Well me and FI both own bikes and ride together...he had his before I met him and I learned how to ride in highschool...but bought mine a couple of years ago...I understand your view but...you don't want to stop someone from doing what they enjoy...the more you push the more he'll want the bike and to be honest he probably won't ride it that much...Good luck!
No need for the 5 second rule...they never came out of the plastic sleeves...so they were still eatable without worrying about what unknown bug you may have inadvertently picked up trying to eat them... I would have grabbed an arm full...thank GOD I wasn't there we'd be eating oreo's for weeks....
It was nice having my own gown...but there's a high chance of it getting stained etc...hospital pillows have this gross stale smell to them..not terribly offensive but not welcoming either...I was just ready to go after I had my daughter...no pain meds...no stitches..but I was soooo hyped up from the adrenaline that i couldn't sleep until I was discharged the following day...it wasn't till I got home that I slept like a log! Go figure...when I had the oportunity to be out of it in the hospital I couldn't sleep...everyone told me the sleep in the hospital was the best sleep..I'm still waiting...
Glad i could help I'm the queen of DIY...my friends call me the "Black Martha Stewart"...anytime I see something i like I try to figure out how I can make it but cheaper...
My new project is barefoot sandals i just ordered the beads and supplies...I'm excited!
I know I'm way late on this but what about scratch off lottery cards with a penny in glassine envelopes and close it with a sticker with your names, wedding date and location and a little wording in the middle like : Lucky in Love or Lucked Up or something creative like that!
The list is great...I would just reiterate warm socks, your own towels and your own pillow...there's nothing worse than having cold feet when you're sore and tired...
Okay, this is a great tool to help you plan your trip to the Botanical Gardens... or anywhere else taking public transportation...
Plan Your Trip With the RTA!
Tammy, the metra station is on Madison and Canal which is a few miles from Navy Pier...you can take the bus to the Metra and hop on the train from there... here is the link for the train station.
Metra / Union Pacific District North Line
let me find out which bus you can take...what hotel are you staying at?
Tammy, here is a link for the Metra...you could take the Metra in to the Glencoe station and catch a trolley from the station to the garden... Just make sure the times and dates are within your range!
Chicago Botanic Garden
Hobby Lobby sells the rhinestone letters in various sizes and colors and some words...let me see if I can find the link...if you have one in your home town it would be worth calling...Oh they also have rhinestone iron on transfers...I think it would be okay on a swim suit to use the iron on transfers...just put your iron on a lower temp or use a cloth or buffer between the iron and the material you're using!!!!
it's 55 degrees and cloudy I think I need to move to Cali or AZ...I love Chicago but hate the weather and I've been here all my life...I mean how much cold weather can a girl take!!!
It's damp, a little cold and rainy..high 50's...but I'm in Chicago...where it is 75 to 80 one day and snowing the next...Not kidding...Where is Summer... Sounds like it's being hogged by Napa!
OMG...listen to us bashing her and her new man...let's be nice and wish them well...even if everyone believes it's a crock and will fall apart in little to no time...I guess I was expecting her to be with someone different...he just doesn't seem like her type like their unequally yoked!
Oh well...I'm going to look for a copy cat of those shoes...that's my mission from all of this!!!
And Farticle is tooo HA-Larious... me and my friends have another word for the year...TA-licious...my Grandma always mispronouces words and she doesn't say delicious she says Talicious...so when ever we eat something that is tooo good for words we say talicious!
I was thinking the same thing...kill her with kindness...she would totally flip if you stopped by to clear the air and dismiss any misunderstandings they must have about you etc....revenge may feel good at the moment..but you don't want to do something that you'll regret later...
I work in Planning Design and Construction and you must have a permit for just about everything...some counties are less anal about them. Check to see what the code is for height on residential buildings or additions...if there is a code restriction you can always file for a variance with your county...a board will review it and let you know if it was approved or not... As for Joan Crawford...I would file a harrassment suit against your lovely neighbor... How miserable is it to be her!!! I'm praying for you.
I would be sooooooo pissed if that happened to me...what nerve. It sounds so outlandish that you have to second guess whether it's true but as they say truth is stranger than fiction!
That's funny...Gas is $4.09 in most areas but as high as $4.29 for regular...Yes I know. I'll be riding my bike to work starting next week...I figure I can get in some much needed exercise and save money!
Egyptians at the time of the pharoahs considered 13 lucky, because they believed life unfolded in 12 stages, and that there was a 13th stage-the afterlife-beyond...so it can't be all bad...13 is a lucky number in a lot of cultures...