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Everything posted by EricaG

  1. I am close with my extended family, and Fi has a huge family but is not close to most of them. Before sending out STD's I sat down with FI and went through the relatives that he talks to and asked if he wanted to invite them or not. Many of them he decided not to invite to the DW. After sending out the STD's we got several replies back and the ones that said 'No" didn't get an invite sent. That was nice since our invites were also DIY that I did all by myself. Now I just have to finish off a few more invites to send to a couple people that won't be coming like my Grandma and a couple Aunt's & Uncle's but they are the 'special' invites that don't need to get anywhere in a hurry.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by LMP333 The halter one is more comfortable because I am always pulling up strapless dresses but......if it is fitted correctly then that shouldnt be a problem. People that never wear strapless dresses are obvious because they are constantly pulling up on the dress thinking it is going to fall off. After you have any alterations done that you may need, just remember that. The dress won't be going anywhere, especially if it is fitted to you.
  3. If I was a guy and I spent the time picking out a ring for the woman I loved and she turned me down or refused to wear it because she didn't like it or it wasn't big enough, I would truely be hurt. I think that even if my FI had gotten me a ring that I would have never picked out in a million years, I would still like it for the mare fact that he chose it and it reflects his love for me. I would see it differently after getting it from him than I would in the display case in the store!
  4. My FI is wearing a light white cotton shirt and khaki pants. The groomsmen are wearing the same pants but have printed tops to wear.
  5. Although our DW is in Nov, we have decided to have our legal ceremony in Aug. I have talked to our MOH and BM and they will be there with us. My MOH works in a registry office, so she is getting us the marriage certificate for free. We have decided to do it on 08/08/08. This will be our special day that we can combine with my birthday since that will also be my birthday. We will be celebrating our anniversay withhour DW date, but this way we can celebrate both and no one else even has to know.
  6. My FI won't play guitar hero either. He says it is a stupid game and doesn't understand why anyone would play it let alone buy it. The problem he has with it though is that he doesn't have much rhythm and always gets booed off stage. Needless to say he doesn't even try anymore!!!! LMAO
  7. They all look great, but I really love the ones in front of the window!!!
  8. Have you tried Biolage gel? That is what I use for my hair. Of course what works for my hair may not work for yours.
  9. I think you make a very good point Jean-Marcus. There is nothing wrong with having a big fancy ring, or house or anything materialistic, the problem is when you let it define who you are and what you do with your life. Materials can be taken away, and even replaced, but your life, your love, your soul can not be replaced so easily.
  10. My cat that I had growing up used to catch flies in the window and would play with the spiders occaionally killing them, but if they ran off, she didn't usually chase them too much. She liked the bigger prey like, bluejays, squirrels, weasels, and of course mice and shrew. That is why I had my sister trained and now my daughter. Hopefully my son will think it is awesome to kill bugs, especially spiders, so he can be my ultimate protector from them!!! LOL
  11. You know, I haven't played guitar hero for awhile on our wii, so maybe I will have to go do that while Hailey is busy watching tree house and Justin is sleeping. Hmmmm.....
  12. I have Guitar Hero III for wii, but I may have to look into the aerosmith one. I totally want rockband too, but until we get a house, we have no room, so there is not point.
  13. I HATE spiders too!!!! They give me the heebeegeebee's!!!! I have almost fallen over backwards in chairs because someone has pointed out a spider by my feet. When my sister was young I had her trained to kill them, until she ended up getting scared by them. Now my daughter is really good about getting shoes and squishing them. I don't think that I could move anywhere hotter than good ol' Alberta for fear of even bigger bugs! I think the spiders here are huge and often say they look like tarantula's even though they aren't even close! YUCK!!!! I am getting goosebumps thinking about spiders now!!!!!!!!!!
  14. I think they both look good, but I prefer the strapless dress on you. I am heavy chested as well and when I tried on halter dresses, they didn't look as good on me as I would have hoped. They made my chest look a lot bigger and that is not what I am looking for. The band that goes under your chest on the second dress makes your waist look smaller, as it goes around the smallest part of your body!! Something to think about.
