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Everything posted by kevsgirl

  1. I love it!!! I know what you mean about fun - I went to the hairdresser on Saturday and she played around with my hair and extensions. It's so fun! Your skin looks fab too, btw!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 Hey no worries! Thanks for the reply! I love them and I think I will order them tonight, so thanks again for posting them...you rock! Awesome! I'm so glad that I may have helped you find your shoes!
  3. We weren't going to register, but friends/family started hounding us, so we did, at the Bay and Linens n' Things. Now L n' T is bankrupt! And it turns out I am goign to have a shower and a lot of people want to come who aren't invited to the wedding which I find It's a very small wedding, so only about 16 people are coming. I feel uncomfortable about it, but we do also want to have a big party in the New Year, so I'm hoping they'll all come to that too and we'll feel like we're able to make them all a part of it afterward and treat them too.
  4. Welcome back and congratulations on your wedding! Glad to hear that it went so fabulously!!! Now to relax from your vacation... love how that is!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 I love #1 and would totally wear those with MY wedding dress. Where did you find them? Anyhoo, I voted for #1 because I think they would look really cute with that dress too. Good luck! Weird. I thought I'd replied to this... here it is: I found all these shoes on Amazon.com, but you can also find them on myglassslipper.com. I think the name of #1 is Logan, so if you just search for that name in women's shoes they'll come up! I ended up ordering #3 the circles ones. I love them! And it is my wedding! I think they'll look good. I also got a pair for myself and one of my friends wants one too Thanks for the advice/opinions. I love polling on BDW!
  6. Casey, those pics are all fantastic! Your photog did an incredible job and you two look so happy and in love
  7. So I just went to get my hair coloured yesterday and my awesome hairdresser started playing around with extensions in my hair after I mentioned that I was realy interested in them... It was so fun! Now I have to get some too. My hair is fine, but thick (I have a lot of it, but it's very fine). She said that for me, it would probably be best to tease the roots before clipping in clip-ons. She also said that with clip-ons the hair is going down, so if you try to do an up-do and have fine hair, it's possible that the ridge where all the strands are attached will bump out. She showed me and it did. She then demonstrated with a weft of hair that wasn't clipped. It was pretty wide and she made a small pony tail under the top layer of the back of my hair, wrapped the weft around, using bobby pins to hold it and then made a pony tail on top of the first pony tail with the rest of my hair. It mixed in really well. So if I were going to do an up-do, I'd do it that way, rather than with clip-ons. But if you want to wear your hair down, clip-ons are excellent! Just thought that info may help you, Heather and other girls who have thinner/finer hair So, I don't think I'll be doing an up-do with extensions for the wedding (too labour-intensive and I don't know if the hairdresser down in Mexico will know how), but I'm totally thinking of purchasing clip-ins for myself for days when i want to wear my hair down and long
  8. Very pretty! Is that the colour that the dresses will be in? Your dress is gorgeous too!
  9. Did you both get the full head of hair extensions or just a couple of strips? They look great! I'm intrigued....
  10. Good luck, Martha!!! I'm sure we'll all be thinking of you on Tuesday Can't wait to see pics and hear all about little Noah. You're gonna do great!
  11. I'm so glad to hear that things are looking up and your father's surgery went well. It's so scary when we can't do anything but wait to hear news... Quote: Originally Posted by heather007 It's just so scary because once we get older, so do our parents. This year has been so hard on our family: my Mom had a run with possible cancer [luckily it wasn't] plus she was hospitalized for something, I don't know what, it was like a stroke but wasn't. Then, with me, I had my last miscarriage in Febraury, my Grandpa died, and now my Dad is sick. Lastly, Francis' Grandpa died. Phew. That's quite a difficult year... thank goodness for warm and mushy weddings where everyone gets to come together and celebrate somewhere warm Here's wishing you and Francis a wonderful 2009!
  12. Yippee!!! Can't wait to see pics of you in your dress! And the hair trial sounds great too. I'm excited to see how the extensions turns out. It's hard sometimes going through such a huge experience as a wedding without some of the most important people in our lives. But it's also nice, because it makes us take some special time to think back on them and that kind of helps to make them live on in our memories. Your mom would have been so happy to see you so happy and to know that you've found such a wonderful guy.
  13. You could also start taking a Vitamine E supplement or Cod Liver Oil tablets. That may help get some more oil into your system=your hair.
  14. People are CRAZY rude! I sent out about 19 invitations. Had received about 3 up until 2 days ago when I got 3 more. 6 out of 19. And it's a month 1/2 away. I just found out last night that one guy had booked back in September!!! Hello! Let me know!!! Do they not realize that we have #s to give to the resorts
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by amy706 Every week they say they think it will be resolved the next week. Then we get to that week and they start moving the next 2 weeks of brides and tell the rest of us it'll be resolved. I'm 12/5 so I'm still in limbo. Everyone through 11/15 is moving... seems like some folks through 11/30 have started to but not sure if that's the official statement or not. Over time you just start to come to grips with it! Thanks, I'll post pics when I get back next week! (I'm going home to MI for my fitting) Now that Dec is fast approaching, its time we get some major activity on this thread like the Nov thread. the Nov 08 thread has been booming! Amy, that all sucks! I'd be a little nervous... at least you know they'll take good care of you even if you don't end up at Dreams, right? Finally you've put up a pic of yourself! I'd come to think of you as that little monkey thing.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline i totally hear you. its hard b/c they are your sisters. well, maybe mention it to them or your dad in conversation & see what happens. but its def not worth a fight or tension ya know. hopefully it will all work itself out. I did mention it to my mother and she said "think of how they have to buy their tickets"... or something that effect! How about thinking of paying for a $10K wedding Oh well. I will suck it up and deal. I am so happy they're coming and we'll all have a great time. They've been wonderful (BMs) so far. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline i think #3 are cute. they are reasonable too, so if i were you, i'd get them if thats what you like. and IF anyone says anything about it you can just say "I bought them ;o) " I like it!!! Thanks, J!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline so wait- you wound up having to buy the dresses b/c they didnt order them are they paying you back i would try to have them pay you back if that wasnt the original plan. $500 plus is a lot of $ if it wasn't planned in your budget.. i vote for the kenneth cole shoes, and their one of the most reasonable ;o) btw i LOVE the bm dresses. the color sounds so pretty. cant wait to see pics! I'm stressed about it... but they're my sisters and they're younger than me. One is flying from Australia and I think both have to pay their own flights... though my father was going to help them. I think both got their rooms paid for though. I just feel guilty b/c I know they're already paying so much. But so are we! I think I'm just going to leave it to them. I sent them the invoice, so they know how much they cost. It was a mixture of them taking too long to choose, then me taking too long to choose the colour once they'd liked and tried on the dress I finally chose for them. Standard. Anyway, my fav shoes are actually #3. My mom doesn't like them and I'm woried my sisters won't either, but really if I'm paying for it, tough!
