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Everything posted by EricaG

  1. That is tooo funny. I must say that if the hospital bill for both men was only $115, that is cheap. It costs more than that just to fill out the form to be seen at the hospital for one person here. Could you imagine seeing a bull in a jail cell?
  2. OMG. Nick is going to be in another accident? I missed the end of the show today as well as scenes from tomorrows episode. I guess I will have to see what happens tomorrow.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by BillysBride Can y'all tell I'm a fan? hahahaha. I just love that man (Goddard). As my grandmama would say, "I'd drink his bathwater"I think me and my girls are going to go to the Dallas event and treat it like a girl's getaway weekend. That is so freaking hilarious!!!!!! Sorry I am a little behind on this thread, but I love this show. I just recently met Joshua Morrow (Nick). He is a little guy, and drop dead gorgeous. He was up here when we had our spring snow storm that had me stuck in the city for almost a week. I'm not complaining though, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to go meet him. I guess his wife was expecting their 3rd child at any moment while he was up here too. That would suck. Anyway, back to finish reading the rest of this thread.
  4. EricaG

    Our weddings

    Welcome to the forum. There are a lot of resources available on this site, so have fun planning your big day(s)! Quote: Originally Posted by twelve_piece You and your mom should definitely do a trash the dress photo session together after both weddings!!! I think that would be an awesome idea!
  5. Rachel - I must say we had a great theory, but as for whether we ere right or not, I will wait for you to watch it and find out! Do you have to wait until tomorrow to watch it?
  6. Let's hope that everything goes well for them at the resort. I am crossing my fingers for you!
  7. Tami & Tom: April 19, 2008 - Paradisus Punta Cana Jennifer & Kelvin: April 19, 2008 - Dreams Punta Cana Michael & Lisa: April 25, 2008 - Paradisus Punta Cana Jenna & Steve: July 1, 2008 - Sunscape Casa del Mar Erica & Jorge: July 5, 2008 - Iberostar Punta Cana Valerie & Richard July 10, 2008 - Ocean Blue Lindsay & Billy: July 11, 2008 - Paradisus PC Kristin & Justin: July 11, 2008- Dreams Punta Cana Jazlyn & Albert: August 2, 2008 - Excellence Punta Cana Kirk & Christina: August 8, 2008 - EdenH Punta Cana Danielle & Derek: November 6, 2008 - Paradisus Palma Real PC Shelley & Jamie: November 6, 2008 - Dreams Punta Cana Camila & Louie... November 8, 2008 - Bahia Principe Punta Cana Caitlin and Joe: November 14, 2008 - Dreams Punta Cana Kasia & Rob: November 17, 2008 - Majestic Colonial Anil & Pam: November 20, 2008 - Ocean Sand Jessica & Dominique: November 22, 2008 - Dreams Punta Cana Cassie & Brad: November 24, 2008 - EdenH Punta Cana Erica & Larry: November 30, 2008 - Grand Palladium Palace Kyle & Daina: December 12, 2008 - Dreams Punta Cana Sorcha & Shannon: January 2009 - Punta Cana (still deciding on resort) Jelena and Bojan: January 3, 2009 - EdenH Arena Heidi & Derek: January 10, 2009 - Colony Bay Resort Punta Cana Lindsay & Jamie : January 28, 2009 - Grande Palladium Bavaro Kim & Chris: April 4, 2009 - Dreams Punta Cana Raquel & Dominick: April 17, 2009 Paradisus Punta Cana Shawn & Jeremy: May 2009 - Punta Cana (Still deciding on resort) Meagan & Jeff: May 15, 2009 - Dreams Punta Cana Jessica & Omar: May 22, 2009 - Paradisus Punta Cana Kristy & Vince: September 9, 2009 - Dreams Punta Cana Jeannie & Jorge: October 10, 2009 Dreams Punta Cana
  8. Our final payment is due on Oct 2. We still have time but I know that it will be here before I know it.
  9. That was soooo awesome!!!!!!!! I don't want it to be over for the summer. To everyone that still has to watch it, enjoy!!!!
  10. O......M......G!!!! This is good and still another hour to go. I love teasing, but I won't spoil it, don't worry!!!!
  11. I contacted the Dominican consulate to find out from them what to do and when to so it. Here are the questions I asked and the answers I got. 1. How soon should we send you are documents to be translated and legalized? With 3 month in advance 2. How long does it usually take before we would receive them back? Around 5 or 10 working days 3. Does the birth certificate have to be the long form one or can it be the card? Can be small card 4. Do the witnesses only have to take their passports down there with them and that is it? Yes, but Usually you must fax to your wedding coordinator your witnesses passport I have attached the forms that they sent me. The first one is the requirements and fees. The second is the checklist, and the third is a declaration of single status. There is too much info to type it all out, so I put them as attachments. Make sure that you save them to you computer after opening them. DRSI wedding requirements & fees.doc INFORMATION FORM AND DOCUMENT CHECK LIST.doc solemn declaration sample.doc
  12. I ws checking to see what was on, and there it was 'Grey's Anatomy' at 4pm. It is a 2 hour episode and I am watching it now. Oops! It is back on, gotta go!
  13. Welcome to the forum, and have fun planning your big day!
  14. Welcome to the forum. It is nice to see another groom on here. There is a lot of info on here to help you plan your wedding. Happy planning!
  15. Welcome to the forum and have a great time planning your big day!!!
  16. We are planning to do the TTD session the day after the wedding, and then do our group trip to Altos de Chavon the following day where we are going to take some more TTD photos.
  17. I would also like to do these traditions, but so far there isn't going to be very many people that can stand up to catch either one. I read on another thread where someone was thinking of just doing it for all the women and all the men. Besides, how often does it actually come true? Most women and men that are married would probably still enjoy trying to catch it anyway.
  18. I will agree with the carpet cleaner. I have used on the floors, but I get the most use of it on our bed! Over the last few years, our kids have had leaky diapers in there when they are sleeping, and now that our daughter is potty trained, she has had 3 accidents...all in our bed. She wakes up during the night sometimes and crawls into bed with us. Twice my FI has woken up wet and once I have. She never has accidents in her bed! The steam cleaner is awesome ffor cleaning that up, otherwise I would have to put rubber sheets on our bed. Oh yeah, sometimes the bottles get dropped on the bed and leak too.
  19. I am not sure what the going rate is for BD pics, but that does sound extremely high. This is something that I am thinking of doing for my FI if I can lose enough weight, but I don't think I can afford prices like that!
  20. That dress looks so great on you. It will look great on the beach too!
  21. EricaG


    Congrats and welcome to the forum!
  22. EricaG

    Newbie here

    Welcome to the forum and have fun planning your special day!
  23. You sure do have a house full. How long do you have the old foster dog for? Even having 4 dogs seems like a lot, but I have never had more than 2 cats. Good luck, and hopefully you get something figured out!
  24. Welcome to the forum. If you are looking to have the wedding in Punta Cana, there are a lot of resources on here. I myself am getting married there in Nov 08. Good luck with the planning
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