I would chalk some of this up to immaturity, a little having to do with age but as we all know, some people are just DRAMA FILLED regardless of age...we don't have any issues, our friends know us well enough that we would distance and cut ties with ENERGY VAMPIRES... I don't know what it is when the word Wedding is spoken or when there is one planned, some people just go NUTTY... Maybe it's this guys insecurity having to constantly make comments about the wedding. If it bothers your FH that much I would pull the friend aside and say something to him...As far as the comments about "How important it is to have everyone there" Good for them, everyone wants the same thing but as you can see on this forum alone that doesn't always happen. You have to know from day one what's the most important to you and your FH. Who cares about what his immature friends are saying because at the end of the day it's your love for each other that got you to this point...This is a early lesson, you will unfortunately see some of this same behavior after you're married.. You both have to make a decision to be a united front and not let nonesense bother you! P.S. I would make an inside joke about it everytime his friend mentions it! Good luck!