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Everything posted by kevsgirl

  1. Eek! on the dress fitting and the problems with your resort... I hope everything is smooth from here on in, Simistar. Quote: Originally Posted by Simistar I still feel like I have lots to do even though I'm slowly but surely ticking off my to-do list... (It's like I tick off one thing, then add two more, haha:-)) I'm right here with you. It's a bit unnerving! I did a lot of shopping today and yesterday. Tonight I've just finished printing up all my place cards. I cracked and just bought some Martha Stewart ones. They're cute (the eyelet ones). Althought I nearly had a breakdown when i couldn't figure out how the template worked online. FI figured it out finally. Whew! I also bought some ecofetti and attempted to stuff some into these little envelopes and got it all over the floor. FI put the little stickers on the bottom of the Hershey kisses and that was his contribution. FI was really sick last night, and I slept most of Saturday, so I feel like this weekend wasn't quite as productive as I was hoping it would be, but what can you do? I can't believe how little time we have left. Eek!
  2. Beautiful pictures, Tara! Your hair is gorgeous too - well everything is and you too! Looks like a wonderful time. I'm so jealous - you hired a fire dancer?
  3. This is getting long, but it’s such a great idea!!! 1: What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be? I am a researcher for a non-profit. I profile high-wealth individuals. I would love to get into jewellery-making as a career and own my own shop. Or become a pastry chef and make wedding cakes 2: What is your favorite hobby? Baking, reading magazines 3: What is your favorite holiday, and why? I think Christmas. I don’t really know… 4: What is your greatest achievement? Passing the PhD Latin exam. It took me 5 years to learn enough Latin to do the exam and pass it (no dictionary). 5: What is your favorite animal... and why? Dogs (puppies!). They wear their hearts on their sleeves. They are great at loving and so excited when you come home! 6: What is your dream trip? Around the world visiting all the places I’d love to see: Greece, Tunisia, South Africa, Thailand, New Zealand, Easter Island, Hawaii, South America. Lots of places! 7: What is your fav food? Brownies (dessert!) 8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life? I’m not sure. 9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why? I’d be a mix of pink, orange, red. Vibrant, fun colors. I’m a Gemini – study in contradictions! 10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? I would love to live either on a tropical island or in Italy. 11: How many siblings do you have? 2 – my little sister is 9 years younger than me and my middle sister is 3 years younger. 12: What is your biggest fear? Flying bugs and drowning. 13: What’s your favorite holiday dish you make for your family? Candy cane cookies and ginger snaps. 14: Do you have a nickname? Andy 15: What causes do you support? Canadian Breast Cancer Society, Ottawa Humane Society and the United Way (where I work) 16: What is your guilty pleasure? cookie dough. 17. If you could have one special power, what would it be & why?? Time travel. I’m an historian and would love to see the Middle Ages. 18. How old are you? 31. 19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do? Pay off my student loans and our house, help my family become totally debt free, travel tons, buy a home or two in different countries, quit my job! 20. What gadget do you not need, but still want? A huge flat screen tv. 21. What is your favorite T.V. show? House and Grey’s Anatomy (and also Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles) 22. When did you know that FI was "the One?" About 5 months into the relationship by Christmas. 23. What is your favorite item of clothing? Right now – a cowl neck pink sweater. It was from Loblaws! It’s super cozy and cute and warm. 24. How many or do you want children? We’d both like 2. But we’ll try for one first and see how we go! 25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who? No, but I saw Nick Nolte walk past me on a street in Toronto. 26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why? A guy. Just curious *wink* 27. What is your worst bad habit? Avoiding things that stress me out. 28. What's your middle name? Does it have significance? Susanne. I’m named after my mother’s father’s 2nd wife’s sister (Aunt Susie). 29. What's the craziest thing you've ever done? Been hospitalized for alcohol poisoning. Probably the most humiliating thing in my past too I was 17 and it was Sambuca. 30. What is the one thing that your significant does that drives you CRAZY? Not clean frequently enough (especially the ensuite bathroom). 31. What’s your favorite movie? Hmmm. Gladiator, Never been kissed, Interview with the Vampire. Too many! 32. Why did you choose a destination wedding? I wanted something small, I love travelling and warm places. And ultimately we wanted to get married soon and FI’s brother was getting married in late October, so Dec/Jan was the best time. And there was no way in hell I was going to get married in winter in Canada!!! FI suggested it and it fit perfectly for us. 33. How long were FI and you together when you got engaged? 