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Everything posted by EricaG

  1. Congrats Danielle!!!! I am really looking forward to hearing all about your day and seeing pics! Cheers to the Danielle & Derek!!!!
  2. Congrats on your wedding day Carrie! Looking forward to seeing pics of your wonderful day.
  3. Congrats on your special day Michelle! Cheers to the newly married couple!
  4. Well, I have been busy with working extra shifts, being parent helper for my daughters playschool, and doing wedding things. I have finished the welcome books, the OOT bags and finished packing one carryon with favors and OOT things. Tomorrow is my second bridal shower, so I am helping my sister clean up and get ready for it.
  5. I think you could have a great time with a reception on Halloween, but it depends on you and your FI's personalities. Some people this would totally suit, where others not so much. If you are planning to have lots of kids there, I would also take this into consideration. Maybe have a candy bar there for them, or as a favor for the kids, you could give them a bag of candy, etc...
  6. Those shoes are very nice. They will look great for your wedding!
  7. I had a ring picked out that I wanted, and even had the pic of it on the fridge so that it was there for him to see when it was time to buy the ring. We ended up getting engaged, but since I was off work at the time (had my son) the $$ was tight, so he got me a birthstone ring as a temp ring. We were engaged last Oct and I got my ring in June I believe. I don't think it is weird to get your ring later on at all. The ring I got was not the ring I wanted either, but he knew that I didn't want a big ring that stood above my finger too much, or I couldn't wear it to work. When he looked at the ring I wanted, it did stand up a lot, so he picked one out, and I love it!!!! I say talk to him about it, and if you decide to have one ring, then there is nothing wrong with that either. A lot of people are only having one ring and whether you use an ering as your wedding ring as well, or you just get the wedding ring, all that matters is the love that the 2 of you share.
  8. Your day has finally arrived, and here is to wishing you the very best on your wedding day. Have a wonderful wedding and I can't wait to see pics and hear about how great it went. Congratulations!!!
  9. Have a great time Carrie! Can't wait to hear all about it and see the pics when you get back!
  10. I'm so sorry to hear that you are going through this. It doesn't really matter if you are close or not, it would still hurt! I think that you should take your mom's advice and not respond so that he can think about his choice a bit more. With these DW's you never know what is going to happen. Sometimes people decide at the last minute to come, and others back out. I hope everything works out for you, but either way, just remember that this is yours and your FI day....no one elses!!!!
  11. We are doing each person as they are the favor for the wedding. The package they come in works well to protect them. I am leaving them in the packaging and putting them in my carry-on.
  12. That is great news Tara. I am so glad that everything went so wonderful for you. Chika - The travel mugs are great. We got bubba kegs for everyone going with us. We were going to get the monogramed ones, but with the cost, we could get the bubba for cheaper when they were on sale. I made luggage tags that I put on them with each guests name on one side, and the other side had the info for our wedding, and the saying "To have and to hold, To keep your drink cold" So I got a bunch of stuff done at my Mom's yesterday. I got the luggage tags all together and on the mugs, gum and ugly green material to tie on the suitcases making it easier to find at the airport into the bubbas. Then I got the OOT bag stuff together and the first aid kits. I have a couple things I have to add to the OOT bag stuff, but it is all packed into one of the carry-ons now. A few more things to do, but I got rid of a bunch of stuff today. I am at work right now, and brought the last few pages of the welcome books so I could cut them out. Tomorrow night my Mom and I can glue them in since we are working nights together tomorrow. How is everyone else doing with their prep? Not too much longer!!!
  13. Congrats Tara & Joe! Can't wait to see the pics of your magical day! All the best today and in your futures
  14. So I just looked at the list that we made, and it looks like after the Nov 8th brides get back, no one leaves again until Nov 21 when Amy leaves. Danielle - You leave tomorrow, that is so exciting!! Hope you have everything done. Have a great time and I cn't wait to see your pics and hear how everything went when you get back!
  15. I am now finally into only the days on my ticker now.
  16. Wow, this thread is going to be a lot quieter now. I can't believe we already have people that have left! All through the month I think we will always have someone gone now. Since I am the last one to leave, then I think it is safe to say that we will all be back together again by the middle of Dec. Crazy.
  17. I say go for the credit towards something else. The fact they assummed you had booked them, and now they are freaking out, they really need to work on their customer service. I am willing to bet that they will remember you and if you get them to do the 1 hour shoot, they won't really make it worth your time, or theirs!
  18. I agree with the written Thank You. I would not expect anything if our rooms were being paid for.
  19. I was back and forth about wearing my dress for the TTD, but ultimately decided to have a second dress. The reason is that I am wearing my dress for the SHR and my dress has colour in it. I am not sure what will happen with the colour and if it will run or what. Since there are a lot of people that will be at the AHR that can't make it to the DH, I want my wedding dress to look great, so they can also see me in my dress. My Mom is making my TTD dress but you can get cheap dresses other places. A lot of the bridal shops will be having sales soon to get rid of the old stock before getting in the new stock for the year.
  20. I don't really have any good ideas for wording, but we are doing something sort of similar. Instead of putting the favors on the tables, we are putting them on the guest book table. Each favor is in a box and I put each guests name on a box. Since we aren't doing a seating plan, I figured it workout great that way. Then as people come in to the reception, they can stop, sign the guestbook, and take their favor.
  21. Everything looks so great Celina. I am so excited for you and can't wait to see the pics from your wedding. I will be here wait for all you early Nov brides to get back!
  22. That is insane. I can't believe that not only did they let her marry at 16, but they let her look like that. The pic of her with her parents made me understand a bit more! Look at her Mom.
  23. I love reality TV. I have watched and will watch almost any of them that are competion based. I have in the past watched the Apprentice, The Bachelor and others. I sometimes watch America Idol/Canadian Idol, and Dancing with the Stars. I enjoy these shows but I'm not heart broken if I miss them. Then there are the ones that I always watch. Survivor, Amazing Race, SYTYCD/SYTYCDC & Big Brother. I feel like I am missing some others, hmmm....
  24. Marilyn Monroe & James Dean : Before my time
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