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Everything posted by EricaG

  1. Welcome to the forum. Everyone on here is great, and you will be able to find a lot of info around here.
  2. It isn't a bad idea to get Hep A &/or Hep B. The combined shot is Twinrix. This will cover you if you do any other travelling as well. I myself would prefer to get the vaccine to protect my liver than to regret not getting it, but everyone has their opinions on vaccines. As for the malaria medication, you start taking it a week before you go and finish taking it a week after returning home I believe. The medication is called, Chloroquine. It is pill form for adults and liquid for shildren. Both forms taste awful too. This medications is recommended if you are travelling to the Punta Cana area but not Puerto Plata. You could always put the info out there for your guests and let them decide if they are going to do anything with it.
  3. I hope things work out for you both. I am using Severine as well but at another resort in the Punta Cana area. I would contact the vice president and get the facts. If they say that Severine is allowed on the property, I would get it in writing from them as well so you can forward it to the WC and take it with you to the resort when you go. That way you have something to go on if there is a problem.
  4. I agree with the others. If there is no one that stands out, I wouldn't bother. If you are having a really small wedding, you might not want to have more people in the wedding than as guests.
  5. That is too bad she can't be there physically, but you know that she will be there in your heart. The fact that she is so upset about not being able to go just shows how great of a friend she is too. Don't ever let that friend get away!
  6. I wold love it if my sister would do something like that for me. That was totally from the bottom of her heart and out of love for the both of you. My sister and I are really close too, and we also have our moments still where we fight, but there is 12 years difference to the day and she will be 17 this summer, so you can only imagine what the fights are about now. Usually something to do with her getting off my Mom's case and the usual teeage drama stuff! LOL
  7. I have only been to one wedding that had a seating plan, all the other ones were open seating. I have never seen any problems with the open seating myself, and Iif I have gone with a group of us that wanted to sit together, we always make sure to get there in time to get a spot together without messing thing up for others. In the end, I think it depends on how many people are going and the mixture of people that are going. I have decided not to do a seating plan for the DW, and if both my FI parents attend, I figure they are old enough to sit at separate tables if they don't want to sit together.
  8. Hopefully everyone will be able to get their deposits in so they can still have the initial price quoted. That sucks that they changed the date and the price, but at least they are giving everyone a chance to keep the price. Another thing, is SunQuest an actual airline? I thought it was a travel company that partners with WestJet, AirTransat, Sky Service airlines and one other one from down east. I could be wrong. I know when we were booking our trip, we were given the option for a different date then we are going and it was cheaper with the possibility of my FI and I going free, but that flight was only in the planning stage and was cancelled before we had a chance to book! Maybe that is sort of what happened to your trip. We were also told that dates would not be 100% for sure until the end of May, but our carrier has used the same days to fly to the DR for the last several years, so we aren't too worried! **Knock on wood**
  9. Have a great trip and we will all be here waiting to hear how it went when you get back.
  10. Well it is the end of the season tonight. I saw the previews again and it shows Alex dropping the phone and yelling Rebecca and take off running. I think he will end up taking her to the hospital and that is when they find the tumor! I guess it is only a matter of hours until we find out which theories...if any, are right. Well, it is several hours away still, but I think I will go and sleep some of them away now! Until after the show....!
  11. Since I am not a shoe person (I much prefer barefoot!), I am going to be barefoot on the beach during the ceremony. Then for the reception I found 2 pairs of flip flops that I can wear. The white ones are MONTEGO BAY and have white and silver sequins, and if I walk in the sand, they will leave palm tree imprints. The green ones are REEF and have a very comfortable sole. They are more green than teal, but since my dress will be down to the floor, who will see my feet anyway. Across the top, there are sea shells and large rhinstones on them.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I'm several states away. She is in Texas & I'm in north carolina. But, she was visiting me last week. I can help from here. I did the majority of my planning on the internet. Sorry. That was a typo. I meant to write "Especially since you aren't close by." I read that you were in different states earlier in the thread. SInce being far apart makes things difficult to do together, having you help with what you can is probably well received. I would appreciate it anyways! I guess I better start reading my stuff over a lot closer for now on. LOL
  13. Congrats on booking. It makes it feel a lot more really and the excitement increases after booking. At least that is how I felt.
  14. Those pics are sooo beautiful. The cake looked great and the centre pieces are the same idea that I had for at our wedding.
  15. When looking at the cost of the resorts, also check on the wedding packages and what they include. I am getting married at the Palladium in DR and there are no extra charges for more than 10 people. The Palladium in RM charges per person after 10 guests, or each guest has to give up an a la carte for the reception. I have heard of this in several RM resorts, but not in DR, but I haven't checked all the resorts either. Just check that stuff out too before booking.
  16. I got started on stuff right away while I was on Mat leave so I wouldn't get frazzled trying to do it all after going back to work. I am so glad I started early, since I still have a lot to do, but I have a lot done. Well, I have to go and get measured to order my dress and my daughters dress now!!! One more thing to tick off.
  17. I did my wedding website about a year before the wedding. Once we got engaged, I set it up and put info about where we were going and what to expect. Then whenever people would have questions, I would answer them, but I would also direct them to the website.
  18. I don't think that it would look weird. You would have your first initial on it as well. Since I am not sure what your name is, let's say your name starts with 'S'. Then your monogram could look like this: SDD When you have it in a fancier font, like a script or something, I think it would look great.
  19. Congratulations!!!!! I am so glad to hear that she is doing so well at such an early age. She looks like a precious little angel in those pics.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by mhoudek We are doing just a bbq welcome home reception a few months after the wedding. My question is where do I put this information? Do I invite everyone and include it in the invite that we will be having a party once we get home for anyone who can't make it? We just know a lot of our family can't come because they can't afford it and want to have just a little something so they can look at pictures and videos, etc. Obviously we will send a real invitation to this but I want to put it somewhere so people don't feel obligated to come to the destination. :)Should I put it on my website? Any suggestions would be great!!! Thank you! Our invites for the DW were a folder and I had inserts with info regarding the wedding. I also added a little insert that stated we were having an AHR in March 09 and further info would be sent out regarding it. I have also posted it on our website, so those who didn't receive a DW invite could still get the info from there. We have also used word of mouth. Word of mouth worked really well for those who were not invited to the DW, since when the wedding would come up, we would say that we were having an AHR for everyone after we return, and then people didn't seem to get upset that they weren't invited to the wedding.
  21. I have a few more invites to make to give to close relatives that won't be able to make the wedding, but would still appreciate the invite. I also want to book the hall for the AHR and call the caterer. Oh yes, I am also ordering my dress and my daughters dress!
  22. Those do look great. I have also started most of my DIY projects several months early, as my kids take up soooo much of my time and I am now just going back to work! I feel a yawn coming on. LOL
  23. Our resort is a 4 in one. We are booked in the Palace section, but if others choose too, they could stay in the Bavaro, Punta Cana or the Royal Suites (Adults only) sections.
  24. I've been away for the weekend, but I also liked #3 the most & 5 was a close second. They look so great. I am sure that your friend will appreciate all the help you can give her, especially since you are close by.
  25. My something new - Wedding dress My something blue - Larimar bracelet My something old - Grandma's wedding ring My something borrowed - Nanny's pearls maybe, or something else of hers. Neither my Grandma or my Nanny & Grandpa will be at the wedding, so this is my way of having them there with me.
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