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Everything posted by Monique

  1. Sounds like a cut and paste from a magazine or on-line one! LOL...so random...it was probably by mistake let's hope! Â
  2. I just wanted to thank all those who contributed to this thread, you don't know how much this helps with planning...I feel a ton better after having read through all of these...some I have to remember to go back and re-read..great info here ladies.
  3. My hair is natural now and short but it's growing out and I haven't figured out what I'm going to do with it...FI doesn't like weaves although he can't tell when someone's wearing one...I'm still up in the air...I may wear my short little curly doo? Not unless I go ahead and perm it and wear something then????
  4. Does hand sanitizer have an expiration date? I would get some but not getting married until next year...
  5. This week will be two weeks so hopefully I will have them soon? Â Katelynn I would call again to see if they sent them or look to see if they have them in pdf that you can print on line to add...It may not be as nice as a booklet but at least you'll have the information for your guests.
  6. Paul Blart Mall Cop:: Jayma Mays
  7. Thanks lisadias....I was searching with no luck but having a ball looking at all the dresses....
  8. August 2011 Montego Bay Jamaica Bride!!! South Side
  9. I don't think Eric is killed off or Russell for that matter...I saw the preview for the Sept. 12th and it showed Russell fighting with someone? Yes the Layfayette and Jesus Black Magic, Voodoo Ritual scene wigged me way out....where the hell is that one going who knows...not loving where Sam's character is going and his brother Tommy is annoying and sneaky...I agree he'll be killed off or something. Still tryign to figure out what's going to happen with Tara and the whole unveiling of the true Egg's murder and Holly the Wican waitress she's freaky... with that said I don't want to wait for the next session it's torture!
  10. OchoRiosBride2010, Â How long did it take them to come? Â
  11. Thanks Prettypigpig, Â I was just talking with my sister and she said the same thing...she told me not to look at anymore and that we would go to the stores to look and try on... You're so right...how far in advance did you order/get your dress...we're not getting married until August of next year so there's time to lose weight and what ever else...? Â
  12. I know it's sooooo overwhelming...I'm just going to print pics of the ones I think I love and find stores that have something similar to get a feel of how it will look and go from there....but yes I'm looking at the pics and telling myself I could easily do two more and decide from there....Gluttonous! Â
  13. OMG I went to the DH Gate site and I must say I need to stop looking or I'm going to go crazy..I found 2 dresses that look a lot like the Temperley London one that i LOVE...with the exception of some bunching in the butt in one of them...I'm going wedding dress crazy because they're soooo many I like well at least 3 I would really consider...I may save the Nicole Miller for the AHR! Â
  14. I love this site...so I purchased a gown a coupld of years ago...a Nicole Miller gown http://www.edressme.com/cm0023.html for $149.00 on ebay, I love it but I saw a Temperley London Long Anisha dress and I fell in love however I think it's too simple of a design to pay over $3000...http://www.temperleylondon.com/bridal/collection#Long_Anisha_Dress_5377 Â So I'm really torn between which gown but more importantly which company to go with to see how much and how nice it would look! What has everyones experience been also does the Monica bride only make certain dresses or any? Â
  15. Working to secure my date and book for my nuptials next year....I'm so super excited!
  16. Did you search the DIY folder...I'm sure there's bound to be some instructions there!
  17. Also there is instructions on where to post for newbies!
  18. Welcome Lilly, Â there's a Buy, Sell, Trade section on the forum where brides sell all sorts of things including dresses...Also if you do a search for Wedding Attire you will find all sorts of ways BDW members have been able to find gowns for amazing prices and well within their budgets...happy planning!
  19. Ran for 30 minutes this morning...sore but it's a good sore...
  20. WOWZA...that's unfortunate...a friend of mine who just got married on August 21st just requested one of her bridesmaids step down...she was causing way too much drama and she asked her two weeks before the wedding to step down (it was not a nice pleasant convo lots of yelling etc.)! So you have to do what you need to. It's unfortunate that she was unable to go but without making judgements I would just ask her to give you a firm answer sooner than later about her intentions and ability to attend...I think it is way nice and very generous that you are paying ($800) towards their travel...However in the end all that matters is that you and FH are there together! Good luck with the conversation...May the GODS be with you!
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