7 months. Living together for 5 months! 34. What person in your life really gets under your skin, and how do you know them? My dad can. He knows just how to stress me out and make me anxious. He still hasn’t booked for the wedding and we’re getting married in less than a month 35. When and how did you and your FI meet? Online (plenty of fish). November 2006, but we didn’t go out on our first date until July 2007. 36. Even with all the ups and downs along the way, would you still go through with your DW knowing what you know now? Yes. 37. Do you have any pets? We have a 9 year old bichon. FI bought him as a puppy and raised him. He’s now my baby too though. 38. If you could hook up with a celebrity for one night, who would it be? Gerard Butler. He is unbearably sexy. The Scottish accent kills me too. 39. What's the one thing other than FI that you would bring to a deserted tropical island? a hatchet to open coconuts 40. Do you have any tattoos? nope. 41: Chocolate, vanilla or strawberry Chocolate for me!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 I'm kind of in love with this one as it has everything I love in it! Purple irises, yellow roses (my favorite flower), and white & yellow mini calla lilies. I just don't know if it'll go with the color of my dress That and there are so many other bouquets that I've seen and love that I don't know what to do... What colour is your dress? I know what you mean - it has taken me a long time to come to a decision, but I"m really glad. I wanted hot pink, but since the BM dresses are in that shade, I thought it would be safer to go with light pink so it won't clash.
  5. Inspiration bouquets: The one I chose and have requested!!! Light pink roses and calla lilies
  6. That is a bummer Oh well. It's great that you can wear them in an updo! I ordered some from an ebay site about a week ago. Ihope they'll arrive by the end of the month. I'm not planning on using them for the wedding though. More for fun on some days when I go out. I plan on (hope to) use them when my hair is down. I'll post pics when they come in.
  7. Woohoo! Our contract is *almost* done. One mini fix and we pay the remaining $$$. I'm excited about the bouquet that I chose. I hope they make it in a very similar way. Today I ended up getting up really early for my 2nd fitting. It went really well! My sister came with me and got a lesson in how to do the bustles (there are lots). I walked around a lot and got it taken up so I'm not in too much danger of tripping or falling on my face! You can see the shoes, but I love them. I'm a little worried about walking on the beach, but I'll deal. The cups weren't sew in yet, but overall it is great. She's also going to take in the sides around the hips so that it's like a trumpet fit (so it flares out halfway down the hip - not as low as a mermaid). After standing in it for an hour it was getting more comfortable too! I pick it up for good next Wednesday. OH! And I got her to take the brooch off and I LOVED IT EVEN MORE!!! It's so much more classy and just generally gorgeous. My sister took pics. I'm hoping she sends them to me asap so I can post! I also found a gorgeous bracelet today for the wedding. I still need earrings and a necklace. Phew!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Helen_S81 We flew Skyservice for my daughter's wedding in Mexico. We did not contact them in advance about the dress because we knew how we were going to transport it. I've written about this before but I'll say it again. I took my daughter's dress down for her. I turned it inside out, put tissue paper between the layers to prevent the beads from catching on anything, folded it up and put it in a small rolling carryon suitcase. It was so easy to transport, through the airport, through security, on the plane, no problem. There were other brides on our flight and no closet so everything was in the overhead bins. Once I got to our hotel I took the dress out and spread it out in my closet (we arrived Friday for a Wednesday wedding). It was fine, no steaming required. I know this probably won't work for all types of dresses but it honestly was the best way. I've seen brides struggling with dresses in the airport since then, carrying them around on a hanger in a big bag trying to keep them off the floor. The small carryon was so easy! No one even knew it was the dress! Also the groom did not want to see the dress or know anything about it so this was a good way to keep it completely hidden from him. That is so awesome! Thanks for posting this suggestion! I hadn't read this before from you and I never would have thought of it. I really don't think it'll work in my case, but I do think that it won't be easy to be carrying it around on a hanger. When I get it back from the seamstress I'll see how much I can fold it into a carry on. I think that would definitely be the easiest way. My dress has a huge poofy bottom with tons of tulle. That's the part that may or may not be easy to fold. But I'll try it out!
