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Everything posted by EricaG

  1. That is sooooo sad. On a positive note, it is very unlikely this will ever happen again at this hospital again, especially in the coming months. They probably have 5 or 6 people watching and checking all that kind of stuff right now. I think the possibility of this happening to your baby is very low now. Still, this is unacceptable and should not have happened!!!! My heart goes out to all those babies and their families, including the baby that past away. How sad!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by becks That is hysterical! Surely there's a photo! Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I need pictures now! Don't y'all know the BDW rules. Pictures! I am just waiting to hear back from her to see if she has pics. I didn't take any pics of the giant ferret, but if I would have known that I would be taking part in a ferret thread like this, I would have used a whole role of pics. Yup, I said a 'role' as in, before digital cameras, so this was awhile ago. I will totally be putting up pics if I can get them from her. Surely, someone took some!!!
  3. This is basically what my e-ring looks like. And here is the actual wedding band that we picked out. It goes really nicely with my e-ring, although the two separate pics don't show it well, but the pics are from different websites. Here is FI ring that we picked out.
  4. So I went to the city for the day, and got a LOT done. We got our daughters passport done, got our marriage licence for the legal ceremony, got FI's shirt for the wedding, and we got our wedding bands!!! I have mine since they had it in my size, and FI has to be ordered in since he takes a size 11! It will be mailed to us in about 2 weeks. I am so excited. We went in to do the passport and the marriage licence, and to LOOK at shirts and rings, but ended up buying them. My To Do List is getting shorter and shorter. Yeah. Check, check, check and check!
  5. Celina - your cups look great. Can't wait until later when you have more pics posted. Well, I am quickly checking BDW like a regular addict, and then I have to get myself and the kids ready to go to the city for the day. Once FI is done at his appointment we are going in to get our daughter's passport photos redone and her passport renewed (they didn't accept her pic when I tried to do them last month, and she wasn't with me to get her pics redone, so now we have our sons passport back already) After getting her passport done, it is off to see my MOH and get our marriage licence for our legal ceremony. Then to the great West Edmonton Mall to go shopping for FI shirt for the wedding, look at wedding bands and.....I am sure there was something else wedding related!!!! I'll think of it later and then write it down I guess. Busy day, and exciting, since this will be the first time FI and I have actually done wedding stuff together!! Well, better get ready, he could be back anytime, and my son is still sleeping and my daughter is naked watching treehouse I think.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura ...i think i might be a bitch. either that or everyone around me is incredibly stupid. i can feel myself turning into a bridezilla a little bit today. first the thing with my dad not wearing what we asked him to. and now my FSIL informed me that her dress is too big and it's difficult to alter -- which i dont believe for two seconds that its difficult to alter. she doesnt like how her boobs look in it and says the scoop in the armhole comes too high up and she thinks shes going to sweat and get pit stains. OMFG! its not YOUR wedding, nobody is going to be looking at YOU!!!!!!! she said "i dont look sexy" --- ummmm excuse me but since WHEN are bridesmaids meant to look sexy?!?!? just wear the fucking dress and smile in the pictures before i go bridezilla on your ass! i dont care that your boobs dont look good, who the fuck do you have to impress?! why is this the bride's problem? fix it yourself and get over it! Quote: Originally Posted by Maura i think i have hit an all time wedding freak out high. i was on the phone with my dad today and he told me "quit tweaking. you need to smoke a joint or something to calm down." Maura you crack me up. It is coming down to the final stretch before the big day(s), so it is understandable.
  7. A friend of mine from highschool used to take in foster ferrets when she lived in the city. She had a DW and at her AHR a guy dressed as a big giant ferret stopped into to say congrats and to thank them for being great foster ferret parents!!!! I totally forgot about that.
  8. I love the siggy pics too. Here's to looking like the women in the siggy pics!!!!!
  9. Good to know that they are busy, since I was just about to email them to send the booking fee. They have us penciled in and told me not to be in a big hurry for sending the deposit, but I want to get it done.
