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Everything posted by Monique

  1. We're doing a casual reception when we get home...more like a back yard BBQ for our family and friends that couldn't attend and some who will be surprised to learn that we had a DW...it's totally optional. I don't think there's anywhere that says you have too. But we decided we would, no pressure, easy breezy reception and the main goal is "Having a Good Time"! So do whatever you want when you want!
  2. Lucy Liu::Kill Bill Vol 1
  3. The fact that I only have 1 hour and a half left before I go home!!!!! YEAH....the couch and a glass of wine is calling my name!
  4. That was our initial plan (well more FH than me) but the more I thought about it the more I knew I had to have my closest family and friends there...that way I can say I extended the invite now if they can't make it! No Biggie we've always enjoyed each others company anyway and have never had a problem making new friends whereever we go....I say do it and without regret!
  5. Sometimes I resent being the "go to person" for my entire family....it's emotionally draining sometimes...it was not a job I asked for but was giving to me!
  6. Without a Paddle= Burt Reynolds
  7. Rachel I think it was Maudette Pickens first...Right...then Dawn I think that was the orer!
  8. MD Lady, not that I think my friends would cause me any drama but when I factor in (if I were to have BM's) that all of them would be my friends and not necessarily family members I know for a fact that someone would have a tissy...and how could I pick one friend to be the MOH...I have such an amazing relationship with all of them and them with each other it would be torture to pick...don't think I could...so the easiest way for me was to say skip it...we're all looking forward to having an awesome time...besides I never follow the path well traveled!
  9. You're my inspiration...now if only I can get my butt in gear!
  10. Yeah just like that Bobby & Whitney Show some years back...you're mortified but yet you can't turn away from the set because you're so shocked!
  11. I was at a wedding with some friends and I think my mouth just about fell open when the wedding party sauntered down the aisle in not just red but blood red dresses (that clearly was custom made) with blood red stockings and shoes to match. (OVERKILL)...No... but it get's worse...there were at least 15 bridesmaids and maybe 9 to 10 groomsmen, so some of the groomsmen had to double back to get the other bridesmaids down the aisle... All while doing a dance down the aisle (way before rock the reception and dancing down the aisle was cool)...It may have been cute at a Halloween themed wedding but this was in the middle of spring!!!! WOW!
  12. We're doing OOT bags as well...I'm already gathering non-persishable items now from the dollar aisle. At least that way it won't seem like so much...but we're only only having 15-20 people so it's do-able and we like others are doing one bag per room and special bags for our "little guest"! It's something we wanted to do well at least me...But in no way is is mandatory but just a nice gesture to your guest who have travelled so far!
  13. LOL...Surprisingly my mom hasn't said much about that. My grandmothers the one who has something to say about the whole DW experience and that we're having such a small intimate ceremony...Easy Breezy is the only way for us!
  14. Is it P.C. to have them or can we forego the torture session and skip this part all together? We don't want to inconvenience/trouble anyone (considering it's already a DW) and out of the many weddings I have been apart of or know of there has always been some "Bridesmaid Drama". So when people ask who my bridesmaids are and I say "we aren't having any" I get the deer in the head-lights look! Am I wrong? My friends don't seem too offended or at least they haven't said it to my face! How many of you are foregoing this tradition?
  15. Loved last nights episode...I thought it was over for Bill and Sookie and a new start for Sookie and Alcide...(they were so close to kissing)...I really liked Talbots character and hate to see him go! What on earth is Eric going to do in efforts to avenge his family!
  16. Eddie Murphy- Boomerang
  17. Can you really pick just one...I love cosmos, dirty martinis, long islands and bloody mary's...well just about anything with Vodka!
  18. John Cusack- Must Love Dogs
  19. Janapana, where were you going to order them from and do they offer dual shipping?
  20. Tropical Love...there's a whole section on OOTs you will find lots of great ideas there.
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