  15. Thinking about you on your special day. You have worked so hard for today with all your little projects, can't wait to hear all about it and see pics!!!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Tropical Imaging I make sure she drinks lots of water, sometimes with a touch of cranberry juice as well. Quote: Originally Posted by becks Some hints, (1) have her drink cranberry juice. (2) Lots and lots of water. (3) this is a last resort, and check with a doc first, but you should check to see if it's safe to use uristat on a 3-year old. Thanks for the tips ladies. She does drink lots of water, especially at night in her Elmo water bottle. I haven't given her any cranberry juice yet, but that does work on me when I can feel a UTI coming on. I wanted to wait and see what the Dr would give her for and antibiotic first, since some medications aren't compatiable with cranberry juice. They basically work against each other and not the infection. Yogurt is another thing that can help too. I know what has caused it and I have been expecting her to get one, but it took longer than I thought. When she goes to the bathroom, she usually wipes back to front and that is one of the most common reasons for UTI's. I keep trying to teach her to wipe front to back, but it usually only happens for a couple potty breaks and then it back to front again.
  17. I am sitting here at home wondering what I should do today. I have to go and do some housework at my mom's for some babysitting that she did, and if it is nice out today (no rain), then I might take the kids for a bike ride....and wear myself out!!!! LOL
  18. Hopefully today will be a better day and things can get sorted out. I am glad that your co-workers and your boss see what is really happening. Maybe if she isn't willing to make things a better place she will go off work early before having the baby and will either decide to stay home with the baby or go somewhere else to work. She should see and understand that you have a history there and that she is not going to get you fired while she stays. Unfortunately most places of work have people like this, but in a small place like where you work, it is harder to avoid it. Here's hoping you have a better day, and try not to let her get you down if it isn't better.
  19. Here I am wondering if I should bother to go to bed and get some sleep or wait until my daughter wakes up screaming again. Poor little thing. She is 3 years old and has a raging bladder infection. We sent a urine sample away today, but she is complaining of pain, she is running to the bathroom constantly, she has been peeing her pants at times, and sometimes makes it to the bathroom but pees all over the floor. Once she was potty trained, she never had any problems with peeing the bed. I think she only had a couple incidents and she woke up right away crying that she had to go pee. Well, now she has been peeing the bed too. Yesterday she wet her panties and peed on the floor. She was so upset, so she went and got one of the pull ups we still have and put that on. We went out for supper and she didn't want to take off the pull up to go. Finally we got her back in panties but as soon as we got home she changed into another pull up. About half an hour after she fell asleep in my bed, she must have had a bit of a dribble since one of the shapes were slightly smeared, but not gone. Today I got her in to the Dr, we did get some antibiotics for her since I had dipped her urine at home and told the Dr that it shows a bladder infection. Once the results come back from the lab saying it is an infection (probably Mon), then she will have to go for an ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys. After I got her to bed tonight, she has woke up several times screaming and crying., and saying she is sick and she is burning up. I think that the Tylenol I gave her has kicked in right now, so hopefully she will sleep for a bit now. When she wakes up then I try to console her and I rub her back or her hair and I sing to her until she falls asleep. You just feel so helpless when they are sick sometimes. You give them Tylenol or other meds depending on what is happening, and just hope that it helps. Well, I think that I jsut might try and get a few winks before the Tylenol wears off!!! Good-night!
  20. I don't understand some people. I will admit that I had a ring picked out that I wanted and had it on the fridge for about a year. BUT, I didn't end up getting it, and I still love my ring. I told FI that I didn't want anything really big, because I wouldn't be able to wear it at work (I'm a nurse) so what would be the point. Turns out the ring that the setting of the ring that I wanted did sit pretty high, so FI picked out a ring himself. I love it and wouldn't change it for anything. Also, I even went for several months without the ring, because I was on mat leave and the oilfield was slow around here, so I told FI to wait until we had some extra cash first. After all, it is only a ring and doesn't make the relationship. Jean-Marcus - the fact that this bothers you so much shows that you really do value true love as well. As for a cheaper ring, my FI did give me a cheaper ring with my birthstone as a temp ring since we didn't have much $ at the time for a diamond ring. I wasn't even expecting to get that. If it is true love, you will agree to marry someone with a ring or not!!!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Tara It would be so much easier if we could just go to a workshop kinda like Build-a-Bear and Build-a-Man. This is so true. My MOH and I used to pick things we liked from different guys to make the perfect man. Unfortunately, we have never found the man we treid to create.
  22. That is so not cool. What is the big deal if they honor it for you. It's not like they are going to go out of business because of it. We were thinking of ordering from them, but have decided to get the bubba kegs else wear and put personalized tags on them instead. Make sure you tell the owner about BDW and how much influence his decision can have on his own business.
  23. I think they both look good on you and although the first one looks like it fits perfectly, I like the second one!
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