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Everything posted by kevsgirl

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari I voted for the third one cause that is the one my FI got but in platnium. Yari - Great minds think alike Did you buy it online? Don't suppose you have a pic of FI trying it on?
  2. Here are some inspiration pics: A simple starfish boutonniere (it's hot-glued to a brooch pin): A starfish with a bit of pearl spray (could also be done with wire and crystals, for bling!) Flower bigger with a small shell/starfish on the green bit - I know you can get those same ones really tiny - finger starfish:
  3. UPDATED WITH PICS ON FI's HAND!!! - see end of thread I've managed to narrow down the options to 4 rings... they may look similar, but there are differences. Since my ring is yellow gold, FI wants his to be too. He wants something classic and simple, but not too boring. Other than that, he's been difficult in terms of giving me too many ideas. He likes 2 colours and I think 6mm is the best width, but narrow looks good on him too. I know that rounded usually looks better than straight edge too, but it's not necessary. He's not super fond of the brushed look - he prefers very glossy gold, but then again he's not adverse to brushed. Arrgh. Can you tell how difficult it is to get him to decide? Help! I don't want it to be boring, but I also don't want to get something he won't like. A) Rounded step cut: 6mm 14karat yellow gold, high gloss (Item #WB1408 ) Flat step cut: 6mm 14K yellow gold, high gloss (Item #WB1211Y) C) Satin center miligrain: 6mm 14k yellow gold (Item # WB7706) D) Same as 3 but with white gold in centre and yellow outside.
  4. I think I'd pull the leaf down and to the side, so it's under but off sideways from the orchid and then see if you can attach a small starfish pin or make one out of bling. That's how I'd incorporate both. I totally think you can have both items, but not the way they are. Also, you really need to see what it will look like on a suit. Even if you just pin it onto your FI's suit hanging on a hanger and then take a pic for us But take a break and go back to it later. I'll show you if I find anything like what I'm suggesting
  5. I wish we had Target up here! I wanna go through their $1 bins!!! Fortunatley I have a pretty good dolla store nearby
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Andrea- I worried at first it would take away from the "magic." That's why we got married in Vegas and made it super silly. BUT trust me, it doesn't at all. You are still a bundle of nerves. I kept telling myself "don't be silly. you are already married- no reason to be nervous." Didn't work! I was so in love that day and it felt like our true wedding- for me it actually is. Who cares where we signed the documents to make it legal. The day in Mx is where DH and I seriously looked at each other and made the commitment to be husband and wife. Thanks for saying this, Rachel. It totally reassures me. And it sounds like you really made the right choice for yourselves. Hopefully we will too. I have to call my aunt now and see if she would be up for 'marrying' us. The funny thing is that she actually is a minister and used to live in Mexico City... I still don't think she has power to marry down there.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Maureen I don't mind answering, I was not on the pill before trying to get pregnant. I was on the patch (same drug as pill) for a few years and then nothing the year before the wedding just used alternative methods until the month of the wedding when we started trying. However, my sister has been on the pill for a few years and she went off this month because she gets married June 27th and they wanted to start trying right away. Well what do you know? She got preganant the first month being off the pill so I guess it doesn't take that long to get out of your system. FI and I talked about this before we got engaged and after we got engaged decided that we'd start trying around the time of our wedding. So, I went to the doctor in April just to chat about prenatal vitamins and whatever I should do. She told me that having to go off the pill 2-3 months before trying is an old myth that the doctors used to tell people, so that they'd be able to figure out when the baby was going to be due! Back before they had better calculations for due dates... All in all, she said that I should start taking prenatal vitamins about a week before trying to get pregnant and same with going off the pill. No real prep required. That said, for some people it takes a while to get their bodies back on course after going off the pill, so you never know. I think I'll go off in November or something (WD is in December) so that I have a month's head start. We both really want kids and want to get started rightaway!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride08 Alyssa, you always have the most interesting polls. My FI and I don't fight that much, but when we do it is usually about him not helping around the house. I am a neat freak and he is the complete opposite. I have grown to be a little more relaxed about the cleaning since living with him, but I still like things neat. I will let things slide for a while and just pick up his stuff and put it away, but I can only it in so much before I explode. I have to beg him to help me do things around the apartment and then when I ask he doesn't help or it takes him 3 days to do something. It is so annoying. On the other hand he gets mad at me because I always leave the lights on when I leave a room, but I only do it if I know I am going back in that room in a few minutes. It drives him crazy, but I figure that is what he gets for not helping me clean more. OMG this totally sounds like me... but FI isn't the complete opposite, just more relaxed. Things get to me (as being dirty or needing to be tidied) about 100x faster than him. Most of the time I pick up after him, but once in a while I get really stressed and freak about "us" needing to clean. He totally helps out, but I feel like I have to direct him as to what to do and I hate doing that, because I don't want to sound like I'm ordering him around!!! On the other hand, I leave the lights on when I leave the room or downstairs when I go upstairs and the computer on, if I know I'm coming back and I know it bugs him
