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Everything posted by EricaG

  1. Everyone including the guests went barefoot to our wedding. We had the white sand on our beach that doesn't get HOT on the feet, so it wasn't a problem. If you have the hot sand, than barefeet may not work as well.
  2. Thank you! We are doing fine and hoping for a good 2009!
  3. Glad to hear that everyone was having a great holiday season! Ours was alright. Christmas eve and Christmas day Larry lost family members so it was sad in that regard, but everyone tried to make the most of it! My internet is working for the moment, but hopefully I can get it sorted out soon with the internet provider!
  4. Your pics turned out great Jessica! Wasn't Severine great to work with? I agree that the day goes by fast, so I am glad you got such great pics to remember it!
  5. Amy - Sorry to hear about Greg's Grandmother. While we were in the Dominican, my Grandma ended up on life support and they pulled the plug on Sat. She lasted a few hours and then it was over. Although it is sad to say good-bye, it was a blessing that she didn't have to go through anymore. We are working on the arrangements for her too, but the service won't be until the 27th. My heart goes out to you!!!
  6. Hey there everyone! I am back and everything went really well aside from the night before the wedding of course. Looks like people are keeping busy now that wedding prep is done. Celina - That really sucks about both the photographer and your ATR!!! Tara - Hope you like the colour of your bathroom this time!! LOL! Stephanie - Good luck with the new job!! Well I got our wedding pics from Severine and they turned out so great!!! I'm not one to like pics of myself, but I like these ones. We got all our pics plus extra TTD pics (96 instead of 30), we got our video, DVD slide show, DVD of pics, our album and our painting. When she was coming to give us the rest of our stuff on Thurs before we left, she passed the painter and he gave her the painting to bring us!!! We picked up our comp yesterday and it still doesn't work, so I may borrow my Mom's laptop to do my pics and everything.
  7. Hey there. Everything went really well. I will do my review soon, but I have to get my comp back in working order first. I am at work right now, and we actually have sick people here right now, so I only have time for a quick pop on. The wedding co-ordinator is great though, and was awesome once we got there! I will be back shortly.
  8. hey there. Just thought I would check in quick. Wedding went great although there was a situation the night before the wedding that lend to my uncle standing up for larry rather than his brother. Just waiting for severine right now to see our pics!! 6 more days in paradise.
  9. Welcome back Celina!!! What happened with the photographer? I just got an email from our photographer so I am feeling better about things going smoothly. Now just to finish the packing, and to get down there and meet with them so I can get a ceremony time to tell Severine!!!! Yikes, I can't believe it is almost my turn!!! Less than a week now. 2 days until we leave for the city, 3 days until we fly out, and 6 days until the wedding.
  10. Only a few more days until I leave. I am finishing all our packing tomorrow, then loading the van on Tues, heading to the city on Wed and flying out on Thursday!!!! My wedding is a week from today!!!! Eeeeekkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Oh yes, turns out that my Nanny didn't get a pacemaker and defibrilator. They ended up doing a triple bypass, and she seemed to be doing really well at first, but now not too great. Mom said she has about 8 IV pumps going, she has a bi-pap machince now to help her breath, and her kidneys aren't working so well. I will be going to see her tomorrow before the concert though. They want to put a pacemaker in as well, but have to wait until her heart is stronger.
  12. It is so great to have all of you back and married. I am still waiting on my computer to get fixed, and here I am at work once again. I thought this was going to be my lat shift before we leave, but I got to work and before I even started, I was suckered into working Thurs evening, Sun day and maybe an hour on Mon! Tomorrow I am heading to the city for the NKTOB concert. YEAH!!!! So exciting. Then on Fri I go get waxed and then to the sex show!!! Not much free time left before we leave now.
  13. So I thought that I would post a pic of my TTD dress that my mom made for me. My MOH is to the left of me and my sister (BM) is too the right. My Mom made both their dresses too. It isn't a great pic of the TTD dress, but it is the best I have access to right now.
  14. Your pics are all so great Tara! Awesome photography Stephany!!
  15. Danielle, those pics turned out great!!! I am so excited to have Severine so our photos in 15 days!!! It is too bad that you weren't able to convince Derek to do a TTD. I didn't really give Larry an option LOL, I just told him that we were doing it and showed him a few pics so he would understand a bit better. You looked abosolutely gorgeous in all the pics, and everything looked so beautiful! Were the fire dancers from your resort? Or are they from Punta Cana?
  16. Well I have been busy trying to get everything packed and finished. I am at work right now and my computer is in the shop since it must be tired from all the work I have been putting it through, since it won't come out of sleep mode! I will be trying to put together my planning thread, but it will depend on my computer.
  17. Welcome back Danielle. How was your holiday? My shower was good. I will see if I can post a couple of pics maybe. My internet still isn't really working and now my computer is in the shop. It has decided that it is tired and won't come out of sleep mode. So today my Nanny (Grandma) is having surgery to get a pacemaker and defibrilator in. Hopefully this will keep her around until after we get back from holidays!
  18. I love the cake too! What kind of icing did they use that shines like that? It almost looks like foil.
  19. Those pics are looking great Tara. I'm glad to hear that everything went so well with your photographer.
  20. Congrats to Stephanie and RJ!!! Have a wonderful and memorable wedding day!!! All the best to you both.
  21. Wow! The day has come. Congrats Celina & Shawn. Have a wonderful day and bring back lots of pics!!!
  22. Sorry to hear that there were issues with the resort. I am just glad that it wasn't all bad.
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