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Everything posted by EricaG

  1. Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  2. EricaG


    Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  3. EricaG


    Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  4. EricaG


    Welcome to the forum and congrats on 20 years together.
  5. Welcome to the forum and have a great time planning.
  6. EricaG


    Welcome to the forum and happy planning.
  7. Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  8. Congratulations and welcome to the forum. There is a lot of info here to be found and used. Good luck with your planning.
  9. Welcome to the forum!!!
  10. Glad to hear that things went well and glad to see that you are up to logging onto the site! Looking forward to the before and after shots
  11. While Charlie was in solitary confinement, Nibblet was trying to recover from the party. After all, the stripper/hooker left him high and dry for Charlie, so he hit the beer even harder.
  12. So I heard that Charlie was not having very good behaviour in the slammer. He got caught sneaking in a hooker (I believe it was that stripper from Mike's bachelor party BBQ), and he had to be punished! This is ferret solitary confinment!!!
  13. So I emailed the consulate in Toronto to find out what is going on. Here is the response that I got from them: In order to avoid confusion of this kind, we advise you to go to the only official entities of the Dominican Republic Government with power to make official any document under the Dominican Laws and those entities are the General Consulates of the Dominican Republic here in Canada, base as well in Toronto and Montreal, and here the information: Dominican Republic General consulate in TORONTO: Mr. Guillermo Estrella, General Consul 2 Adelaide St W Suite 301 Toronto, ON Canada M5H 1L6 TEL 416-369-0403 Dominican Republic General Consulate in MONTREAL Mrs. Raquel Jacobo, General Consul 1470 Peel St Suite 263 Montreal QC Canada H3A 1T1 TEL 514-284-5455 The other companies you mention are only legal brokers or facilitators, but without authority to legalize any document, who at the end must send all documents to the consulates for the proper legalization. Hope this line can clear your confusions. For further information feel free to contact us or the consulates anytime, My best regards Abdalah Castillo Director Dominican Republic Tourism Board Toronto ON, Canada M5EW 1S2 416-361-2126/27 Fax 416-361-2130 I received this email back while I was at work, so I just emailed them for prices. Once I have them I will post them. I am starting to think that the best idea is to go directly through the consulates, no matter what country you are in. It would probably be cheaper too!
  14. I just emailed the consulate in Toronto, so we will see what they say!
  15. What is the difference in price? I am thinking maybe getting in contact with the Dominican consulat of Canada and asking them who is suggested, or even if they are both qualified! Hmmm....glad we have choosen to do a symbolic ceremony down there instead.
  16. They look great. I am totally thinking of getting a friend to take some pics of me.
  17. I second the need for a spare room. We are very cramped in our little place until the land my FI is supposed to get from his dad is finalized and we can build. There is barely enough room to fart here, let alone have extra stuff like scrapbooking and wedding stuff. Yet I manage to squeeze it in here and there somehow, and the rest goes to my Mom's.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by DRBride2009 Hi guys, I noticed at the bottom of DRSI's website that it states that "WEDO" companies are not legal. See link... Dominican Wedding - All Wedding Services in the Dominican Republic from Toronto, Canada. Thanks for noticing that and posting it. I have noticed other people mentioning the WEDO. Although I am doing the legal ceremony here first, it is still good to know. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek Wedo is actually the company my wc suggested. It does mention that some WC are refering couples to the WEDO. I would check into it. I think I would be more tempted to pay a bit more and know that it will all be legal in the end, and to save a bit and not be married. Yikes! Here is the actual quote off the website: PLEASE BEWARE: Given that the Dominican Republic has become a popular destination for Canadians getting married, certain individuals and /or newly created companies in the Dominican Republic, US and Canada are offering so-called WEdding DOcuments legalizations, which in fact are not legal at all. Some of those companies even come referred by the wedding coordinators in the Dominican hotels. Canadian Residents, please make sure that the company doing your wedding documents preparation is working exclusively with a DR consulates in Canada. DRSI inc. is the only company in Canada providing reliable services in wedding documents preparation for Canadians getting married in the D.R. As established by Law No. 716, Chapter No. 1, Article 3 of the Legal Base of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Dominican Republic : legalizations for Canadians must be done exclusively in the country of residence of the bride and groom.
  19. I am not getting married in Cuba, but was at a wedding in Cuba a couple years ago. We went to the Iberostar Varadero and it was awesome!!!! It isn't a huge resort, but it is big enough. There were 32 of us there for the wedding, and we always met at the lobby bar to sit and visit. The buffet always had enough of a variety that there was something for everyone. I am not a seafood person, so I didn't go to the Seafood restaurant, but we went to the other 2. The Japaniese a la carte was sooo good. Most of the dishes had types of seafood, but there were chicken dishes too I believe. The show they put on while they cook the main dish is very good. The staff is very friendly and we got a lot of attention since the wedding group including our daughter who was almost 2 at the time and the mother of the bride who has MS and was driving her scooter around. If you go there, you must go to the swim up bar and ask for Fernando. If he is still there, ask for a Fernando. It is a drink that he made up himself, it is pink and blue and good! Here are some pics. This was our room, you won't have a crib in it of course unless you request one. Looking out at the ocean Beach wedding location My daughter walking down the sandy isle (with a little help, she wanted to play in the sand) Pics on the beach afterwards Japaniese restaurant Looking from the lobby through to the pool As for tours, the catamarran tour was great! The sunset cruise was nice! The Havana tour was rushed and it is mainly a driving tour with a few spots you get off the bus for a very quick look around. If I ever go back, I would do the overnight tour instead. About half the group went on the day tour and the other half went on the one that went longer to see the dancers.
  20. Belive it or not, I found more, but I reaaly need to get to bed, so sty tuned tomorrow!!!
  21. OMG!!!!! This is friggin hilarious. I hears about this thread and was told to check it out, but I couldn't find it. Now I suddenly see it and I sat here unable to leave the computer to go to bed. It was sooooo hard not to laugh to hard since FI and the kids are sleeping. Nibblets is making sure that the cracker jacks are hidden under the treats he is still allowed to get so they won't be taken away!
  22. I haven't decided either. I wanted a veil but then decided I didn't because of the wind and I didn't want to cover the back of my dress. Now I am thinking that I will decide after I get my dress.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by dainanewell good idea...wow ethrondson your little girl is so cute! Thank you! See knows it too! LOL
  24. Thanks. That will come in handy trying to get things organized for the day.
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