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Everything posted by Thomasjsgirl

  1. Oh no! Poor little thing! I had no idea you could put natural teeth back in. That's incredible.
  2. Everything looks fantastic Melissa! I love the wave theme and how you greened things up wherever you could! Have a fabulous wedding!
  3. It's never too late to post a planning thread! All the new brides appreciate the inspiration, and us not-so-new brides love seeing all the new ideas and creativity!
  4. Other than a few minor bumps (which are to be expected!) it sounds like everything turned out great. Congratulations Amy!
  5. BIG case of cold feet, and perfectly normal!! I know of couples who bickered right up to the day of, and once it was all over and done with, sat back and laughed at how overly-sensitive they were about the other. You've already made the biggest decision in life, and that was having two children with your FI. Because of your children, you will be a part of each other's lives forever, so you see, you're stuck with him already (lol) and therefore there isn't much more to be afraid of now is there?
  6. The girls are right, unless you've gained weight since you were measured. And if you did, that's still OK because you obviously needed to in order to look as fab as you do now! But, if you haven't, then they made a mistake, either measuring you incorrectly, or ordering the wrong size for you. The salesperson's advice to you was cold and sounds like they are trying to push the blame onto you rather than admit making a mistake.
  7. Wonderful planning thread Sarah! Good for you for sharing your ideas and templates with the B2Bs! Have a fantastic time at your wedding. Looking forward to reading all about it when you get back.
  8. They are all very pretty on their own, but #2 not only seems made for you, but it's more "beachy", so perfect for a DW.
  9. Wow, I'm so sorry this has happened. I hope your FI is OK. Both ideas you mentioned are beautiful and respectful, but if I was there and saw that chair with his picture on it, I wouldn't be able to tear my eyes away from it or stop crying through the whole ceremony! Sure, I may be overly sensitive to loss, but what if there are others just like me at your wedding? You might also consider just doing the poem and having a special toast in his honour?
  10. OMG Elizabeth! I want to get married again just so that I can have you shoot my wedding! You've definitely got "the eye". Their pictures are absolutely beautiful and I'm sure they will treasure them forever.
  11. Congratulations! Sounds like you had the wedding of your "Dreams" - pardon the pun! Looking forward to seeing your pictures!
  12. Good job - even though the pic is small the layout and colours still show well. Good luck on your fast-approaching wedding!
  13. Great review and I agree, your dress was beautiful! Looking forward to seeing the rest of pictures.
  14. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! Congratulations! Can't wait to see the rest of your pictures - your photographer was fantastic!
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