  9. kevsgirl


    Eek! FI and I had a hard time finding a light coloured suit back in August! You'll probably have to get one online at this point in the year. I'm sure you'll find one though. Check Banana Republic online. We got FI's at Mexx, but it was in August andit was the end of the summer stock. Good luck!
  10. My BMs drove me nuts too in the summer... then it took so long that I finally picked one for them and made them go together to try it on. I was so lucky that they both loved it. I think at a certain point you either have to just put your foot down or back down and give them the reigns (but choose the colour), KWIM? This is the one we went with. They are both quite happy with it. One BM is very small and petite, the other one struggles with her weight and really is worried about things that cling to her tummy. Both are fairly large-chested. It's Mori Lee Affairs and we chose a beautiful raspberry colour, similar to what you've posted above. The sash is the same colour as the dress. Here's the picture (of another BDW girl's wedding) of the same dress that made me suggest it to my BMs
  11. I would think (but I'm definitely not a specialist!) that they can go darker - either by putting in some kind of a toner to bring down the lightness or just add low-lights in (so more colour), to make it a bit darker and give it some depth. Go back! Tell the person who did the highlights that you're feeling they're washing you out and you need some more depth. See waht they can do.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Myen So my question is do you think the contrast wouldn't be too big of a deal, or alternatively does anyone know where I can find a similar style shoe but in ivory/white/cream. Alternatively, I also like this shoe as well, but it costs a ton more: Sorry - I didn't answer your actual questions. I think you have to be prepared that the first shoe will really be silver. And if you don't like that look with your dress, don't get that shoe. It's gorgeous though. The second shoe is very nice too and would go well with your dress! And it's cream, so probably a better match. I just went nuts and started looking for similar shoes for you
  13. Here's an assortment. Most are modestly priced. Some are not... You didn't say what your budget was though, did you? Lilyallen Pump (Nine West) Touch Ups by Benjamin Walk Touch Ups (Melissa) Benjamin Adams (Ava) Benjamin Adams (Winslet) Pink (Cerise) Pink (Fluore) Touch Ups (Joyce)
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Simistar We did that for a month (and man was it hard!!)...now we're doing a shake for breakfast, a small lunch, and small dinner...still no sugar and no starchy white carbs.... I don't know how you did that. I can't stop cramming chocolate stuff in my mouth these days. I think I'm getting nervous... LOL! BTW you look really fit and slim in your profile pic. Do you feel better since doing the cleanse? Did it give you more energy? I'm not going to do the bootcamp after all. I'm happy with my running program (podcasts). I'm enjoying it. It's every other day and I'm adding on abs and weights too. It's better than nothing and it isn't burning me out too much. I'm so tired all the time, I could never get up at 5am every morning. Maybe in the new year... Quote: Originally Posted by Simistar On a whole other note...your stuff looks really good! The brochure you did up is very professional looking! Thanks Simistar It took me so long. This is like the 3rd version! But I'm pretty happy with it... finally!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by princessina Congrats! on running outside. It is nothing like running on the treadmill. You can run days on end on the treadmill and get out to pound the ground and feel culture shock. I hate running but I know that it is the one thing for me that will work the pounds off, not to mention I have to do it for work Good luck, it'll only gets easy from here Thanks I went today and did my last 'episode' of Week 3. I'll start Week 4 on Sunday morning - 5 min running segments. I'm a bit worried, but at the same time I think ti'll be fun. What work do you do? Quote: Originally Posted by jkcz0702 kevsgirl that is great running is awesome I like running outside so much better but now with the time change I do not get home until dark so I now opt for the treadmil. Today I did 2 miles on the treadmill, some leg exercises and 45 min pilates, I plan to go back tonight and run 2 more miles and bi and back. I know what you mean... I didn't go last night because it was so dark out when I got home and it was freezing rain (well, nearly... ) so I left it to this morning instead. And man oh man do I ever prefer the treadmill. Way less impact too. You are a machine. Seriously. Where do you get your energy Quote: Originally Posted by princessina Thanks Casey! your right, I'll get there minute by minute...Its better than my usual nothing Yay! That's all I'm doing too. I did weights this morning and crunches in addition, but I'm only doing 30 mins of cardio. We're on the right path!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Opice34 You know what else just occurred to me? How do we get it through security? I don't think it will fit through the x-ray machine! And it's not just about wrinkles for me. This is the most expensive item of clothing I've ever owned. The thought of folding it up and having people shove their bags on top of it is a nightmare. Oh crap... security! LOL! That will be funny. My dress is just a little on the poufy side... FI will FREAK if they want to open up the bag. He'll stand there with his eyes tight shut. THat will be hilarious. LOL! Agreed on the expensiveness and just it makes me sad to think of it getting crushed. Oh and my WC got back to me. Apparently the front desk can loan me an IRON. She must not have understood? Unless she means steaming machine. Ugh. I am sure there'll be a place in town (PLaya del Carmen) worst comes to worst. Ti then I'll hope for the best from the good folks on American Airlines.
