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Everything posted by EricaG

  1. Those pics are so adorable. I like the blurred edges on the one of both of you. I can't decide on the b&w vs sepia though. They both look great.
  2. I wanted a veil at first, but then the more I thought about the wind coming in off the ocean, the less I cared if I had one. Then I also didn't want to cover up the back of my dress, as the back of my dress is not plain. I may still decide to have one to take down and see what the wind is like, but my Mom will make it, so it won't be a big expense. Maybe I will mention the weights to her.
  3. I am getting married in the Dominican Republic and the first WC we were taling to before booking at the resort was awesome. The one time she apologized for taking so long to respond, and it had only been 3 hrs. Once we booked, we had to switch WC as there are 3 resorts in 1 and the section we are staying in has a different WC. This one has only gotten back to me once to let me know that we got the wedding date we wanted. It has been over a month now and she still hasn't answered any of my ?'s. This is soooo frustrating, especially knowing the other WC for the resort is so quick to get back to me, even when we hadn't even booked yet.
  4. I finally got the pics of me trying on the dress I am ordering. This one has the royal blue, but I am getting it in Teal like I have in the other pic. My daughter's dress which is shown with red in the other reply, will also be in teal.
  5. Gas here is $1.23/Litre, so that would be $4.65/Gallon I believe.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by cessyboston yes we are paying for it i am waiting for the guy to email me back to see what the final price would be..how would you girls word and would you put it in the response card with the food choice or just put it on the wedding website and just email the people coming to the wedding and ask on thereugggggg Since you are paying for it, I would put it in the invite that that is what you are doing. Do they need to know ahead of time what everyone is eating? You could always put it on the RSVP's, that way you can let them know before hand or when you get down there. Does your wedding website have an RSVP and can they also state their dinner choice? My wedding website at Personal Wedding Websites and Planning Tools | Free Trial Wedding Website has both options. I would also post it on your wedding website. That way, if someone really doesn't want to go (they are terrified of boats or water) you can maybe figure something out.
  7. I have added some pics, and I will post the rest once I get more batteries for my camera! LOL
  8. EricaG


    Welcome to the site. Happy planning and enjoy all the great info on here.
  9. My FI and I have 2 children together, so we obviously didn't wait, but I think it is great for those who do now a days. I know of several people that wanted to wait for marriage, but with all the pressure in today's society, they didn't. I mentioned not doing the deed for a month before the wedding, and my FI looked at me like I had a third eye. But I had also mentioned it after having a difficult pregnancy which resulted in absolutely no sex. We may end up waiting a week before the wedding, and I have told him that he has to stay with someone else the night before the wedding, so there will be nothing happeing that night. LOL
  10. I'm glad to hear that everythign went so well. Congratulations and can't wait to see some pics.
  11. Although I don't have to worry about this yet, I came across this thread and decided to have a look. In some of the older posts I noticed that some people had to get their marriage certificate translated and others didn't. My MOH works in a DMV up here in Canada and I recently talked to her about this. Our friends that got married in Cuba Nov 06 are still waiting to get their translated Marriage certificate back, and she was trying to change her name before getting her new passport for our wedding. She went to the DMV in town here and they wouldn't do it without the translated copy, but they had for another couple. Apparently, if they can't confirm that it is real, they don't have to do it. I talked to my MOH since she knew that we went down there for the wedding and our little girl was the FG, and she said she would take it in spanish. Hope this helps anyone else that may run into this. Check with your DMV or maybe a couple of them to see if they will take the spanish one before sending it off to be translated.
  12. I really enjoyed talking to Carolina before we offically booked, as she was super quick. The one time my Mom emailed her and she wrote back about 3 hours later and apologized for taking so long to respond. Isyuney on the other hand does not respond very quickly at all. She is the WC for the Punta Cana & Palace, and I just wrote her again today to find out if I am ever going to get answers to my questions. I am going to get on this womans case until she responds right away to get me off her back it I have too. I read a review from a wedding in 2006 I think at the Punta Cana section and they said that there was a new WC that was not very quick. I am thinking this may be the same woman and she hasn't gotten any quicker. My day will still come and there will not ba a WC that will ruin it.
  13. The pics are coming. SOme of the stuff is still at my Mom's so I have to go and get it. I will do that later today. I will also get the bath bomb reciepe when I go over there. They are super easy to make.
  14. I want to thank everyone for the warm wishes. I am still finding my way around the site, but I am getting there. I noticed I am not even a NOOB anymore, but a junior member. How exciting is that?!
  15. That is a cute idea. Since I am getting married in the DR I decided that I would wear my Larimar bracelet since it is the Dominican Diamond, and can be found no where else. I am also getting my BM larimar earrings and pendant to wear.
  16. We aren't making a big deal about the legal ceremony, as we are planning to focus on the wedding in the DR as our day. We haven't arranged for the legal ceremony yet, but we are hoping to do it the day before we fly down to the DR and I think we are only going to have the MOH & BM. I haven't discussed it too much with my FI yet, so we might include our parents as well. Hopefully everything works out for you. My cousin went to Cuba to get married and it was only them and another couple, so you could still elope to the DR if someone else can come as well. Or you can get the resort staff to witness, our friends did that even though there were 32 people there for the wedding.
  17. I think that sending the invite to your Grandfather would be enough. Receiving the invite will let him know what you would have told him over the phone. I made my own invites, and made a few for grandparents and aunts & uncles that we knew weren't going, just so they could have them. Everyone else that we were not coming, I didn't send them an invite. They will all get invites for the AHR, so I didn't feel the need to send to those that expressed they weren't going to be there. Especially when they were encouraging us to go away, and then decide they aren't coming, and those that were given a years notice to start saving but haven't and probably won't (not because they can't, but because they would rather spend it on toys that they don't need or in the casino or drinking...etc)
  18. Welcome!!! You have found a great site to help you with all your planning.
  19. EricaG


