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Everything posted by kevsgirl

  1. OMG one of my old coworkers' DH had a 'man cave'. LOL! He smoked cigars in there and had a floor to ceiling humidor with hundreds of cigars. Oddly enough he had a really puny tv from the 1980s. HA!
  2. "I can't believe it's not snow" "Shower the newlyweds with Mexican snow" "Shower the newlyweds with snow in Mexico" EEK!!! I seriously suck at this kind of thing.
  3. I have a few: 1) I am embarassed by my dad's drinking and his behaviour. I always have been, but lately it's gotten bad or more noticeable again. FI and I were invited to his ex's house for a nice dinner (we call her my fake mom - she's wonderful and he still loves her) and he got really embarassing - saying really inappropriate things. 2) Despite trying to give FI's grandmother the benefit of the doubt, I now think she's a mean old bat. I had a family bridal shower planned for last Saturday and she was supposed to drive down with 2 other people. A 3rd was meant to come along too and when the other two and grandmother found out about the 3rd woman, they decided they didn't want to go (spend 2 hrs in the car with this 3rd woman) so they decided not to come in the morning of the shower. So it was cancelled. The 3rd girl is deaf. How petty is that? Also, she's done other weird mean things. She was going t come to our wedding and then cancelled after FMIL and FFIL had paid for her room. They lost their deposit because of her. Etc. 3) I think my FSIL is very selfish and crazy overprotective about her kid. She uses her kid as an excuse to not do most things. Including going to our wedding. 4) A biggy: Deep down I am angry with myself that I left the PhD program and Toronto after 5 years in a very unstable relationship with my ex fiance. And I am very jealous and hurt that he was seemingly unaffected and finished his PhD.
  4. Absolutely! I hope your day was perfect!!!
  5. Here is my thread to my cute new hair flowers! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t32937
  6. New Price: $375 Also, here's an online album with more pics of the dress along with some great ones of the dress with the optional straps on (which may even be prettier than when it's a strapless...)! Here's the album: Snapfish: Share:Registration Here's a great pic of the straps. They are very dainty:
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt here are a couple pics of my bouquet, and my MOH's bouquet: T those are freaking gorgeous!!! I love the combination of colours and textures. DId you know what you were going to get or did you just request certain kinds of flowers? Those are art, baby!
  8. I bought some alligator clips at the drug store (fairly small ones) and some felt at Walmart and cut strips of felt. I heated up the glue gun and put a bit on the upper inside of the clip and attached the felt. I wrapped the felt around and then glued it a few more times so that it was securely around the clip and the clip opened and closed fine. Then I glued the flower ontop of the clip. It's not beautiful underneath, but on top you can't tell at all. Here it is quickly on my head, for perspective. I feel like a rock star
  9. So I finally got all the right materials to make hair flowers for my 2 BMs. And I think they turned out quite well! I did do a search and saw that Morgan had posted a great DIY hair flower thread, but I made mine in a different way. Rather than wiring, I used felt, a glue gun and alligator clips. Here are the steps and pics of the finished product. Hope this saves some of you lots of time and frustration! I bought a very cheap bunch of fabric flowers at Michaels (2.99 for the whole thing). I would have liked better quality, but I'm on a tight budget at this point and I don't think it's going to matter in the end! OH - here's the hair inspiration that my girls chose. The flowers I made are smaller and their hair is very dark. So I bought the flower stem, cut the flowers off and then pulled the stem all the way out as well as the centre bit, so that the petals came apart as well as all the plastic bits: Using the little crystal brad that I had in the pic above, I put together the pieces as they were before and used the brad as the centre, to hold them all together. I fastened it at the bottom.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Tracy others...Wednesday was my last day of work. I stay around home till Monday - then we leave on Tuesday. I am surprising my FI at the Cancun airport by having a limo pick us up instead of taking the shuttle. We have so much crap with us, it probably would not have fit on the shuttle anyhow. I've been MIA lately - so much going on - I am 4 months preganant, and we just bought a new house and work is super busy...so things are crazy for me...good thing I got so much of my wedding stuff done in the summer, or i'd be having a breakdown. I had to get my dress taken out - TWICE...and when I finally picked it up on Monday...now it is a little too loose in the bust area - the problem is, in 2 weeks it might be perfect...who knows. i kept having this recurring nightmare about not being able to zip up the dress on my wedding day.....so too loose is probably better than too tight. For now, if I wear a padded corset under the dress, I can get by at least. Only things left to do this weekend is so review the music for the ceremony, dinner and reception (that was FI's responsibility) and of course he left it to the last minute...and then I just realized that I need to find the words for the sand ceremony....I think I saw them somewhere before...so I just have to locate some vows and change them a bit.....oh yeah, and then pack!! I plan to start that tomorrow. Monday is all about facial, waxing, manicure and pedicure - then off for 5 days of sunshine and relaxation before the big day!! Can't wait to read everyone's planning thread and hear how everything went. Congrats to all - safe travels and have a very special day! Holy CRAP, Tracy! Congratulations!!! Sounds like you have a very very good few reasons for having been too busy lately to post. I'm sure you'll be fine in the dress. Definitely better too big right now than too small. I can't believe I just have 3 more days of work! I have a zillion things to do this weekend though. How is everyone else doing? Oh! I have to post my latest DIY project from tonight. I'm really proud of it - I made 4 hair flowers for my 2 sisters (BMs). I'll make a thread and then link to it.