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Everything posted by stefnicole

  1. We're going to have BBQ catered. An informal reception suits our personalities more, as well as most of our guests. A BBQ is just more like us, KWIM?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by edna I ordered a similar travel case from Amazon but you can place in your panties too!!! and the price is $16 usd + shipping Amazon.com: Bra Smart Travel: Kitchen & Dining It doesn't say what sizes it holds. Do you think it would hold a DD cup?
  3. Are you looking for a secluded beach? I.E. where you may need to walk 10-15 minutes to get there?
  4. Since we're paying for the wedding ourselves, I just plan on giving them a photobook once we get home. They'll still get the OOT gift, but nothing more than other guests.
  5. We're only having 6 guests, so we're just planning on going to a restaurant after the ceremony and paying for everyone's dinner.
  6. I don't normally wear any make-up either. Sometimes I'll use a tinted moisturizer. Will that be enough or do I need an actual foundation?
  7. I found FI's band online. He wanted a lighter metal than tungsten, but more scratch resistant than gold. So, we went with stainless steel. $7.95 total! eBay My World - a-splash-of-sparkle
  8. We're leaving on May 26th. If I can get them by then, I'll take : 4 PA3 1 PA1 Thanks for organizing this Jac!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by yamille msg- oh no wonder! I never eat that in anything. it all makes sense. So disgusting and good at the same time. Oh vinger salt chips are crazy. They kind of hurt my mouth though. no? Yup. Stings my lips and gums and I still can't stop eating them.
  10. Don't feel bad about the extra water weight. I've seen patients gain 20 to 30 pounds in a day or two because of extra fluid. And edema (swelling/fluid buildup) can be an adverse reaction of Anaprox. So it could be due to the med.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Dmitri_Markine Well, childred and even pigs are all recovering from the flu. Nobody died from it yet in North America. So I suspect all who did die in Mexico were in really bad health conditions and had no access to medical facilities. PS. We had a farmer in Canada who infect a few thousand of his pigs...all of them recovered An American resident died. But the article states she had other chronic health conditions. FOXNews.com - Texas Officials: First U.S. Resident Dies From Swine Flu - Infectious Disease
  12. My downfall is salt and vinegar kettle style potato chips. Seriously amazing.
  13. Congrats Kim! I'm glad everything worked out for you.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Royal_lady10 Stefnicole.. idk, but they do it for finacial reasons. they say if its not under 10 then its def. a split meal for the two of them plus the baby.. so essentially they feed 3 people from one meal. maybe its just me.. I was totally embarassed at the Japanese steak house when they pulled this. Yeah, that's weird. My FI has the stomach the size of a little bird, so we split sometimes rather than take food home only to throw it out later in the week when it doesn't get eaten. But, at a Japanese steakhouse, we would definitely get our own entrees. And we always leave a good tip.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by bobbysgirl I don’t know if I completely agree with all of you. Imagine how the girlfriend feels. She is dating a man (who she very well may see a future with) and his EX called her and told her not to have anything to do with his kids?! Wouldn’t that piss you off?! I agree her response was harsh and hurtful and she should apologize. My FI only gets to see his kids once a week because his EX doesn’t want them to have anything to do with his girlfriend. If you put your foot down and tell your dad you don’t want her there, where does it end? What about holidays? I know weddings are all about the bride and everyone says this is “your†day but don’t you think your father has been looking forward to walking his little girl down the aisle since you were born? This is as much of an event for him as it is for you. If the new girlfriend is the one he wants to share this moment with why not allow it? I know you want to protect your mom, and you don’t want her to be emotional at your wedding but I think you should take everyone’s feelings into consideration. I think you should talk to your mom and ask her to be more accepting rather than excluding someone that is important to your dad. This is just my opinion from my experience being the excluded girlfriend. We are planning on sharing the rest of our lives together and I still haven’t met his kids...it’s been 3 years! From what I'm getting, her mother never called the new GF. The GF called the mom.
  16. Okay, I sent my request in to join the BDW group! Stephanie P.
  17. I'm just wearing a simple pearl necklace and pearl stud earrings.
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