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Everything posted by stefnicole

  1. stefnicole


    Congrats and welcome!
  2. stefnicole


    Congrats and welcome!
  3. I guess it depends on your guests. If you have a lot of older family members, they might not go for it.
  4. You need to first upload your pics to photobucket, and then include an img link to them. I think there's a thread around here somewhere explaining how to... ETA: here it is! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t1414
  5. stefnicole

    Hi :)

    Welcome and congrats!
  6. Well, it worked when I tried it again. So, who knows! You look hot! I love the go-go boots!
  7. Welcome! Congrats and good luck packing!
  8. I can't seem to find it through the link. It takes me to empty albums of what would have been racing photos.
  9. I hope you get everything figured out. I would explain it to everyone and emphasis the need to book/make arrangements asap. Good luck! Don't stress too much!
  10. I just don't really understand her response to you. Is she saying that having a non-minister conduct a symbolic ceremony is illegal? I'm not sure she knows what she's saying.
  11. Thanks for the review Calia. I was wondering.
  12. Those are awesome Yamille! You looked beautiful! Can't wait to see the rest!
  13. Everything looks great! It looks like you had an awesome time!
  14. I hope everything works out for you Josie!
  15. My dad's not really a gift guy, and he lives out of state, so I just called him and ate a cookie in his honor. But we bought my FIL a new battery for his phone. His old battery had a talk time of about 10 minutes. So, it was more of a need than a want gift!
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