  17. My OOT bags... I have about 10 more to make. I may need to purchase more of the iron on transfer paper. And I'm waiting for another shipment of bags from OTC: Cheapo tanks for me and my 2 sisters. I still need to do the 2nd BM one (blue) Our pre-wedding brochures. Most are in the mail - last few are going out tomorrow morning! And our programs that I just made a few days ago. I went downstairs to spray glue them and when I opened the bottle, I noticed it was missing the nozzle! Gotta go back to michael's and return it Hope these are not too big...
  18. So my sister sent me an email today asking me if I wanted to take part in a bootcamp... It's for women and it runs Mon-Fri every morning from 6-7am. That would mean getting up at 5am. Brutal! However, at this point, I think it may be the only chance I've got... they've agreed to let us do the 3 day a week option (in terms of cost), but attend 4 days a week because we'd only be able to attend 3 of the 4 week course (going to Mexico the 4th week). I'm being a chicken about it! Oh and without further ado, let me post some pics of some stuff i"ve been working on...
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by heather007 Well, one of the dresses that I tried on [she picked out] was amazing. It is fitted, so it shows off my hour-glass curves really well. Once again, it is a little bit too big, but nothing that my seamstress can fix. My Dad got all choked up and had to walk away because he thought it was beautiful and very much "me". YAY!!! You ! I'm so glad that you ended up going back out and finding a wonderful dress that makes you feel like a bride and beautiful! It's funny - that was my big thing too - I wanted the dress to really show off my hourglass figure. The first dress I got was very straight and boring (to me - it's a beautiful dress, don't get me wrong, but not the look I wanted to capture). The fact that your new dress is 'you' is even better. Good for you! And yay for your mom for picking it out!
  20. Amy! I can't believe a December bride is posting a planning thread... the time is going by so fast! Your stuff looks fabulous. I love your logos on the OOT bags. Everything is beautiful.
  21. OMG you girls seem pretty hard-core... but it's motivating I have had a gym membership for at least a year and have not been using it. So finally about a month ago I started using the treadmills and trying to get back into shape. A little late for Mexico, but better late than never, right? I'm working through a series of podcasts to learn to run. On Saturday I started Week 3 and I was so sore that I didn't go for 2 days. Today, everything conspired against me hitting the gym, but when I got home I went outside with FI to do the second day of Week 3! It's my first time running outside, so it was pretty tough, but it was good. I'm proud!
  22. Congratulations!!! She's beautiful! Thanks for posting your story. It sounds like you had a pretty good delivery (I'm with you on being scared of the pain!). Rest up and enjoy her.
  23. I like it too! The colour is great and the cut is very soft, with nice movement. It frames your face really well! I'm glad you went and had the manager do your hair. They owed you that much.
  24. Oh no, Heather!!! I didn't see this til tonight. I think you looked lovely in the 2nd dress, but ultimately you have to feel lovely and sexy and beautiful and if none of them make you feel that way, then you have to find one that does. It doens't matter what the freaking dress looks like or if other people like it. It's about YOU. My first one was all about me being frugal and beachy and simple and buying it without stressing. It wasn't right. My second one has major flair and has that oomph that the first one was missing. For me - that meant having a really fun hemline with poof. If for you that means having pick ups and a strapless style OR going with an aqua coloured dress, DO IT! You will look beautiful no matter what,on your wedding day, but you have to feel beautiful too. Would it be better to just go without your mom and sister? Do you have a friend who would be less opinionated? Good luck! You can definitely find dresses off the rack. That's what I did last month when I had so little time to go.
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