  9. Yippee!!! Have an amazing time, Morgan!!!
  10. OMG I can't believe how scary this must have all been for you and your family, Rachel. I really hope that they can sort out what care she needs and what medication she needs to get her back on track so she can begin to take control of her anxiety. It sounds like she lives farther away from the city in a large country area. I would have thought that that would help anxiety - but then again, the grass is always greener to me! As someone who has anxiety, I know how much it can affect your body firsthand, but this is the most serious I've ever heard. I hope that you are all able to do something about getting the hospital in mega trouble for the way they treated your aunt too. I'd be tempted to put out a call for the people who were in the ER that day, so you have some witnesses too. What a nightmare. Stay strong.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha Thank you, ladies! Jay still doesn't have service so he has no idea! I can't wait for him to call me! It must be so frustrating not to be able to gush about it with him! I hope he calls you soon!
  12. We're thinking of doing this too now. FI was all for it at the beginning but I was very stubborn, because I thought it would really ruin the magic of the wedding day. Now I think it really won't. In fact, what is really pushing me over the edge to change our DW legal wedding into a symbolic one is the fact that I really don't like the legal ceremony text that the judge will read. It doesn't do it for me, KWIM? It'll be in Spanish and the words don't mean anything to me/us. Whereas, if we do the symbolic ceremony, we can have the officiant (whoever it may be) read whatever we want, in English. We won't save much on our package, unless we have a friend perform the ceremony (then we save $400), but we save a lot of hassle and some money with getting all our docs translated here before, bloodwork down there, and then the waiting for the official certificate and then getting that translated in Canada. Phew!
  13. Yay! Congratulations on your little boy! Noah is a really nice name. Noah Riley... hmmm I'm thinking of middle names to help you out Hard without your last name though! Congrats!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 Lmao cheers for that - I think i've already freaked FI out with the snakes if I go for skulls 2 he might spontaneously combust lmao Your poor FI. So last night my FI tried to make me order the pimp cups, but they only send to the US. LOL! Dodged that bullet, didn't I?
  15. I think that the subtitler was Spanish, because once in a while the subtitles would just have Spanish words instead of English. It looked as though someone was writing as the movie was happening, you know like in the news where sometimes it's just aweful, because it's live?
  16. Everything looks perfect! You're leaving so soon!!! I hope you have great weather and everything goes really well. You'll have an amazing time. Can't wait to see your pics!
  17. OMG. Tonight we were watching the news and they kept screwing up the video with the stories... we were laughing so hard when the news anchor was talking about some awful disaster and they cued this video of people dressed as Vulcans (as in Star Trek), on a float in some town... I have no idea how the anchor kept her composure. She didn't miss a beat. I would have been pissing myself laughing. It was sad though because she was talking about people in crisis. I really really want to know what the subtitlist thought "tapeworm" meant. He/She seemed to be using it almost interchangeably with "mother" in the movie.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenn3878 HAHA FI saw me checking out this site and wants to order the pimp cups LOL Umm. Too funny - I just showed the pics from this post to FI and he says: "How much are those pimp cups? If they're cheap, I think I wanna get them." LOL!
  19. So I downloaded (I know, bad...) 27 Dresses and watched it tonight. I don't know who wrote the subtitles, but the word "tapeworm" was all over the subtitles. It was so weird! Kevin: "What the hell are you looking at me like that for?" Subtitle: "For which you watch devils thus to me?" and my personal favorite: Tess: "Mom was my age, you know. Almost to the day." Subtite: "Mother tapeworm my age. Wise people"
  20. Our original plan was to have our AHR in January at home or at FI's parent's place. We would wear what we wore for the wedding (2nd time to wear my dress!), decorate the house with Mexican/luau themed stuff and put together a slide-show of the wedding that we'd project onto the wall and have photos, etc. scattered around. FI has a huge family and everyone (well some) are grumbling that they can't come to the DW and most of my friends can't, so we thought it would be a fun way to include everyone. The problem is our wedding day is December 12, so we want to do the AHR shortly after - like late January, so we may have space trouble if we do it in someone's home. I think we'll not invite kids, which may help. I guess another option is to wait til spring/summer and have it outside, but isn't that too long for people to wait? I don't know. There are tons of threads on AHR on BDW. I think I may go searching for them and read up. Blah! IMHO it shouldn't cost an arm and a leg to have an AHR if you're trying to save money and make things more intimate by having a DW.
  21. How exciting! That's such great news that you'll be able to take her home soon. She really is one strong little girl.
  22. Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have a great day!
  23. Wow! It'll really be hard, but he'll be there with you to help you! Worst comes to worst, pile all your crap on him and use him as a packhorse I did a 3 day hike in Australia back in '99 and it broke me, but honestly, it's one of the best things I've ever done. You'll be so happy for the experience. Go kick some Appalachian ass!
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