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Everything posted by Monique

  1. Paper Source is another great resource....Paper Source - Do Something Creative Every Day I use them for most of my supplies and Hobby Lobby is great I like it better than Michaels...not sure if you have one near you!!!!
  2. What about shot glasses and personal key chains?? Men are hard to buy for.
  3. They look really great...that just goes to show that you don't have to pay an arm and a leg for beautiful invites. Great find...
  4. Me and some friends started a traveling group about 5 years ago which has turned into a group of 40 people...We cruise as well as destination vacations..but I must say the Cruise was the most fun. There's plenty to do the ship is like a floating resort...lot's to do and you can always plan an excursion when you port at your destination...You're only out to sea (depending on where you're going and how long your cruise is) for maybe 2 days out of 7 and that's usally when the ship has tons of activities planned. We've done Carnival (only on the newer ships nothing pass a year old) and RC... and RC is by far the best...just make sure not to go during hurricane season depending on the location.
  5. Welcome and happy planning...there's plenty to read up on so grab your pen and paper and turn your printer on!
  6. Did you hear yourself when you said trying to "MAKE EVERYONE ELSE HAPPY" let's not forget that it is your day. What makes you happy not just your friends and family!!! You'll be fine...
  7. Hey Moon Palace a small bust helps protect against "Rock-n-Sock Boobs" Welcome to the Itty Bity Committee! I've always loved my butt...now I have one more reason to love it! Thanks for Junk in the Trunk!
  8. I love the parasols they look really cute...A nice touch.
  9. How cute is this...I especially like the Kiss Command!
  10. Well, I'm glad they were able to get some of his money back.
  11. OMG! That is ULTRA Hilarious...Don't you love it. What are the chances right? What a great conversation while showing off your wedding pics!
  12. I have Betty Boop on my lower right side..she is looking Angry with steam coming out of her head. got it when I was 23...I wanted something not everyone could see unless I wanted to show it!
  13. WOW!!!!! That's scary that older people who don't have a good support system in place can get taken advantage of. Oh well, they will get theirs as noted in the article. I hope he get's some of his money back...that's unfortunate!
  14. Stop..take a deep breath...you need to read some of the threads here..there's some much information that most of the work is already done. So no need to reinvent the wheel. Once you pick a location the rest will fall in place. Good luck!
  15. Don't feel bad...it served its purpose...to let you vent...We're just glad you're feeling better and all is well!
  16. Happy planning...There's tons of information...You'll find everything you need here!
  17. OMG...Gordon is sooooo cute..don't you just love that over bite on a bull dog! That face...I love it!
  18. Hello April, Welcome to the forum...I'm a newbie too..great information here!
  19. Welcome, You'll find everything you need here! Congrats!
  20. Gas is $3.89 for regular in Chicago...which is unreal..did you see what BP and Shell posted as their profits over $17 Billion...talk about greed! It will implode on itself the balance is way off with everyday people having to make other arrangements to afford everyday necessities! :wtf
  21. Mrs. Broon, of course it counts as life changing...Giving is the key to life. I had an epiphany five years ago that I wanted my life to have more meaning outside from what materialsitic items I had acquired. So I started volunteering at the local soup kitchen every Sunday for 3 hours helping to feed the homeless and less fortunate. It is so fulfilling!
  22. This is my English Bull- Bijou...she's my child I didn't give birth too! Trick or Treat 028.pdf
  23. I have one on my lower back on the right side...you can't see it unless I have low cut jeans on or my mid-drift showing which hasn't happened in years!
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