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Everything posted by LuvGrand

  1. OK I just need to rant for one second. I am in a friend's wedding and although I love her so much, she is really making everything expensive! I'm the only BM that is a student and so I have NO money. I'm trying to save up money to go to Europe for another friend's wedding this summer AND save up money for my own wedding. The rest of the BMs have jobs and can pay for all of this stuff. She isn't really leaving us a choice as to whether we want to pay $100 to get our hair and makeup done. Plus I bought a plane ticket, , plus the dress, plus the bachelorette party, plus a hotel and the wedding isn't until the end of May. I will probably at least $800 to come to her wedding. It's just REALLY hard but I don't want to say anything because she's already stressed out and it's her day, not mine. Then, I started thinking, she will probably pay that much to come to my wedding in PV so maybe I shouldn't get upset right?
  2. I felt so bad for Shayne's mom. At first I was laughing but then I felt guilty when I found out she was really nice. I TOTALLY think that he's going to pick her in the end. Did you guys see the clip for next week of him grabbing someone's hand to propose? I really think that is Shayne's tan hand.
  3. Ew that was kind of creepy. Poor thing! Did you guys see that baby that was born with two heads in India?
  4. LuvGrand


    Welcome! I have been finding great ideas on here too and everyone has been SO nice!
  5. I told my mom about your STD boarding passes and she loved the idea and is going to help me. That's the first time she got excited about anything I have told her. I'm now feeling a little more relieved
  6. I went to Chichen itza when I was younger and it was GREAT! It's really something you shouldn't miss if you are in that area. It's a tiring day trip but soooo worth it. I see pictures in history books and everywhere and I always get to say "Hey! I've been there!"
  7. We will probably move back to Texas when we are done. We really like the Austin area. I still have another 2yrs though for that!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 That is crazy! I am from Cali originally but have lived here for like 6 or 7 years. I don't even remember how long... Don't tell me he went to Brownwood?! No he went to Comanche HS but he is also 27yo right now. Small world! Most people from Texas don't even know where Comanche is! I'm from Henrietta, Tx which is over by Wichita Falls.....same story, different town.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 There are girls on here that have done if for a lot less than that. I think that is a realistic budget. Mine is 10000 and I haven't even got close yet! You will be fine Thanks for the help! By the way, my FI is from Comanche. We just live in Iowa right now so I can go to med school. I just thought that was funny.
  10. SOOO I have a quick question. I have looked up a little information on the requirements to get marrined in PV. However, the complicated part is that my FI is a Mexican citizen. I know it will cost more and we have to be there 5 days before the wedding (which doesn't really leave much time for the honeymoon afterwards). Does anyone just skip all of that stuff and get married at the JP in the US after/before the wedding in Mexico?
  11. Wow $15K?!? There's no way we could afford that. Am I going to be able to do it for $7,000?
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by K&Rwedding I am only ahead of the game because I really have nothing else to think about. We booked our coordinator and photographer and I was so excited I wanted something to do. We also have our first RSVP request due by July 9th, so we can get a rough estimate to budget our wedding off of. Don't worry you aren't behind. I am just a crazy planner. I want to not think about wedding stuff for the next 4 months after my STD's are sent out next week. Cheers Is there any way you could send me the templates? [email protected] I haven't seen the original forum that said how to do that. Those are SO cute. I have plenty of time to do mine. I won't be getting married until next April but I figured I should at least get the idea now so I don't have to stress about it until later.
  13. Yeah. I have looked at Dreams. So far, I think that is going to be the best deal. I just don't know how much a discount you get if you reserve a block of 10 rooms. It's just SO hard to set up a budget when I don't know what a realistic budget would be. I probably shouldn't really stress about it right now anyway. It's a year away!
  14. That looks like SOO much fun. If we end up getting married in PV (which we are supposed to decide on this weekend), we will definitely have to do that. My parents and brother really like riding 4-wheelers so I know they will be up for that. Thanks for the fun story and pictures!
  15. Hi everyone! Thanks so much for all of the replies. I was wondering what you all think of a budget of $7,000 to have a wedding in PV. That would include me and my FI's travel and stay, a hotel room for his parents and hotel room for my brother and of course the whole wedding with probably about 30-ish guests. Is that going to be enough? My parents aren't going to help so we are going to try and save up the money by next April. It doesn't help that I'm a poor med student
  16. Hi everyone! My fiance and I are probably going to get married in PV in April 2009. Right now, we are trying to work out a budget. I'm really excited to see what everyone has to say on here. I've read a few of the PV posts and they have been really helpful. Thanks!
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