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Everything posted by kevsgirl

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly Proffessional help is needed I really hope her family pushes for this, because if she tries again next time she may not be so lucky, most women usually try more then once before they actually succeed unlike men who succeed on the first try. I'm so sorry for your losses... This is the 3rd time that I know of for her. Once in undergrad about 10 years ago, once about 2 years ago. But there might be more times in between that I haven't known about. Having kids has been really difficult for her. She has left several times, just driving away and calling and saying she isn't coming back, etc. I know that there's not much I can do. I hope that her husband and family and friends there where she lives are helping out a lot and I'll keep trying to be supportive as much as I can from out here. It's sad
  2. Good luck!!! I'm SURE you'll be happy that you are going through with it. Just smile through the pain and remember why you're doing it. It's funny - for me it's the exact opposite: I've wanted a reduction for years, but I'm so scared of the pain, so I totally feel for you. Let us all know how it goes and write as soon as you're able to sit up
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by chonda25 I hope all is well with your husband sperm count. I wonder why his ex-wife didn't get her tubes tide instead of him getting the procedure done. Just wondering if the tubes does close, is it still possible to extract your husbands sperm and insert inside you? He is a great guy. She didn't like kids, but he did, but he decided that since he was planning on spending the rest of his life with her, he'd do it. It's a much easier procedure for men than it is for women. I can't believe he'd make such a sacrifice, but he loved her. And I love him for being so caring and sweet. I think that there are ways they can extract the sperm. Here's hoping it won't be that complicated. I just can't wait to hear what's going on and what our options are! We aren't getting married til December and don't want to get pregnant before then, but we want to start trying right around then, so we wanted to know where we stood before that, KWIM? Thanks everyone! (still no results and I"ve been a wimp and not called the clinic).
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by BarefootBride Oh Sweetie Here is a hug!!! I am wishing you and your FI all sorts of lively and ready to get to business sperm! THANK YOU!!! That is adorable I am hoping for the same
  5. Maybe your best bet would be to go with a chain like the RIU hotels or something, because often they are side-by side and different prices. So you two could stay in the more $$$ one and your guests can choose (often from 2-4 other locations). We were looking at the Viva Wydham in the Mayan Riviera and there were 2 with different prices. Andrea
  6. Welcome and congratulations on setting a date and finding a location!
  7. We have invited 25, 8 are booked and we expect a maximum of 15. I wish our friends would hurry up and book! It's hard when they don't know what they'll be doing in the fall (in school/have a good job, for example).
  8. That is so crappy!!! FI just came in about an hour ago and said he's getting one too. Boo! I was on a drug once that dries up your face badly and the ONLY thing that worked for me (and I mean the corners of my mouth were splitting - it was so painful) was Polysporin. So I'd recommend that constantly. It looks crappy though - walking around with a big gob of glistening stuff on your mouth, but if it works, it works. Good luck!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by coquetayloca I was also going to offer that... lol. Yes! Yes! Free bootlegged copies rock!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB It's totally expected to feel nervous. Why don't you try calling the clinic to see if they have the results yet. Plus even if you do get a letter, I'm not sure it will be in detail about what it all means. Were you referred to a clinic? If so I would try calling the Dr office that referred you and see if they can get the results sooner. Good luck It's the doctor who sent him to the surgeon to get the surgery who gave him the form for the test. That was a weird sentence... LOL FI has been sitting on this test for over a year now. He hasn't wanted to get in done, because he's afraid of the results. I suppose it wouldn't hurt calling the clinic or his doctor. I might try to suggest it to him tomorrow. He's very sensitive about this though... and I really don't want to bug him about it
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by McCheng Like everyone here, I'm very sorry. It is very difficult, but I've also seen people overcome their depression and get better, with the proper treatment. So don't lose hope. I know, it's totally true. I have another friend who really hit rock bottom and ended up getting a PhD and is now great - healthy, exercising, marriage is better, has a great job, etc. She couldn't even talk on the phone at one point. I hope she's ok
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek I had two friends kill themselves within a year and a half of each other. And none of us saw it coming with either one of them. It's good that your friend has someone like you that can support her. Hopefully she'll realize how much she has to live for and not attempt to do something like this ever again. Oh my God, Danielle. That's just too sad for words I know that it's always when it seems that things are getting better that this kind fo thing usually happens. It's definitely post-partum, but it's mixed with bi-polar, that she has been struggling with for years. I wish she'd stay on the pills while pregnant, but I know they aren't proven to be totally safe. I still wish she had. Maybe she would have kept more stable. I'm so worried for her kids too.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB You might want to send her a funny card or soemthing each week so she knows you are there for her, but aren't dwelling on "the incident". Thanks for the suggestion. Her mom said that she found she really liked receiving mail and email. I've emailed a few times and I'm putting together a 'care' package for her with a few magazines, lip balm, etc. Snail mail is always fun to receive. She does have a good support system. That's why it's so weird. I haven't talked to her yet. I hope she's taking some extra time in the hospital.
