some people just don't know how to react to them. Hang in there and plow ahead with whatever makes you and FI happy as after all, it's YOUR wedding, not anyone else's!!!
  11. WOW! Ginormous is right! That was an amazing planning thread! Good luck with everything and remember to breathe and HAVE FUN!!!
  12. You're well on your way! The shell bouquet is very different and unique! Everything looks great together.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by orionandmari072510 I love the starfish. Where did you get them? Very cute! Hi! I wasn't sure which starfish you're referring to, but if it's the wine stoppers, I got them from this seller: Wedding Favors - Party Favors - Elegant Wedding Reception Favors. If you were referring to the starfish charms, I bought them from an ebay seller, but unfortunately I can't find the info. However, I believe Oriental Trading also sells them.
  14. You did a great job! They look like they were professionally done! Loving the purple!!!!
  15. I agree with the ladies. Try not to freak out as you do have plenty of time yet (I know, I know - easier said than done!). If this had happened one month before the date, then for sure I would be having a meltdown too. But, at the end of the day, no matter who attends or not, the most important people will be there -- you and your FI.
  16. It's Friday, it's a long weekend, the sun is shining and life is good!!!!!!!!! :
  17. Beautiful pics! Your dress was perfect for a DW and looked amazing on you! Loved the shorts too!
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