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Everything posted by stefnicole

  1. I love #1 and #4. But I agree that #4 might not look too good next to the white. I love the tropical colors.
  2. I decided to try this based on everyone's comments, so my first time was tonight. Level one made me sweat too. I must be really out of shape cause I felt like I was dying!
  3. My hair's not as curly as yours. I've been growing it out so the curls are getting weighed down. I still haven't found a product I really like to use. My biggest problem is frizz. Any curly-headed girls have a suggestion? I'd like to wear my hair down for the wedding, as long as I can get rid of the frizz first. P.S. I'm a real low-maintenance girl.
  4. stefnicole


    Congrats! Good luck with your planning!
  5. I wish I was done with all the planning already. At least the important things are done, so I can sit back and be lazy for a while. I know some people say that they miss the planning after their wedding is done and over, but I honestly can't imagine me saying that.
  6. I wish I was done with all the planning already. At least the important things are done, so I can sit back and be lazy for a while. I know some people say that they miss the planning after their wedding is done and over, but I honestly can't imagine me saying that.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by cdc0427 term: perm Me next: ramp
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by KLC77 Kathie~ is that a real puppy in your siggy (probably another stupid question lol)? I've been staring at it for like 15 minutes! I need to know too. I can't tell!
  9. I actually forgot to wear mine a lot in the beginning. But now, like others have said, I feel naked without it.
  10. I'm going to have to try the lemon and ricotta ones!
  11. They're really easy to install. Once you've downloaded the font from here. Just open up "My Computer" and find in your main drive a folder labeled "Windows." Open the windows folder and scroll down to the "Fonts" folder. Just drag your newly downloaded font over to the fonts folder and it will install automatically. That sounds more confusing than it actually is. Let me know if you have questions.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by deefalvey i'm a powerpoint rookie...when i opened the template, all of the little palm trees showed up as the letter "f". Can anyone tell me how I can change those back to palm trees? Thanks in advance It's a font. Go back and read her first post and see what font was used. It's on dafont.com. Just download and install the font and you should be able to see it.
  13. We're getting married in Hawaii on May 27, and our AHR is booked for June 13. I wanted to just get it over with.
  14. I finally booked our photographer and AHR location. And I started designing our AHR invites. There's still so much left to do though!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by FoxyBride It's not just talk that having a baby over 35 carries more complications than it does for a younger woman. We produce eggs when we start menstruating and we have those same eggs until we go through menopause. The doctors just want you to be aware of the increased risks for complications as you age since, although society is waiting to have babies at a later age, our bodies are not. It is also harder for a woman to conceive at a later age. My mom had children at 23, 32, & 34 and miscarriages at 35 & 37. It's not a scare tactic. It's the doctor's job to make sure you are aware of the increased risks that waiting causes. Not to say that you won't have a healthy baby (I think there was a 60 year old who delivered recently) but you have to take all that into account. Another thing you can do is freeze your eggs now so that when you start trying, you are using the younger eggs. Actually, our egg count is highest prior to birth, so we have the same eggs all of our lives, not just since menstruation. I'm a soon-to-be-pharmacist (graduate in May) and I just saw a lecture given by an ob-gyn about this. He described TTC after age 35 as "scraping the bottom of the egg barrel." Another thing that could happen later is that your hormones could get jacked up making it harder to get pregnant (perimenopause). The lecturer suggested getting salivary hormone levels tested if infertility occurs.
  16. I'm trying to talk my fiance into doing this with me. He's sort-of agreed to limited pictures. So mostly it'll just be me unless he changes his mind.
  17. stefnicole


    Congrats and welcome!
  18. stefnicole


    Congrats and welcome!
  19. I just want to throw in how much I loved those books. I was totally sucked in. Glad to know I wasn't the only one.
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