  18. Ok, so I'm having trouble deciding on shoes for my 2 BMs... they're my sisters and they want me to get their shoes. I've also ended up buying their dresses due to having not enough time to order them and I was the one who got in touch with the warehouse. All this to say that I've already spent $500 more than I'd budgeted and now I'mg etting their shoes. I love shoes and I'm having a hard time balancing the budget and what I think will look good. I'm being cheap, but it's hard with shoes! What is your favorite shoe to go with this dress? The dress is in Lipstick (kind of a berry pink) and the sash is the same colour as the dress. I've chosen silver colour shoes, but I'm flexible. A) Platform (Logan) 3.2" heel. $54 T-strap (Anneka) 3" heel $48 C) Sadie (lower heel, but not sure how high) $25 on sale D) Kenneth Cole $25 I think the last one, because it has no bling I might be able to glue a few rhinestones onto the straps... Thanks! A
  19. So I've got drama... 1) I bought my dress last Friday and they were holding it there waiting for the warehouse to get back to them about if they had it in my size (they said they'd swap it if that were the case). It's been a WEEK and they haven't called me at all. Needless to say, I'm driving out there today and picking up my dress. Enough wasting time! I need to get it to the seamstress! 2) WC emailed us a few days ago asking for our guest count. We technically don't have to pay up until Nov 12. We told her where we were at (8 on resort and 11 off) and she wrote back to tell us that 90% have to be staying at our resort. WTF? Never said that before, no record of that in our emails or the contract. She's written back to tell us that she'll have to talk to the hotel about this. I've now told the few outstanding people to book at our hotel for sure. My dad is going to. Not sure of the other one. 3) I went to a shower on the weekend for FSIL and one of FI's 'ex-friends' was there and it was very stressful... FI asked his brother if the ex-friend would be at their wedding this wekeend and his brother wrote back that he's sick of all the drama and we should just grow up! None of them know what we went through with this girl... oh well. I am hoping the wedding tomorrw won't be too crazy... In good news, I'm taking today off because I'm burned out and it's nice just catching up on emails and relaxing. Also, I started trying to learn to run at the gym and hve been going every second day. I feel awesome! AND the biggest news!!! FI has somehow gotten a few of my friends to come to the wedding!!! They had no money and so he somehow swung it with airmiles and 'hiring' them to paint our bathrooms at some point. LOL! He's creative. I'm so happy some of my friends will be there after all. I was feeling pretty down about them not comin. How are you all doing We're heading into the home stretch!
  20. I've been having the same problem. It's kind of hurtful too, when you went to the trouble to pick a great resort, but I guess it's inevitable. What gets me is that it's not like we as brides can control where our guests are going to book! And as you said, some people book and don't even tell you! I just found out that my sister's friend booked at our resort (thank god), but he'd done it ages ago and I just found out! I also just got an email from our WC after we gave her our guest count telling us that 90% have to be guests of our resort. No mention of this was ever made in all our previous emails or in the contract we signed... Sigh.
  21. Here is my sweetie-pie. His name is Cub (or Cubby) and he's a bichon frise. He's about 9. FI bought him as a puppy. He has adopted me this year as his mommy. He's a grumpy old man, but he looks like a teddy bear. It's very deceiving! Here he is in his favorite spot on our bed, in the sun. Caught making out with Mr Rufus: Sussing on Mr. Rufus (it's gross, he does that to all his toys - just lies there and sucks on them - ew!): Here he is dressed up in a raincoat. He is so pissed off at us here! And he needs a haircut! And here he is running after a ball Sorry so many pics. He's so cute! It's hard to pick
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by neen I think the initial disappointment has worn off...I'm going to go back and try it on all done up like y'all have suggested and I think I'll be happy with. I'll post pics of me in it once I do and see what you think I hope you had a good second visit! I've just bought a white dress, which I never thought I'd do. It's my second dress and I don't have enough time to order it. But I love the dress so much and with the white veil it's just gorgeous. I'm over the whiteness! I'm going to go tanning before the wedding I think the white will look gorgeous on the beach! Have you scoured the web for other people maybe selling your dress? Do you know the style and designer? You might get lucky that way. Otherwise, I really hope you love it again now that the initial disappointment has worn off.
  23. True! It's gorgeous! Someone at work just said the same thing to me when i told her I was selling my first one. I think though, if it's a common design# and you know exactly what you want, it's possible to get them cheaper online. Like I did with my BM dresses
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