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Everything posted by EricaG

  1. Has anyone heard of the banana diet craze in Japan? I am totally going to try it. All it is is et a banana for breakfast and drink a glass of room temp water. Then you can eat your regular lunch, supper and snack during the day. It suggests not eating after 8pm and being in bed by midnight, which will be the hardest part for me. I am a night owl! Supposedly it works and they are having a hard time keeping bananas in Japan because of it!
  2. Good luck and have a great time Tara. Can't wait to hear from you!!!
  3. I think exchanging emails is a great idea. After all, there is no such thing as a quick visit to BDW! LOL!! Here is my email [email protected] So I was supposed to start tanning today and get all the OOT bag stuff together and packed up with my Mom, but we got a phone call a couple hours ago that my Nanny has had another heart attack, and is asking for family. My Mom and my Aunt & Uncle that live 45mins away were heading into the city tonight. I will probably wait till my sister gets out of school and then head in. I think I might still head over to my Mom's and try to get stuff done though. This really blows!!!!
  4. This is crazy. I can't believe that you guys are starting to leave already! My heart is starting to race a bit now. OMG!!! I better getting back on track and get my wedding stuff done now, since I was a bit busy the past few weeks to really worry about getting them done.
  5. Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  6. Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  7. Welcome to the forum and happy planning! Glad to see yet another Canadian here. Cheers!!!
  8. Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  9. Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  10. Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  11. Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  12. Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  13. Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  14. EricaG


    Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  15. EricaG


    Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  16. EricaG


    Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  17. Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  18. EricaG

    Newbie Here

    Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  19. EricaG


    Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  20. EricaG

    New Bride

    Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  21. EricaG

    New to BDW

    Welcome to the forum!!!
  22. EricaG

    New to BDW

    Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  23. EricaG

    newbie here

    Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
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