    Welcome to the site and happy wedding planning. If there is anything that you are wondering, you will find the answer here somewhere.
  20. There are so many nice shoes on here. I have looked at the barefoot sandels, but I think we are all just going to go barefoot. As for the sand being to hot, the sand in Punta Cana isn't very hot, since it is so light and fine. I am looking for shoes for the reception, but was just thinking abput flip flops, as I don't do heels very well. I found some cute ones at payless shoes, but haven't decided yet.
  21. Are you looking for a map of the whole Dominincan? Or a more specific part? I have found some with difficulty before, so if you let me know, I will try to find it again for you.
  22. Have a great time. We will all be waiting for pics from your big day. All the best!!!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by heatherjones I've always wondered how you make gel candles. I saw those in one of the stores here, it was a Dollar Store Plus, which is not even remotely close to a Dollar Store- Walmart is cheaper than that place!!!! Anyway, they had these beautiful gel candles that had sand, starfish in the bottom of them. ~~ I buy the gel from a candle making place. If you want to add colour, you can buy the colour chips, or you can use crayons!! If you want to add scent, you can as well. You just have to heat up the gel, you need a candy thermometer to watch the temo of the gel, and when it melts and the colour & scent are added you pour it. The cooler the gel is when you pour it, the more bubbles you get in it, and the hotter it is, without being over 200 degrees, the less bubbles. In the contatiner you are using for the candle, youput the wick in and pour the gel around it. If you want to put other items in the candle, you can. You can get really creative with the gel candles. Quote: Originally Posted by alin & mako Silly question. Does anyone know what OOT stands for? I was wondering this for a long time as well, but then I found out it stands for "Out Of Town" bags.
  24. I am doing several DIY projects for our wedding. Somethings I have done, some I am working on, and some that I still have to do. If anyone would like info on what I have done, feel free to ask. If anyone has any suggestions, tips or ideas regarding the things I still have to do, feel free to share them. DIY I have finished: -STD (the picture we used on the front is actually from the same beach that we are going back to for our wedding. Then my toes are sticking up from the bottom of the pic, and there is a shadowed figure playing in the sand in the palm tree shadow who is my sister. I felt that this photo was fun, personal, and fitting for the STD cards) -Invitations (I made the folders from 12x12 card stock, the picture behind the writing was drawn by my FI little cousin based of a pic I gave her of the beach we are getting married on, inserts contain information about wedding, booking & a resort map) -DW favors (DIY glass heart shaped christmas ornaments that I filled with sand & shells. Then I added a banner around the top that says 'Erica & Larry' & 'Punta Cana 08". I then used raffia as the hanger string) -Guestbook (I am using a scrapbook that I have had for awhile and waiting to use it for something special. The cover has a spot for a pic as well as a name which I put 'guestbook'. Each page has teal & tan coloured paper which the guests names are stamped on. There are 4 photo corners with a teal border where the 4x6 photo of them on the beach at our wedding will go. Then I also added a little wedding quote on each page.) -RB shell (These are not our actual rings in there, but we will put our wedding bands in there for the wedding. My Mom will be walking our kids down the aisle, so she will make sure that he is holding up and the rings won't come untied and fall off. We won't be tying them on until right before the wedding ceremony. I hot glue gunned the ribbon around the back leaving a gap underneath that his hand should fit into to help him carry it. The starfish and the ends of the ribbon are glued onto the shell. Then I glued some Dominican sand that I have from our last trip there, around the bottom of the starfish and over the ends of the ribbons so that if he dumps the sand out of the shell down there, there will still be a bit there to cover the glue job!) -Tags (These are made from the DIY luggage tags from OTC. They will be attached to the bubba kegs that we are getting for all the guests. Sorry the pics aren't that great. Side A - The wedding guests name is written in White across the pic. Side B - Says our names, wedding location and date. Then going around this it says "To have & to hold and to keep your drink cold") Side A Side B DIY in progress: -Bath bombs (we are making different tropical coloured bath bombs and using sea shell forms for them. These will be in the OOT bags, as each room has a jacuzzi tub) -Gel candles (these are for the AHR, but I decided I could start putting them together so I don't have to do it later. We got vases from Dollarama, I put sand in the bottom, then added some sea shells and each one will have a little starfish or sand dollar in them. I then tinted the gel to be a little blue to symbolize the ocean.) DIY still to be done: -Wedding cake for AHR (I have picked out the cake that I want and really want to do this myself with help from my Mom. My Mom has made several wedding cakes and usually does them for family as a wedding gift) This is the cake that I want to make, except that instead of brown, it will be teal. I also think that I will flip the colouring, so the white layer will be on the bottom and the solid teal on will be at the top. What do you think? -FG Basket (We are going to make the FG basket so the colours match our wedding colours) -BM dresses, TTD dress & garter (My Mom who is multi-talented also sews, so she will be making these.) I think that is it. I will take pics of the things I have done and post a link to them.
  25. I was sooo excited about Grey's Anatomy coming back on, but my sister and my children kept me busy and I only saw bits and peices of it. Then it came on again, and I caught a bit more, but it still wasn't happening, so I packed up the kids and went home before it was over. After I got home and got the kids to bed, it was on for a third time lastnight. I got to sit down and watch it. Then I realized that the first 2 times I watched it lastnight....I really had no idea what was going on!!! Thank goodness for satallite.
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