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Everything posted by EricaG

  1. Hahaha! Actually I think that I told him we were going to go in the ocean and I would be wearing the dress, but not until after the wedding. Then I got another strange look, and I had to explain the TTD. He doesn't really get it, but he is just going along with it. Is the secong pic the dress that you are hoping to get?
  2. I think they look great, but I do like the looks of the white writing better, and your right, it could just be the flash that is making it show up better. Sorry that you have to deal with this so close to your wedding date, but glad to hear that they are fixing it. Did they say if you could keep the rejects?
  3. That is funny. My FI was looking through one of my bridal mags and when he turned the page to a dress that looked like the skirt was made of feathers all over (totally not a dress for me, but maybe someone else), i asked him if he liked that one. He looked at me like I had grew another head and replied "If you walk down the isle in that, I am going to move over and you can keep walking right into the ocean!". Then we both started laughing.
  4. Great gifts everyone. I sent my gift out last week, so I am hoping that it arrives right away, but it is going to the US from Canada.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizzy What I did was go to yahoogroups.com, then I chose the group I wanted to join. The group is sensational! Diana Muir is the administrator and the instructor. If you choose to take the classes she will let you know how to access the lessons. Some people take the lessons but never turn in their assignments or take the exam. I am planning on going all the way, My goal is to specialize in Irish and Minnesota genealogy. Oh, I forgot the best part.........the course is freeeeee! Let me know if I can help you Glenda. And if anyone else has any questions, I may be able to answer them. Are you serious? I may have to check this site out. I love doing geneology. A couple of my Mom's cousins have gone back several generations on my Grandpa's side, we are from Norwegian royalty. Searching online I have found other geneology trees that match up with some of ours, and I have got back as far as abt 590 ac. I have done a bit of work on my Grandma's side too, but haven't gotten as far. Glenda - you will have to let us know how the DNA thing goes. That is so awesome.
  6. OMG I love it!!! I will have to do that to FI.
  7. I am an organ donor as is my Mom and we are both nurses. There have been nurmerous times that the ambulance comes in with patients that have coded or been in an accident and they are being worked on, and we don'e even know their name, unless we recognize them (we are in a small town). After things calm down medically or the patient's passing has been called, then we have gone through pockets looking for ID. Otherwise if there is an accident, sometimes the RCMP will look for ID while the medics are getting the patient ready for transport if there is no one else to identify them. As for your nutritionalist, I am curious as to how see has been around to witness medical staff not working hard to save someone's life so they can donate? I know we don't tend to have nutritionalists in the ER with us when we have a trauma patient come in. And like it was mentioned, if the medical staff don't do their job to save you, and they let you die, then chances of your organs being used for transplant are very unlikely.
  8. So I just got off the phone with a marraige commissioner and booked our legal day for 08/08/08 (my birthday and my little sis's birthday) So excited, and I have to go and meet with her tomorrow afternoon to get everything arranged for the day. How exciting. OMG, that is less than a month away!
  9. I would totally be hurt if my good friend did this to me. It is understandable if people can't make it, but it almost sounds like she was trying really hard to make a solid case of why she couldn't go. Then you being out that $ sucks too. Finding out that she is going to another DW would upset me too, which is why I would totally talk to her and get it out in the open. What good is a friendship if you can't talk. I like the idea of coming out and asking her if she is going to the wedding casually since you too were invited. So this email that yo got about the group trip next year, is that from this same friend?
  10. We ordered the pack of 30 starfish from OT as well as the pack of 500. I happy with them and they were cheap.
  11. So yesterday FI was cleaning out sheds at his Great Uncles place since he past away a few months ago, and he was there with his Dad and a very good family friend. They took some antique things over the the family friends place to clean them off, and they told FI that they weren't going to make it to the DW but that they had a gift for us. So we got our first wedding gift yesterday. There are 3 books, one called Mastering Marriage and the other 2 are the Marriage Pact Questionnaire books - we each get one. Hopefully they will help us communicate better, since sometimes we definately don't do that well, but there is always room for improvement. Once I get through the book, I will let you know how good it is. Now to start thinking of the Thank You cards I guess.
  12. I will take them off your hands. I have wanted the turquoise fans and recently found out that blissweddingmarket.com doesn't ship up to Canada anyway. PM me with how I can get the $ to you.
  13. I would also be interested. How many do you have? And what is the price?
  14. I think that I am going to get a body slimmer (at least that is what I think it is called) My Mom was looking at some on ebay and thinks that would be better support for my 36DDD and it will also help smooth my baby ponch out! Are you doing TTD? If so I would recommend natural coloured underwear for that, because if your dress is going to become see through, white still shows up!
  15. I can't believe how quickly this forum has grown! That is so amazing, and to think that growing that quickly and having it stay such a great place to come and talk and to have sooo many supportive people joining...crazy! Thank you Tammy Host!!!!!
  16. I love the boarding passes that you did Lisa. Great job. It will feel so good when they are all done and gone!
  17. If we were to get them little rings or something, it would be something that if it was lost, it would be no big deal. I do like the idea of writing what she said down and then one day passing the ring on to her. I could put a little blurb in the scrapbook about that!
  18. Welcome to the forum. Have a great time planning your special day! I would totally go for the WC.
  19. So I have been waiting to hear back from an ordained (?sp) minister here in town that does really nice ceremonies to see if he could do our legal on 08/08/08 and I never heard back from him. Then when I went into work for an extra shift on Sun, I found out why. He has been in the hospital! I did talk to him and he said that if he is out of the hospital in time, he would do it.....but then I found out that once he is feeling better here, we are sending him back to the city for more surgery. Can't see it happening. So yesterday during my very productive day in the city, we got our marriage licence from my MOH althought she has to get a co-worker sign it since she will be signing it later on, and she printed off a list of marriage commisioners in Alberta. There is one in my hometown and when I looked at her address, she lives 2 doors down from my Mom!!! I have to call her today to see if she can do it....keep your fingers crossed.
  20. Welcome to the forum, and enjoy the planning. If you are wondering about St. Lucia, I haven't been there, but many members have and I am sure they will help answer any questions you have.
  21. EricaG

    I'm a Newbie!

    Welcome to the forum. This forum will help you plan your wedding in no time, and will give you more ideas than you know what to do with. LOL. Enjoy the planning.
  22. Welcome to the forum. There is some great info on here to help you out with your planning!!! Good luck!
  23. I am glad that you found a good system for getting them done. I am thinking of making a few for our guests as well, but haven't decided for sure. We are making bathbombs and were thinking of giving a pouch of epsom salts as well. If I do decide to do the soaps, I know where to come and get refreshed on the tips!! Thanks, and they look great.
  24. So my daughter saw the box with my w-band in it and wanted to see. I showed her and told her that when her and I dress up like princesses on holidays, Daddy is going to give me that ring. So as a typical 3 year old girl, she asked if she can have a pretty ring when we dress up like pricesses too. That got me thinking, since FI and I have 2 kids together, this wedding is as much theirs as ours really, so should we do something with them too? Should we maybe get both our daughter and son a ring each that can symbolize the offical union of our family? Or are there any other ideas of how we can include our kids rather than only having them stand there as FG and RB?
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