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Everything posted by stefnicole

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Royal_lady10 I hate eating out with a certain friend, her and FI always share plates.. thagt really embarasses me. Who the hell has to share a plate at red lobster!. the prices are low enough!.. My FI and I share an entree all the time. We don't do it because of cost, but because we can't finish it by ourselves and don't want leftovers.
  2. Cute cupcakes. Your grandma looks like she is a lot of fun!
  3. Reading this made me realize I don't have anything borrowed either. I better go call my mom...pronto!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by hamster627 Here's the garters I bought today: Detail of the 'keeper' garter Where did you get them?
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by sugaredviolets stefnicole--do you have a planning thread? or do you know other girls who have had a Kauai wedding and posted a review? I don't know of any others who have any. Have you done a search yet? And I haven't done mine yet. I actually woke up this morning thinking of everything I need to put in my planning thread! You read my mind! I'll get mine up soon. Less than a month away!
  6. So, I mentioned to FI that I was looking for someone to do my hair and make-up and he threw a hissy fit about me wearing make-up. Admittedly, I don't wear it ever. At least not for 3 years or so. So, my question to you ladies is, do I have to wear make-up on my wedding day? We'll be in Kauai and I imagine it will be humid and hot and windy. BUT, I don't own any makeup and would rather not have to spend a lot of $$$ buying some, only to never use it again. What would you suggest?
  7. Clueless. "We can't stop here. It's bat country."
  8. Good luck! I'm sure everything will turn out great. I did mine last weekend and I survived. I didn't even get to drink before hand cause I was driving! Post pics as soon as you get them!
  9. Yael, your pics look great! I agree, the lollipop shot is sassy...
  10. I'm sorry. I wish people weren't freaking out so badly. Tamiflu actually works for the swine flu, while it's been resistant this year to normal flu. So, even if you got swine flu, and took some antivirals, you'd have less symptoms than if got the flu normally.
  11. Probably just lip and brows for me. Maybe bikini, but no brazilian...ever.
  12. Awww...too cute! I voted for you too.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by yoAzul ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH Im just so annoyed - my uncle and aunt are out b/c their work told them if they travel to mexico they cant come back to work for 15 days WTF (they live in Spain) Im so fed up - and im so sad i probably wont get my dress and my pictures - and we cant reschedule/postpone because we didnt go through a TA and our resort doesnt have any locations outside of Mexico so i wouldn't even know how to go about rescheduling anything. This is just so unfair. Are all your other guests cancelling too?
  14. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for all you Mexico brides!
  15. I got my palm read when my aunt and I were visiting Las Vegas. I don't remember much of what she told me, except knowing I would be in the medical field (pharmacist). We just did it for fun. I mean, it was Vegas!
  16. We decided to go with Bill Crane on the island. Kauai wedding photographer Bill Crane, modern photography and photojournalism He & his wife are super nice. I'll let everyone know how the photos turn out.
  17. I was wondering this too. Thanks for the tip!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride Suzanne...I know you are upset that she waited to tell you. But think about it this way; she may have wanted to wait to make sure she really felt something for him before introducing him to her beloved daughter! She rushed into the relationship with the last guy even though the feelings weren't there, and she knows that it hurt you. Maybe she wanted to make sure of her feelings for this new guy. I do think that you should meet him before your wedding though. If she's making the effort to have you meet him in Alabama then I say go for it. You should meet the new man in your mom's life as soon as possible! I agree. Meet him first before you decide anything.
  19. Exciting! Hurry with the pics! You know you can't tease us like that...
  20. I shopped at Victoria's Secret, and Target actually. I also got some camis at Forever 21 and Charlotte Russe.
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