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Everything posted by kevsgirl

  1. I like 1. They're simple, but so classic and beautiful. And also really suit your dress, I think
  2. I'm so excited for you!!! I can't wait to go back to order my dress. It's been over 2 months since I tried it on and fell for it Can't wait to see your pics!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by seaprincess I love that you just said 'wicked' to describe tacky...so Bostonian of you I love this phrase. I might have to use it today Good to hear the comments - I was wondering the same thing myself.
  4. Pretty decorations and everyone looks like they had a great time - smiles all around! Alyssa, you looked radiant! (cheesy word, but true!) Beautiful pics too!
  5. I have used the Hoodia patch and found it worked. I know a lot of people think it's bulls**, but it really worked for me the 2nd time I tried. It's a patch that works for 24hrs so you just replace it every 24 hrs. I have 10 days of one pack left = pm me if you want me to send it to you if you want to test it out. I can send you the info on who shouldn't take it too. A Right now I'm using SlimQuick. Not sure if it's really helping yet. I'll post again if I find it's good. I just bought the Slim Quick detox kit for 7 days...
  6. Well, FI and I were going in January together, outside of work. We both lost (me about 7 lbs and him about 20!). But that fizzled. Now I'm technically signed up at work,b ut have missed about 2-3 weeks... due to schedule conflicts (meetings, etc.) I'm trying really hard to go from now til September. I think in a way doing it at work is fun because we have a great leader and then we all have lunch afterwards together and can motivate eachother. Plus, I don't have to get up at 8am on Saturday or go out for the meeting on Monday evening, so it's convenient. I've already had one of my fellow WW work buddies yell "Don't do it!" when I reached for a piece of cake in the kitchen at work. It cracked me up. It's nice to see others be successful. Maybe that's what you need for motivation? I'm having a really hard time the past 2 months. Completely off the wagon and feeling disgusting. I feel your pain
  7. I've never done this. Is the winner the one who loses the most pounds total or the biggest percentage of body weight? How do you do it? (given that some need to/can lose more than others). BTW I love the button! It's very cute.
  8. First time I got engaged I was 27. Had been with the ex for 5 years (since I was 22). I would be miserable too if we'd gone through with it. With FI this time around, I was 30 when we got engaged in March and I will be 31 when we marry.
  9. I love them! The ones of him dipping you are great. Some are sexy, some are sweet. One of my favs is this one jhy_ttd 042 - you look like you're having a fantastic time The waves do look pretty scary! This is really cool jhy_ttd 069 (the wave is really freaky looking here and I like your hubby's expression). So was it a fun session? Congrats on your marriage. You looked beautiful. Love your hair flower too!
  10. I love them! Those bags are so cute! I think you have plenty too, but echo the idea of adding snacks. Maybe something vegas-y... not sure what though. I've never been! A
  11. Love 'em! Your outfit is perfect and you both look so great!
  12. They're great! I want to do this too... now to find someone competent with a camera... who did yours? was it a friend or a family member? It's gotta be someone who doesn't not want to look at us kissing! LOL! Congrats on all the weight loss too, btw!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by KLC77 Yeah, I was looking at that, but then I was thinking- what material can you write on? I love the turtle ones! I'm turtle obsessed. lol I was going to make DIY tags, but I might just buy these and save myself the work. I think as long as they're a matt plastic/vinyl or whatever the surface is write-able. It's sort of a hard thing to explain without actually getting a sample though I might just go ahead and do it anyway. I love them. And like you, this may be one thing that I skip the DIY on!
  14. I know what you mean! I just got FI's ring in the mail (I ordered it a week ago) and now we have our rings and our bookings so all we have to dois the flight and attire. Well, I shouldn't say all we have to do, but you KWIM:) I love your ring btw. Where is it from? It is just gorgous.
  15. My dad's friend's 2 cats - one of them - would seriously eat ANYTHING... the one cat, Binder, would meow her a** off even if I was cutting up lettuce. I mean, seriously! Do you have any tuna? I don't think I've ever heard of a cat refusing tuna. On the other hand, our dog Cubby is a picky little brat. I bought this huge bag of dog treats that look a lot like Milkbones, but are healthier and have real chicken in them. He has started turning up his nose at them. I mean, eat, for god's sake! LOL!
  16. Congratulations and welcome home!!! You look just perfect in your wedding dress. I hope it was a great day! Looking forward to hearing more about it.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by KLC77 I wonder what they are made of? That's a good question. I think the're probably really hard plastic. It says they're 'die cut'. Dunno what that means...