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 Aw thanks Kevsgirl! You're going to look amazing too, I can't wait to see your pics!! You're welcome! :bighug: I'm all about spreading the love around today. I'm also very near cracking point - I just have 13 more days!!! And we're in 7. I'm freaking out, but I'm also really excited. It's a weird combination of emotions. I just hope I fit in my dress. After the past few weeks of eating. Gawd.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Sloan Im past the angry, sad stage and moved on to the "Im partying in Jamaica with my new husband for 2 weeks and dont care who's coming with me" stage. I was going to second this... when we first said we were going to have a DW, everyone was kind of shocked. Then they all started saying they couldn't come. My own mother even said on the phoen that it wasn't like she had to be there. WFT!? Within a few months, most of the immediate family had come around, but FI's brother's wife and kid aren't coming and FI's grandmother backed out a few months ago. My 2 sisters were gung-ho from Day 1. My mom got excited soon too. My dad literally just booked yesterday and the wedding is in 13 days... I went through the same thing in the fall: thinking that we sucked, it made me feel like a big fat loser that no one would care enough to come to our wedding. Starting in the summer, about 6 months before FI had a pair of friends book their family in on a whim. Then about one month ago (so like 6 weeks befoer our wedding), FI organized 3 of my friends to come down by basically bribing them... (he's helping pay for one couple). Now in the past 3 weeks, we have 3 more potentials. We're up to about 18. My point is, people are weird and will annoy you, disappoint you, and surprise you. Once you get past the stage of being really depressed that no one is coming but your immediate family, maybe more people will book. If they don't, you'll still have a fabulous time. Keep your eyes on the prize!!!
  13. I already wrote that I was thinking of "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel... it's because one of my altime favorite movies is Say Anything, with John Cusack. I'm wondring though if it may be too '80s? I love Peter Gabriel. Also, it doesn't really hold the same meaning for FI.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 Eee, sorry for the late reply! lol Here's the color of my dress: I think it should go with it ok. I spoke to my WC and she said that they do not have yellow calla lilies (which is ok) and would add more white ones instead (I was going to suggest this anyway). What do you think? I think it'll be really good actually! The white will really set off the tone of your dress. It's going to be stunning! YOU will be stunning!
  15. This is waaaaaay too difficult. All you girls are so awesome!!! I'm going to have to think on this one...
  16. Melanie!!! In case you are still figuring out the forum, here's a link to get you to the Moon Palace thread. It's very popular and I've heard great things about weddings there. Congrats!!! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t21569
  17. I"m thinking of walking down to In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel...
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Simistar I know! I totally thought I was on top of everything...but now I have no idea how I'm going to get everything done:-) I've been so focused on getting everything for the wedding together, that I forgot about getting all the other stuff done that comes with traveling...(the waxing :-) made an appt for Monday thank gawd!) Same with me!!! I want to get to the dentist for a cleaning before we leave, but I've left it super late! I don't wax (way too much of a wimp), so that's fine, but the hair trial and makeup have not been done either. Crap! Quote: Originally Posted by Simistar We leave on Wednesday! But I do have Mon and Tues off work..and boy will I need that time! I picked my dress up tonight! The seamstress made it really snug...so basically, I can't eat until the day after our wedding:-) I'm hoping to post a planning thread before I go...but we'll see if I have time Yay! So you're coming up before me. Wow! That's so soon! We leave next Sunday. Are you happy with the way your dress fits you? I think they like to make them ultra snug. After wearing it for an hour you'll get used to it, I think. I've started writing the planning thread in word. Otherwise it'll never get done. A
  19. I don't know why, but I suddenly have started to get super stressed... I'm trying to come up with some wording for the ecofetti bags I'm making right now... well, earlier on this evening. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t32880 I had a massage today at noon and since then I've been stressed, eating chocolate and pigging out and having headaches. Oh and I found out today that the girl I've had such trouble with at work just got a promotion and is going to be in charge of all our programs in our area as of Monday. ... I'm shocked and a little horrified. Hey - I also just noticed that I'm now a Senior Member of BDW!!! I'm counting the days now. 11 til we leave for Mexico and 5 more working days!!! Amy - here's hoping you keep calm and enjoy yourself from here on in!!! Simistar - what is your WD? It's not on your mini profile. When do you leave? I'm sure there are more December brides who just aren't active on this thread.
  20. Ok, so I have white ecofetti and I'm putting it into these little rectangular glassine envelopes. I've punched holes at the top and am tying a raffia bow on them to close them. I'll attach a square sticker to them saying something - I just can't think of what. There is a thread on petal toss wording (http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t4470, but the sayings already in this thread are not 'us'. I think it would be cute to incorporate the fact that it looks like snow and we'll be missing snow while in Mexico! Anyone have any creative ideas for a very short saying or thing we could write to 1) let people know that it's confetti 2) make a pun/joke on snow I can't think of anything... and I'm running out of time!! TIA!
  21. That is seriously one hell of a wicked gown!!! I loooove it! Congratulations on finding such a stunning dress
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