I'm bored too...
1- Name as it appears on birth certificate: Stephanie Nicole
2- Date of birth: 3/29/84
3- Do you have any siblings? younger brother
4- Color hair: dark brown
5- Color eyes: gray
6- Nationality: Italian, German, Swedish, Cherokee
7- Size shoe: 6-7
8- Favorite color: lime green
9- Favorite article of clothing: my orange KU hoodie
10- Favorite book: anything by Isabel Allende
11- Favorite food: mashed potatoes!
12- Future childs name: haven't really thought about it
13- What are your parent/s names: Thomas and Leona
14- Who was your first crush: Kindergarten, don't remember his name
15- Who was the first guy to break your heart: never been broken
16- Favorite vacation: road tripping across the US with my aunt
17- If you could change one thing about your body, what would it be? my stomach
18- Have you ever had plastic surgery? nope
19- How tall are you? 5ft
20- Favorite celebrity: don't have one