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha IMO, he is acting like a kid. I am so sorry, but if I left Jay last night and came home this morning, if he really missed me, his ass would have been off that couch and hugging me, no matter how tired he was! Dez, I am so sorry, and I have no words of wisdom, and I can't say it was a bad thing to go home, because I don't know what I would do if I where in your situation...no one does. It's really easy for us to give you advice, but until we are in your shoes, we really just don't know. I hope things get better for you and if not, please think of yourself first. I completely agree. Your FI is acting as though he doesn't give a good s*it about you or your feelings. It doesn't matter why he's acting this way (life trauma whatever), he's doing it. Actions are what really matter. If you know that you'd be begging your friends to get out of this situation if it were theirs, then it seems that you know what you have to do. I hope you can be strong and get away, because as the wedding gets nearer, the stress will only get worse and deciding to go through with a wedding based on unclear stress thinking is scary. I hope I don't sound harsh; I don't meant to. I guess I just feel like I can completely understand where you're coming from as I've been in a bad place like this before. And I'm happy every day that FI values me so much and is so sweet to me and so caring. I can't believe I lived so many years with such a jerk. And I don't wish it on anyone when I know how wonderful really feeling secure in a relationship can be.
  19. How cute are these They're from the Hula Source: They also have flower ones like these hibiscus ones: And flip flop ones... . We're not getting married in Hawaii, but I love those shirt ones!
  20. Congrats, Katrina!! It looks like it was a beautiful day/ceremony. I can't believe it's almost your wedding day - and Abbie's too! I'm going to go check the calendar and see if there are other BDW girls getting married on 7-11. And to see if I have any date twins too
  21. Another one for #1 These are beautiful dresses... gives good options for any of us who are preggo brides or have a wonderful 'accident' before the big day
  22. Woohoo! I made it through my friend's shower today. I was co-hosting with another "friend" and my engaged friend's mom at the mom's house (which is weird). Even weirder, my engaged friend came early and helped set up for her own shower, which kind of annoyed me, but it gave us more time to spend with her, so that was good! She was picky about not wanting any games or anything really decorated. We still went ahead and did a few things for her. It went well and way more people came than we were expecting. Thanks alot for not RSVP'ing, right? Grrrr... When I got home, after kind of fighting with an older friend, I got a text from another friend who said that Porter Airlines was having a huge seat sale, so FI and I booked our airfare to Halifax to the wedding. Then we also booked our car rental online. Phew! Next is the accomodations, but I think I'm going to wait on that til tomorrow. I'm exhausted!
  23. Oh man, I'm seriously jealous. LOL! Great choice. They're sexy
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Dez921714 Ok. I won't answer his calls or call him back (I actually called him the second time). I just hate fighting and not talking. He was like "stay away as long as you want, I'll just get more and more comfy here by myself". Unfortunately, sometimes it's the onlly way. I hate going to bed angry too, but sometimes when someone's so wound up, you really do need a breather. This is your lives you're talking about. It's not a quick decision. And taking the time apart shows that. Quote: Originally Posted by Dez921714 The thing is, I don't want to be away and having the dogs at my parents is a HUGE hassell... Is there somewhere else you can stay or can you give him one of the dogs for now? I know it's a PITA, but you can't use this as an excuse to go back there. Quote: Originally Posted by Dez921714 Why the F couldn't he have these issues BEFORE he asked me to marry him - or in the year and a half we've been engaged. He has to wait until 6 months before our wedding to "not want to live like this anymore". Yep, he's an ass. My ex FI we were together 5 years. Broke up several times and then finally got back together the last time, after about 3 months got engaged and IMO it was the best year ever. Turns out that the whole year we were engaged, he secretly was having major problems. He was scared to tell me though, because he knew he'd F'd up so many times in the past. I didn't find out until nearly 7 months after he'd asked me to marry him. The little prat. We went to counselling for ONE MONTH and then he said it wouldn't work. It was a bit drawn out (about 3 months of breaking up) and finally that was it. I walked away. I couldn't handle off and on anymore. It's easy to hate him for that whole year, but it was my decision to get back togehter with him and to trust that he wanted to marry me. I'm sure your FI really does love you and want to be with you, but sometimes that's not enough. It sounds like he's fed up. It might just be the end of the line for him. If it is, you need to get him to fess up, because he's messing with your life too and that's not fair. Here's hoping that this is just a bump and he gets through it and realizes what he's doing...
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