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Everything posted by Monique

  1. Hello and Welcome to the Forum....I'm also a Dreams Cabo Bride and there is a ton of info on this on another thread...do a search for Cabo and you'll find tons of stuff...I think people are doing a little bit of everything...A la carte and packages...you have to see what works best for you...I would call your WC and get quotes and compare... Happy planning!
  2. I cast my vote...how cute are they....
  3. Hey girls...if someone needs help I have a full version of Adobe CS3 Design...
  4. Has anyone tried Celebrity Sexy Teeth? I just ordered some..waiting for it to come in the mail... I read about it in a Consumer's Report Article...
  5. Happy planning...you will find lots of info on the resorts. The girls are wonderful and resourceful.
  6. You'll be fine if all else try a colonics...i hear you lose an instant 5lbs I'm sure its all water weight!
  7. I've met quite a few...I work at the University of Chicago Medical Center where Michelle Obama works...so I would see her..very personable and down to earth...Great lady... LL Cool J..he was a prick...a cute one though... Jay Z...backstage at a concert with R. Kelly whom I'm ashamed to admit I know (he's soon to be my BFF X). I meet Oprah...she seemed so distant...I would guess it's a lot like robot work after so many years....probably takes something special to move her or maybe protected is the right word instead of distant? Erykah Badu and her then baby Seven at O'Hare airport...really short like 4'11 short..but pretty..she reminded me of an alien Big Boi & Andre 3000 (Rap Group Outkast)....at a party years ago...another group who is extremely short...what is it a pre-req to be famous is being short? Kanye West- at a release party for my cousins..he did 4 or 5 tracks for them...he's also really short Common (Rapper/Actor- in the new movie with Angelina Jolie) aka- Rasheed- use to hang out with him in the studio with my BFF...nice cat...lovable and laid back! Jaime Foxx & SWV (R&B Group from the 90's) at a party in Tampa...really cool people I'd have to say I'm not overly impressed with the hollywood thing...It's cool but I like it when people do things that are memorable...are great citizens..I totally love the fact that someone wrote about some Nobel Peace Prize winners...how cool is that!
  8. Don't feel bad...we all have those times where we can't check in as much...I'm just addicted and can't help but check in every free moment...
  9. Yes....I cannot stress enough to give yourself a full month before you judge breastfeeding...You may be so ready to quit after a few days but believe me it gets easier and you'll love it..besides your face is the face your baby sees while it's eating...A beautiful thing...and you lose that baby belly way quick...you can feel the contractions when they nurse...weird at first but great results!
  10. You are tooo funny...get off the computer and go have the time of your life...
  11. We all have those "blue funk" days that we just can't seem to shake...thank god it always goes away...hopefully sooner than later...I'm on my way to the ferret thread!
  12. Congrats Mo and here's to a Healthy, Happy and Harmonious Pregnancy....
  13. OMG Monica you are too funny...I use Sharpie on a pair of black linen pants...it works good!
  14. Well besides the health benefits it sure beats stumbling around in the kitchen half asleep in the dark trying to make a bottle...I breast feed for 11 months and made my own baby food...and I tell you it saved many a nights rest and your wallet...I didn't realize how expensive formula was...
  15. Loved the movie...was a bit put off with the Standford/Anthony hook-up?When Big didn't show up my heart sank...wanted to throw up and kick his ass at the same time but I cried instead...But the lashing with the bouquet was classic...we all know people that fight and get back together..but that was far fetched...don't know if I could have forgiving him...I wished Samantha would have bagged the hot latin neighbor...I was waiting for that. All in all a good flick but wanted to see more of the "Girls doing their thang"
  16. August 2009...paying for it ourselves and wanted to give Family and Friends time to save up etc.... Besides I think you need a good 18 months to properly plan...or at least it makes some things less stressful...And belive it or not I got my dress already...it was 75% off...You don't see Nicole Miller gowns for that price everday...
  17. I would start by looking at the feedback from all the other BD Brides...see what grade the resorts got etc...But before that you need to come up with a budget...once that's in place you can talk with some of the TA's and see which resorts fit your budget and then go from there...There is a ton of information...take a deep breath and relax...it will all work out...Besides you've hit the jackpot as far as information goes...no need to reinvent the wheel these gals have done and made it better! Good luck planning!
  18. Feel better...lots of R&R and maybe a hot-tottie with lots of lemon and honey to help you sleep better!
  19. Congrats...and have an awesome time in Cabo...well as you know being sick is a sign of a healthy baby..although it's no fun for mom! keep mint and ginger close at hand!
  20. I saw it Saturday night at 11:30pm with 5 of my friends....Loved the movie...cried, laughed too many times to count...we all decided to go get Cosmo's after the show which was at 2:00am and I didn't make it home until after 7:30am...can i say my ass is dragging the ground...I need like 2 or 3 days to recoup!
  21. I paid $4.35 for regular this morning...put in $35 and it just hit above half a tank...Thank God I don't work far from home!
  22. Yes it is Petals...you know it's bad when the Burbs gas prices are the same as the city's....Where are the deals or better yet more economical gas prices?
  23. WOW!!! Sexy mama...those shoes SCREAM: HOTNESS!
  24. Yes a drink would be great right about now...but first I think you need to give gratitude that FI came out of an accident intact. As far as the MOH, let it go...getting angry and upsetting yourself won't benefit anyone, especially not you...In moments of chaos and uncertainty the best thing is to be still and contemplate and take deep breathes and ask God for the divine plan... it will work itself out...everything always does!
  25. Me, FI and some friends are going to McCormack & Scmicks for dinner to celebrate my Bday and then off to a comedy club for a laugh... Sunday we're hosting a BBQ and Monday I'm chilling out before work Tuesday!
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