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Everything posted by Monique

  1. Joaquin Phoenix= Gladiator
  2. I'm so proud of myself...I finally got my butt in gear...got up this morning and ran with the dog for 30 minutes...I must say it feels great I feel so alive! Thanks for the motivation BDW Fam....!
  3. We're only having 15 guest so I'm buying some ID/Wallet holders with lanyards for $1.89 each on ebay...they come with 3 pockets, one that's clear and the others that are zippered! Only thing is they're black so no real color choices which is fine!
  4. I think that it's important that you two are on the same page...there is no way you can accommodate everyone. I think making an effort to include his older brother would be very important to him or maybe you could have FI talk with his brother to see why he can't make it and see if he can change his plans to accommodate your wedding...you can also stress the importance of having a set date and how it helps make planning and thus his life much easier! Â Good luck!
  5. Welcome to the forum and happy planning....
  6. Some are coming that Tuesday but the rest are coming Wednesday to which we are planning a Meet and Greet on Wednesday night...It was easier for guest to take a few days off and make it a long weekend and back to work on Monday!
  7. Because I Said So= Diane Keaton
  8. We picked a Thursday to get married! We wanted to have a few days together before guests arrived and a few days to spend with them! It's really up to you!
  9. I just called and got through! She asked me if I called yesterday (LOL) I told her no (which I hadn't) So try in a minute! I called the Miami #.
  10. Fratility- Matthew McConaughey
  11. OMG Angela, Â These are so beautiful...it looks like a magazine spread! I got excited looking at the teasers! You are going to be so happy when you get the rest just basing it on the few you posted here! Congrats!
  12. It's unfortunate when you have to spend energy trying to reason with someone who isn't willing to listen...Sounds like your old roomie has some bigger issues to worry about...like that controling "New Fling" who has already exhibited behaviors that our mom's told us to watch out for. Pray for her and move on...you have a wedding to plan and get ready for. If she is truly your friend she will eventually come to her senses and apologize for being an ARSE!
  13. Jeffrey Dean Morgan= Watchmen
  14. Â We watched it in slow-mo to see what was up with Sam...looks like he cut off his mustache...and who was Russell staking/stabbing in the bed....classic break down (Russell over Talbot's death) he has his remains in the a crystal jar...WT??? Â
  15. Kitten Heart, where did you order them from and were you able to get all 10? I've only seen the set of 8 and then 9&10 as separate ones! Â
  16. Here is a link for Sam's Club:  http://www.samsclub.com/sams/search/searchResults.jsp?searchTerm=Projector%20screens&searchCategoryId=all  http://www.samsclub.com/sams/shop/product.jsp?productId=194783&searchTerm=Inflatable%20Screens  Costco: http://www.costco.com/Common/Search.aspx?whse=BC&topnav=&search=Projector%20Screens&N=0&Ntt=Projector%20Screens&cm_re=1_en-_-Top_Left_Nav-_-Top_search&lang=en-US  There's a nice one for 169.99 for 120 inch screen!
  17. How awesome for you that your OOTs will be done...one less thing to do! Â
  18. Grease::Olivia Newton John
  19. We have a projector and an inflatable screen that we use for outdoor family events...we're just going to use that...We purchased both from Sam's Club...I'm sure you can rent the equipment vs. buying especially if it's not something you're going to ever use...but I was so determined to get one years ago but we use it all the time in the summer! I would look at audio visual companies in your area to see how much they would cost for set up and rental!
  20. I agree with the Oscar idea.....I say have the DJ cued to cut to a funny song or a song that EVERYONE loves which will completely drown him out and make him look insignificant...who wants to hear an arse when their jam is on? No one!
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