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Everything posted by kevsgirl

  1. I bought mine last night and they're due to arrive on the 19th. That's quick service from the States. Woohoo!
  2. Awesome! I actually thought they'd be too small, so that's good I can't wait to receive them... not sure how long they're going to take but i"ll post a pic with a ruler when they arrive
  3. oooh Andrea - that's an awesome price!!! You must be so excited I want to do them so badly, but don't have the funds... but I'll look around and see what I can get here. I want to do engagement photos too, but we may get a friend to do them for us...
  4. Aww the poor little sweetheart. I'm so sorry for your loss
  5. I'm SO psyched!!! I just found these on Ebay by a seller named Goodhawn who was selling them for $3 each and just $2 shipping, no matter how many! So I saved a lot on shipping I just contacted the seller and asked if I could get 21 of them (there was just a lot of 6 for sale) and he created a new sale for me of 21. Woohoo!!! I ordered Red hibiscus (3) Hawaiian shirt ( White frangipani (3) Pink frangipani(7) Can't wait til I receive them
  6. It is 11pm at night... grrrr... I should have bought them yesterday, but I wanted to spend some time on the site and buy everything I needed all at once... Maybe I should try to relax and wait for them to go on sale again. I've seen them go up and down over the past 3 weeks or so, so hopefully it'll happen again. HOwever, right now all I want to do is LOL!
  7. Man, that is just the pits. I feel terrible for you. But I also feel like there's no way in hell you should pay for their entire trip. Help - fine - but not >$2,000. That's just plain insane. Maybe you can just pay for his dad and then if she wants to come, she can fork over her own stupid cash. Or not buy a f**** couch. GEEZE! Some of our friends are super broke and they just told us they "need to get away" (they're about to move to a different city) so they're going out west for a week. WTF? I"m sure they won't come to our DW, but seriously. Don't talk to us about how you're spending your money!!! Your FI needs to tell them that it's not all free. It's not fair for you to start your married life together with a huge debt b/c of his parents.
  8. I'm gonna go Bridezilla in a few seconds!!! The KNot has had a huge sale lately and there are these totes I've been waiting to purchase (initial totes) that are regularly $24 that were marked down to $12.99. They keep going on and off sale and every time I *&*$#*(# go to buy them, they're back up at $24!!! So the latest is this 3 day sale from Aug 10-13 ... they were down to $12.99. Well I just went on to buy them and they're back up at $24!!! What the H**^%!!! Sorry. Just having a freak-out moment. Grrrrr....
  9. Wow! Everything is so gorgeous - thanks for sharing with us! I can't wait to see day-of pics with all of this stuff and you of course in them. FI and I love your wedding rings. They're so original
  10. Awesome! Congrats, Erin! I love the layout of your kitchen too and the backyard is nice and spacious You must be so excited! Moving is a major PITA, but in the end it'll be so worth it
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by edssbride09 I thought for sure that there was some information I had missed the first time I tried the dress on, so I went back. The tag only had store specific details on it. Their name, the cost, and a internal product number (trust me, it was not the dress model number). I also went to their website and looked at all the designers they listed... it was not on any of these websites.... I have spent hours searching and am about to give up... Does anyone know when the winter 2008/09 dresses will hit stores? Is it possible that this dress is so new that it wouldn't be on a designers site yet? Everyone here is great! Thanks so much!! That is seriously so f*** offensive... I'm glad you're not purchasing from them, only on principle. What jerks. I think that the stores should have their winter stock in now. I don't think that's unusual, but that's just my opinion. I'll look for you. It looks familiar to me... I have tons of magazines. I'll keep my eyes open for you! I'm sure we'll find it. Put out an APB on BDW - the BRIDES ARE ON IT!!! *sirens*
  12. Congratulations!!! Looks like you had some warm weather out there Looks like a pretty setting too for such a special occasion.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK for those of you who have fuschia girls, what color ties would you put with the guys? I'm having such a hard time!!!!!! Ditto... I'm about to just go with blue. I'd like something that's not just plain pink/fuschia...
  14. Wow Becks - vavavoom! You make that dress sexy! Congratulations on your big day. You look absolutely stunning in your pics. I love your hair too and your bouquet. And the pic of your new hubby looking at you is super sweet. Congrats!
  15. Wow!!! I love it! It's so different. You don't even look like the same person at all. Does it still trip you up when you walk past the mirror? LOL! I used to do that whenever I cut my hair into a pixie cut. I love the richness of the colour and the lightness and healthy look of your hair now. It's great. Good for you!!! You took the plunge!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Davematthews16 Tell her that between you and your FI's family, the 60 spots filled up very quickly, but in the last few weeks you had an un-expected cancellation, and didn't want to hesitate at all to ask her to come! (I know it's stretching the truth a bit, but it sounds believable to me! That is the best way to say it ever!!! FI and I may need to use this one...
