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Everything posted by kevsgirl

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by StephanieMN Happy day to you. There is a thread with many more well wishes and it looks like Chrisitine linked to it. I am such a dork! Must have been so stunned yesterday that I didn't even think to read it. THANKS TO EVERYONE!!! I had a great bday
  2. My first suggestion is just stop while you're ahead. Taking the crystals off may mean that the backs of them might come off, which will make them look crappy, not to mention the fact that the more you handle them the more likely you are to get glue all over them. If you have enough crystals, I'd use new ones on a new surface. Another possibility would be to put glue on all the areas that are exposed and get either a shimmer/glitter or small little seed beads of either a neutral colour or in one of your crystal colours and basically spread them on a plate and then push your topper face down into them, hoping that they all fill in the cracks and cover the glue. I think this could be successful, but I'm really not sure. Hope whatever you choose to do works for you! I honestly think it looks fine and would probably just stop there, because undoing is probably going to make it worse and re-doing might still not be a good thing. Ugh. Good luck
  3. Holy crap! I'm 31! 31 years ago... my father heard me crying from the speakers in the waiting room. My mom was in labour for 18 hours with me It's a good thing she loves me so much And this year I'll marry my sweetheart. This is a VERY good year
  4. Holy cow! That sacred heart diet sounds fairly painful, but at least you get baked potato (sometimes) and lots of BEEF!!! Not much to add, but don't eat PICKLES. They apparently make you retain water. Sucks, because they are virtually calorie-less. OH well. Good luck! You can both do it!
  5. Is there any way that he could dictate a short letter that could be read aloud during the ceremony or during the reception? That way everyone would know that he was thinking of you and he'd have a part to play, even if he's not really going to be there physically.
  6. I am DYING to get our invitations in the mail. I cannot wait... I seriously feel like stalking the mailperson at this point. How many times can I check our mailbox in one day How much longer will I have to wait!!!!! I should have gotten them sent to my mom and had her send them to me. Australia is so damn far away. Blah!@
  7. kevsgirl

    I'm 31!

    Scary.. but true http://photos-b.ak.facebook.com/phot...87641_2525.jpg
  8. I love my FI. I mean, he is absolutely wonderful. The man writes me a beautiful email almost every morning. They are the most romantic little love notes. They might be a short as: "I love you" or as sappy as "I miss your face" or as sexy as "I am sitting here thinking of the curve of your body under the sheets - wish I coudl have stayed in bed with you this morning". Anyway, for my birthday he got me an iPod nano, which I've been wanting for years... and it's HOT PINK, which is one of my favorite colors. WITH a hot pink suede cover. SO cute He gave it to me on Sunday when we went to my dad's for dinner. Then today, when I got to work (it's my real birthday today), I had 10 adorable e-cards from him. Hoops and Yoyo cracks me up! But they are so sweet. They made me laugh. When I got home from work, he had waited for me (he was supposed to go to a course at college he just started doing Mondays and Wednesday nights) - he had made a nice bbq dinner and there were 2 dozen roses in a vase for me. And then he brought out the cutest little bday cake - it was this mini carrot cake that he had had them write on. So sweet. I've never felt so completely adored and special. He is seriously the most wonderful man and I feel so lucky to have him every day.
  9. That is absolutely gorgeous. You have a perfect hourglass figure! And what an amazing deal - good for you!
  10. Beautiful! Are they both white gold?
  11. Congratulations, Erica! You look beautiful in your dress! I love the aisle flowers and the cake looks like it was really well done too. Congrats again!
  12. Wow! Those are some incredibly gorgeous photographs! It looks like you had a wonderful time. Congratulations
  13. Will you be going on a honeymoon after or have to go straight back to work?
  14. I'm worried about this too, but I think it's kind of unavoidable in most resorts and in most other countries. When we went to Cuba in April it was brutal. Everyone was smoking everywhere in the hotel. At least the hotels are mostly open-air, so that sort of helped. And no one smoked in the inside of restaurants that were enclosed. Either way, I think it's something we'll have to put up with in all likelihood.
  15. ! Yeah, FI is pretty ticked because some of our friends said they were bringing 2 boxes to store in our garage for the sale and when they came over the other day they brought 7 more! He's not feeling very good about that... At this point, I want it all gone too... I also have a large couch in the garage that was my grandmother's. She passed away in October and my mom had a bunch of her stuff shipped up to me. I feel bad not being able to use it, but we literally couldn't fit it in our house. I think I'll wait one more weekend, but if it rains next weekend, I'll bring it all to the Salvation Army or Value Village... boo!
  16. She is so sweet! The picture of the two of you is really beautiful too. Congratulations Keep posting - we love to see pics and videos!
  17. I've done a bit more research: A lot of the success depends on how good the surgeon is, because it's a very delicate procedure and they have to be sure to reconnect everything properly (LOL - that sounds bad! ) If it is unsuccessful, there is a possibility of something called "sperm aspiration" and then IVF (so that would require lots of stuff done to both the man and the woman). Most surgeons seem to say it's better to just re-do the reversal surgery than to do this operation though. A successful reversal surgery results in at least 50% pregnancies (or 95% if you believe one surgeon who is so convinced he's amazing and can absolutely do it), whereas the aspiration and IVF is more like 40% SO, all this to say that FINGERS CROSSED that FI's surgeon was AMAZING and did great work!!!
  18. Such a pain in the ass... we planned a big sale at home for yesterday and it POURED. Now today it looks realy menacing outside... but it's not raining yet! I think we'll have to wait til next weekend (when it's also supposed to rain ). Gah! I want to get all that crap out of our garage! We can't even walk through it anymore!
  19. Wow! You look gorgeous - you're so photogenic! Congratulations on the wedding
  20. Congrats! Have a brilliant time - you know you need it to gear up for the years to come!
  21. Congratulations, Desiree! You look gorgeous in your pics - it looks like it was a really beautiful day :smile: I love your dress and hair too and your BM dresses and their necklaces (especially those necklaces!) Woohoo! Excellent Congrats again! Andrea
  22. I love this! It's excellent - you did a really really good job! Corel Paint Shop Pro? I have another thread where I was wondering about the best software for this kind of thing. Didn't even add Corel into the mix. Good idea! Andrea
  23. Resurrecting this post because I'm bored and it looks fun Name as it appears on birth certificate: Andrea Susanne R- 2- Date of birth: June 4, 1977 (I'm 31 in a few days!) 3- Do you have any siblings? 2 younger sisters - Caitlin and Haley 4- Color hair: Definitely needs new highlights - it's dirty blonde, but I like platinum highlights 5- Color eyes: Blue 6- Nationality: Canadian with British, Scottish, Irish and German mixed in 7- Size shoe: 7.5 8- Favorite color: Pink right now 9- Favorite article of cothing: My eyeball pants (lounging pj pants from Old Navy at Hallowe'en. LOL!) 10- Favorite book: I LOVE James Rollins' spy books (like Black Order and Map of Bones) 11- Favorite food: ice cream, brownies, anything sweet 12- Future childs name: Piper or Addison for a girl and maybe Brock for a boy. Not sure though! 13- What are your parent/s names: Tina and David 14- Who was your first crush: Martin in grade 3-5 15- Who was the first boy to break your heart: probably Dave, the psycho 16- Favorite vacation: Our recent trip to Cuba! 17- If you could change one thing about your body, what would it be? Make my boobs way smaller (and lose lots of weight!) 18- Have you ever had plastic surgery? No, but I really want a reduction... 19- How tall are you? 5'2 3/4 20- Favorite celebrity: Gerard Butler (mega hottie) __________________
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