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Everything posted by stefnicole

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by MegaShay We decided to invite our co-workers to our AHR only. Only close friends and family are invited to our DW. Everyone has understood, and that way there's no hurt feelings and no one is left out. We did the same.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda I was a pharmacy major before getting pregnant, I plan to finish one day but at this time with a one year old i don't have the time I really need to excel in it. But when I read this I don't freak out about Gardasil and really encourage you girls not to as well. When I see this what I want to know are: What age were they when they received the vaccine? What health issues did they have at the time? What is their health history? What are health issues that run in their family? When and what symptoms did each have? What batch was their supply of gardasil from and how have others receiving the same batch reacted? What is listed as their cause of death I agree with everything Jac said. I'm a pharmacist and every drug/vaccine has side effects. It has to be reported even if there isn't conclusive proof that a certain med caused it. And nearly every vaccination has injection site reactions (pain, swelling, redness). I admit that this is a new vaccine so there will be many adverse reactions reported post-marketing. But it takes 10-15 years before a drug/vaccine can get FDA approved. So, plenty of study has gone into it.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by beach2009 For those planning on a BBQ AHR outdoors, just wondering do you have a back up location in case of rain? Our reception site is both indoors and outdoors. So if it rains, everyone will have to pack together inside, so it'll be a tight fit!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by dear tulip So does it take 1000 pts to become a real member? Hope I'll be there soon!!! You mean, so you won't be a noob anymore? That's based off of the number of posts, I believe. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.
  5. We'll have been engaged 14 months once we get married. But, honestly, I could have done all the planning in 4 to 6 months. There were several months that I wouldn't even think about the wedding, much less plan.
  6. I don't need another dress, but that one is very pretty!
  7. We're getting married on Kauai. We've never been to any of the islands, but some family members have. We prefer a more laid-back atmosphere and that's why we chose Kauai. We wanted to be able to relax and spend time with our family.
  8. Welcome! I'm sure you'll find tons of information here!
  9. Welcome to the forum!
  10. So, how are May brides today? It's rainy and gloomy here. That's probably why I'm not motivated to do anything at all.
  11. Congratulations! I would suggest looking in the Maui sub-forum here, or the Oahu forum. A lot of times, the photographers will go from one island to another for an extra fee. Good luck!
  12. stefnicole


    Welcome! You're sure to find tons of information here!
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