He's getting by...by the leather on his back!!!!! He does some okay stuff...I would love to see Kenley, Kyoto not sure who else make it to the end for the 3 way challenge!
Meatballs are always a winner... you can do either beef or turkey! Or you can do a seven layer taco salad.... chicken sausage with grilled onion and peppers are delishhhhhh!!!
OMG anything chocolate just about does me in...I love candy bars the most...my only saving grace is I bake alllll the time and usually when ever I get done baking or cooking I have no appetite for it.... But a peanut butter Twix or the chocolate covered peanut butter and rice crispy balls I make are to die for...I even wake up at night just to take a bite of something sweet...but then I have to brush my teeth all over again!!!! I need some serious intervention!!!!!
Quote: Originally Posted by Jenn The Diva Cup is green since you clean it and don't throw it out. That being said, I'm with ya that DH would be horrified if I told him I was using something like that. And I think you are supposed to occassionally sterilize it... he'd throw a fit if I said I needed to boil it on the stove to clean it . I know I would be grossed out just at the thought or sight of having to "sterilize" it....I don't know about this one girls...I may have to stick to my tampons....
I would totally look at Hobby Lobby or Michael's before buying them...you may have to add a little work to them but you could save a ton! Or do a search on-line at a craft website.
Congrats on welcoming little Ainsleigh into the world..she is absolutely beautiful. May motherhood bring you lots of laughs and good times to come! Take care of yourself and try to get as much sleep as you can!!! Being a new mom is hard work! Hormones are crazy and out of wack!
Quote: Originally Posted by MelanieS There's an auto dealership in Columbia, Missouri named after the owner: Richard Head Auto
LMAO.... Nice Dick Head Auto!
Quote: Originally Posted by ashley9078 So I'm not real into going all the way on a beach theme. Before I was planning a DW I was planning on using Damask patterns as my theme. I love the modern yet classic look of it and am wondering if I can still use it in a tropical location like Jamaica? I was thinking of doing either black or brown with cream int he pattern with accents of pink and green. I need a lot of opinions on this one! I say do what you want! If you want to use Damask patterns that would be so pretty...I think the brown with cream and pink accents would be too cute!!! It's very classic...I will be great! Your location does not have to dictate your theme...
The nanny cam episode is insane..who knowingly signs up to work for him...you may be right about the moving so much...it would make me crazy...and I would love for Jeff Lewis to redo my house!
I'm not a huge T.V. whore but I'm utterly addicted to the show Flipping Out. The owner Jeff has OCD to the upteenth degree...It's like that Whitney and Bobby Brown show where you're so disgusted but can't turn your head just out of pure shock....I thought I had seen it all until I saw this guy... On one episode he ordered Starbucks with precision like he was giving the Barista a recipe and it had to be at a certain temp!!! OMG WTF...can someone say "He needs a trip on the couch!"
Give yourself a kiss on the shoulder for getting a huge task off your to-do list...the invites look good..if you're not crazy about the starfish I would look for a non-pixelated picture of starfish...that would make the starfish look crisper and maybe you'll love it more...?
Hey Abbie,
no I don't...my friend sent an e-mail out talking about Starbucks, Ann Taylor and a whole slew of stores that were scheduled to close in the near future...I was just shocked that so many were closing their doors and some permanetly!
I'm sooooo planning on getting the new one coming out this month... I currently have T-Mobile and I have no complaints just can't seem to find a phone that I like that they offer. A few of my friends have the old I-Phone and tell me that the new one's coming out have WAY more features and is much lighter and better not to mention less $$$$.
I'd say go for it!
I guess i can't say I'm all that surprised...i received an e-mail about a month ago about all the stores that were closing nationwide...most of us are holding on to our money...well I hope they don't close the one close to my house..which I doubt cause there's always a line..in fact so much so they opened another 1/4 mile away and they are both packed!!! That's a bummer!
This is a classic case of not having any expectations....getting pregnant as a teenager is such a selfish act...if these girls really know what binds they will put their parents in as well as these innocent babies...they wouldn't do it...I can't believe that all of these girls come from "Bad homes with bad parents" It sounds to me like the "Group Mentality" enough of them start talking about and and how much "fun" it will be the more they started to believe their own crap.
Someone needs to give these girls a real dose of reality...this is not a baby doll...you can't decide you want to be an adult and do adult things and then when it back fires revert to being a kid...it doesn't work that way...They will need good family support with just enough help..because if you help too much it makes it that more easier to go out and do it again...and where's the lessson in that.
This is unfortunate and it makes me sad to hear things like this...our society is so out-of-whack that most people grow up with out expectations and goals...Just because you can have a baby at 14-17 is not always a good idea for you or the baby!!!! Too bad they will have to learn the hard way.
God help them!