  14. These are beautiful! I love them!!! Talk about useful, but also a great souvenir and guests could use them to make notes in too - or keep a journal. I love them... I think I'll steal this idea too!
  15. Super adorable. I love dogs. I worked for the Humane Society last year and loved coming in every day and seeing the animals. I miss that, for sure. Keep posting them and doing the great work that you do!
  16. I just found out that one of my old friends who lives in the States tried to kill herself a few days ago She has 3 little kids and a loving husband and she's been through rough times for a while now, but having kids has really each time been very difficult. She wanted to get fixed before the 3rd one came along, but when she went for the operation, she was pregnant. She has a 5 year old, a 3 year old and a 8 month old. I feel so helpless I called and spoke with her mom who had flown down there to help and she told me to write an email so that they can pritn it up and read it to her in the hospital. I was shaking yesterday and worked from home because I was so worried, but today I have to go in and I'm working all day and night on an event. It's going to be hard to smile
  17. That is seriously so adorable. That put the perfect smile on my face to start the day! Thanks! Now I should go to work and stop surfing the forums
  18. Thanks! It's funny - both of my shoe shipments have arrived, one day after the other, but what I'm really waiting on is that print-up report card on his swimmers. LOL!
  19. Wow! Good for you for standing up for yourself AND for having a plan. Good luck with your interviews. I hope you get something a lot more fun and healthy (in terms of coworkers). I know first-hand how miserable some people can make you when you work in close quarters with them
  20. Welcome to the forum, Allyson! Congrats on beginning your hunt for a COUNTRY and then venue It's fun, but can be frustrating at times. It's even better when you've decided! Can't wait to hear about your venue once you've picked one! Andrea
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by adias.angel Actually there is a express version of photoshop on the web thats free: https://www.photoshop.com/express/landing.html I am having SO much fun with this program right now!!! I have to go to sleep though (work all day and event all evening tomorrow - ugh!). Tried to download the GIMP thing and couldn't get it onto the computer. I think I'll try my laptop. Thanks again for the suggestions. I love all the colour options
  22. ***UPDATEd with funny pics *** This is weird, but I guess this is the perfect place to vent/air this: FI finally went to get his 'sperm count' done, to see if he's able to have kids and we're waiting on the results. The background to this is that he was married before and his ex didn't want kids, so he got fixed. Then as soon as they separated, he had a reversal vasectomy. There were maybe 5 years between the two surgeries and it's been another 3 years (approximately) since the reversal. I've done a bit of reading and know that there is a huge possibility that it wasn't successful. Even when it is, sometimes scar tissue can re-form and the tubes can close up. What if he was fertile and then over the past 3 years it's closed up? We both really want to have kids and are excited about trying to get pregnant after the wedding. I love him and we are both sure that we'll do anything it takes to have kids if it's not possible to do it naturally. Nonetheless I'm nervous and on edge about this IT's been over a week. I think we're waiting for a letter in the mail. I need a hug Has anyone else been through this?
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