  10. 1. How old are you? 28 2. At what age did you/will you get married? 29 3. Do you have children? Yup. We have a 3 year old daughter and an 11 month old son together. 4. Did you think you would marry the person you are with now? When we just had mutual friends and saw each other but didn't talk, No. Once we started talking we fell quick and hard, and then...Yes! 5. Were you ever engaged or married to someone other than the person you are with now? No 6. Do you want a garden wedding, beach wedding, or the traditional church wedding? Beach wedding all the way 7. Where did you/will you get married? Punta Cana, Dominican Republic 8. First dance - classic waltz, slow and sexy, or fast and spicy? Slow and sexy I guess. FI would like country 2 step though 9. How many guests did you/will you have? Between 20-30 10. Do you want/did you have an extravagant wedding or a simple wedding? Simple yet beautiful 11. Vows - traditional or something you make up on your own? Traditional. 12. How many layers of cake did you/will you have? DW - ? maybe 2 or 3. AHR - 4 13. Is/was your wedding/reception at a hotel? The DW is all at an AI resort. AHR at the local legion 14. When did you/will you get married - sunrise, mid-day, sunset? Mid-day 15. Did you/will you have your reception outdoors or indoors? Outdoors 16. Plan every detail down to the napkins or let someone else decide? I have made several decisions already with bigger things, but specifics like napkins and such she can do. That is why she is there. 17. How did/will the bride enter? From a horse and carriage and then down the sandy isle 18. Song to walk down the aisle to: Not sure yet 19. Song to make your exit: Not sure yet 20. Will you/did you have a solemn ceremony or a light one? Light 21. At what age did you think you would get married? 23 22. Who to invite - practically everyone or a select few? Not quite everyone, but more than a select few, so a little of both 23. Wedding menu - fine dining or simply delicious? Simply delicious 24. Champagne or red wine? I don't drink either, but family members attending like wine, so probably that. 25. Honeymoon right after the wedding, awhile after the wedding, or no honeymoon? Right away, but staying at the same resort for it. 26. Was your/will your honeymoon be at a place special to you both or somewhere brand new to you both? We love the resort we are going to since we have both been there. It was our first holiday together and FI first tropical holiday period, so it is somewhere special 27. Who will pay for the bills? We pay the bills together 28. Living together: Not before marriage or absolutely before marriage? Absolutely. We have 2 kids together, so it is kind of a given for us. 29. Anything else about marriage you'd like to say? I am so excited for our big day to get here, and to share it in an intimate setting with our close friends and family on the beach, and of course....our beautiful children!
  11. Although we are both getting married in Nov, I am almost a month behind you. With that said, when I see your tickers go down, I know that I am not too far behind, and it is exciting/scary!!!!
  12. I too was wondering about this, so will be checking out everyones responses. Quote: Originally Posted by Bianca I don't think I would pay $30 for any of their books... So I guess my opinion is if your getting it for free or only paying shipping, take it. If you actually have to pay for it, then try something else? Dunno... I can give some pointers on how to get a code... So are you saying that the books aren't that great if you have to pay for them but good enough to get them free?
  13. I am totally in. I need to get a bit more motivation to keep me going!!!
  14. I think the teasers look great. Can't wait to see more!
  15. There is another name to add to the thread of Unique Baby Names. I think that they should call her Sunny, that sounds better than Sunday!
  16. Hey there Dez. I was wondering how things went over the weekend. I am glad to hear that things went well, but I am really glad that you have still decided to go for counselling on your own. Maybe once your FI sees you going and seeing the changes in you from going, he will decide to give it a try as well.
  17. Steph - That is so awesome that you got your invites out the other day. That is a big thing to cross off the list of to-do items.
  18. We will just have a seat yourself as well. We went to a wedding in Cuba a couple years ago and all the seats were in one spot, and the bride and wedding party came down beside the sitting area. This too was a seat yourself. I don't really see that it is a big deal, since a DW isn't a traditional wedding to start with really.
  19. I love that pic!!!!! I say use it. Maybe you can compromise and use the turtle pic for the women and your FI can choose a pic for the men. Or you can split them between everyone!
  20. I was starting to work on a seating plan awhile ago but then decided to forego the whole thing. We will have the head table and then everyone can sit at the other tables around. That was a nice item to cross off the list and not have to worry about doing!!!!
  21. Just caught up on this thread. I can't believe the nerve of your FIL. It is bad enough to fire your own son because some little punk probably told him too! It is another thing to invite yourself over while dicussing the severance package. Does he really not have any clue? If he really wants to come for a vist, save that convo for another time!!!
  22. When we were shopping around for prices, we were hoping to use our usual TA, so we took the lowest quote down there to see if they could match it and they did. We have done this almost every trip that we take. My Mom finds a good deal, usually online and she tells them that this is what we want, and that is what we get. Honestly, the one time we found a cheap flight that went down to LA the day we wanted to go, and it was with an airline that our TA doesn't usually deal with, but she got on the phone and pulled a few strings, and ta-da....we got our flight. If we didn't take the info in we wouldn't have got what we wanted. The first TA we were about to book with was expensive and straight out told me she wouldn't price match.....so we cancelled our appointment and booked elsewere. Show her the quotes you got.
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