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Davematthews16 Your hair is gorgeous already, but I know how it feels when you just want a CHANGE! I suggest some long layers to your shoulders, that way it's not to drastic and is still quite a change. Remember, you can always go chop more off, but you cannot grow it back over-night! Show us pics after you go! I love the one that SassyBride had: I agree with Davematthews - you might want to not go too short right away. Anyway, your hairdresser may not let you. LOL! Usually they will ask you to come back for a shorter style in a week or two. That's what happened to me when I cut my hair off in high school. It was below my butt and I went to shoulder length. I had to go back 3 x! Good luck - can't wait to see the cut
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by syl1115 The good news is I happened to find this little Christian book store that sells wedding dresses! Why, I don't know but I found another perfect dress that looks even better on me! It also is not as heavy and I won't be so hot in it. It was only $100.00!!!! Well, that is unbelievable about that woman, but it's an amazing twist that you've found something that looks even better and was such a good deal!!! In terms of having to let it out around the hips... I'm just a little worried. Who are you going to take it to? Hopefully someone who can LOL! Post pics of the new dress!!!
  19. Happy Wedding day!!! I hope it's wonderful. Can't wait to hear all about it!!!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by AprilandPatrick When we announced our plans to his family they went crazy. First, we had to change our wedding date 4-times to accomodate his mother's travel schedule as she is a professional artist, and has several shows. Once we set a date, she threw a fit, becuase she would be out of town-the date has been scheduled for June 13, 2009. With the new date set she is still upset beuase it still interferes with her travel. Back to them going crazy. They have persistent on changing our mind to having a wedding in Oklahoma City April, I just have to sound in here too: I have had similar weirdness happen (though nowhere near as bad as you right now)... my mother who livesin Australia tried to talk me into havng our wedding here in Ottawa in the middle of winter... of all the insane things! Others tried to get us to wait til summer 2009. And in the end, we change the date 2x to accomodate others (once for his mom). In the end, we decided to just make our own decisions and to hell with everyone else. At some point you have to be able to just step back and say "This is the way that it is" and if they don't like it they can STFU, KWIM? Good luck with making them understand, but realize that you may never get through to them. That's OK. Over and above that you need to focus on enjoying the planning for both of you and your marriage. Sometimes it's not worth the effort trying to educate nutty people. BTW, FI's mom is still talking about our wedding to everyone who isn't invited. It's awkward, but I just run around behind her saying "It's going to be very small, only 15 people..." so they get the hint. Man, is it ever funny being a DW bride. P.S. I think that the letter should come from your FI, not you. BUt that's just my opinion. You shouldn't have to be the bad guy in this situation. It's his family. He should be the one to 'fight' the battle.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by jenluvsmike I hope she contacts me soon. My poor brother is upside down, not knowing what she wants. (And it's so hard for me not to be that "overprotecting older sister" - I keep trying to stay positive and just support him however I can!!) Unfortunately, I think it's very safe to say that it IS going to be way too weird with her coming down. I don't think she'll do it anyway. I have my MOH (my sis), but then FH has his brother for his BM and my brother for a GM, so things will be uneven...not that it REALLY matters. What do you think? Go without a BM or ask my really close girlfriend? If you're absolutely sure you won't have issue with your gf, ask her. If you're worried she may not come, then just stick with your MOH. So far I have my 2 sisters as BMs, no MOH and FI has no one... we're hoping his brother will step up, but he's flaky and may not come at all
  22. Ours was random too! We were thinking of getting married in late January, but earlier December ended up working better (financially and for family). I guess we kind of picked it for what it looked like too... FI likes 8 better than 9, so we're getting married in 2008 and Friday was 12.12.08 and it looked good.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Anna83 I think those are really cute! I don't think they are too small, the size shouldn't matter too much. I would use them as favors/placecards and give them to everyone. I don't think it's weird that a family will get a bunch of them. I would add a tag with your monogram on it. I think those are a great idea, especially since you are getting married on the beach around Christmas, they kind of tie the two together. I think I feel the same... still waiting on FI to help me decide. I think what I'll do is make one up fully as though it was going in the box (and do the box up) and then when I see the mock-up I'll probably feel better. You know how it is when you have it in your head this great picture, but it looks kind of dinky beforehand? LOL!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by chickadee024 I'm having trouble with this issue too. We are having our DW in April 2009, but the groom's brother is getting married this December. His aunts are throwing a huge shower for both couples, and I don't even know half of the people on the guest list, let alone inviting them to my wedding. We are definitely having an AHR, but I still feel like we're doing a gift grab. It all makes me very uncomfortable. It's an awkward situation... my friend who just had a DW out in Halifax - well, I hosted her shower with a friend at her mom's house, which was weird. Also, most of the people who came were not at the wedding... BUT both her wedding and mine are small small small, so most of the people going to it aren't living near me... I think that I definitely wouldn't want a shower thrown, but if someone decides to do it for me, it's not like you can refuse. I think that the best solution is like the last poster said: have an AHR and include that invitation in with the shower invitation or at least mention it in the shower invitation. Now my issue is that FI and I aren't 100% sure that will happen (an AHR) and we certainly don't have a date for one. Boo! This is difficult
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