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Everything posted by EricaG

  1. I am having a hard time thinking up things that haven't been listed. How about: -hair dryer -hand held fan -hanging plant -H2O I am out of ideas, but I do love the hamme idea! That is a classic
  2. Congrats Abbie. Can't wait to see picks of your and Doug's BFW.
  3. Still no bids on it yet. What a sad situation, I say elope if you are that strapped for cash, or postpone the wedding till you have the $.
  4. I love the time share caption with the original pic. As for other pics, I like the second last one that Morgan posted (sorry the pic isn't working on my post) Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan and this one Quote: Originally Posted by tvt how about this one?
  5. That is great news if it worked. I am crossing my fingers for you!
  6. Starchild - I am really starting to think that if he does come, there will be pigs in the air, and I will definately be looking for them. LMAO Danielle - FI tried telling him to book once and he had some comment about getting it cheaper or something or that there was lots of time, so FI told him if he didn't want to come, then just to say so! Yesterday I told FI to let his brother know he has till the end of the month if he wants to be in the party, and he didn't want to talk to him, but told me too. FI is the baby of the family and sometimes has a hard time standing up for himself with family. If he does stand up for himself, then it is usually a big blow up between the family member and him.
  7. In the end we will all have beautiful weddings in a tropical setting, and I am soooo looking forward to that. With the weather we have been having here, we will have to have a back up location indoors, because it is nice then suddenly it pours! There have been tornado warnings for areas around us, there have been several funnel clouds seen and one tornado did touch down in southern Alberta already. Crazy. We may end up doing it in my Mom's livingroom if the weather doesn't cooperate. LOL
  8. I honestly thought that it would cost more than that. Considering what you are getting, I don't think that that is expensive at all!
  9. Welcome to the forum! Hope you can find a great place for your wedding that will fit your Dad's needs as well. Good luck and happy planning.
  10. Ewww. That pic didn't turn out so good. It looks good in the smaller icon. I guess I need some natural light to get it in focus properly.
  11. Have got any further on the boutonniers yet Jenny? Here is what I finally did up with a sea shell, rose leafs, starfish and turquoise ribbon.
  12. Okay, so tonight I booked our legal ceremony for 08/08/08. It is offical. I have to go for a meeting with her tomorrow afternoon to get everything arranged. If the weather cooperates, we are going to do it at FBIL's place along the creek. It is a beautiful spot, and I will make sure we get pics so I can post them.
  13. So I when we got engaged, I asked my BF to be my MOH and my sister to be a BM, both which have booked. I also asked 2 of my cousins which I knew there was a chance that one or both of them may not make it. Since we knew there was a chance I wouldn't have 4 girls standing up for me, FI only asked 3 guys, his BF, his oldest brother, and a friend from work. So far only FI BF has booked, and the friend from work is planning to book next week on payday. Well, recently it has been confirmed that neither one of my cousins will be making it, so now I am down to 2 girls. FI brother who is in the wedding is engaged and I have talked to her about standing up for me if both guys get thier deposits in to book soon. My Mom just went out as bought all the material to make 3 dresses so that if we need the 3rd dress, we have the material. Here is the issue that I am having. We told everyone back in Oct to start saving their $ to go, and FBIL has yet to pay his deposit. I mentioned it before to him and he said he didn't have $ yet, and thatn he could probably get it cheaper if he waits. I talked to his FI last week and told her that if he didn't book soon, he was going to be out of the wedding party, because we need to know who is in and who is not. I talked to him tonight and asked him when he was going to pay his deposit and he said he didn't have $. I told him he better hurry up because the plane is almost booked, and he told me "there are other flights down there." I told him there weren't and he told me "oh, I'm sure there are". It went back and forth and finally I said "Okay Mr world traveller. Trust me when I say that there is only one flight a week that goes down there. In Dec another company starts their trips down there, but that is too late." That shut him up! So I am think I will tell him that if he doesn't book by the end of the month, he is still more than welcome to come to the wedding, but he won't be in the wedding party. I am also going to tell him that if he wants to stay elsewhere because it is cheaper, he will be responsible for the cost of the day passes to come to our resort!!!! Do you think I am being to Bridezilla on him? Oh yeah, he also plans on bringing his 3 girls too!!!! How he can afford that when he can't even afford to pay his deposit of $250 I don't know!
  14. Sorry to hear about the change of venue. Hopefully you find a resort that works for both you and your FI. I am sure where ever you have your wedding, it will be gorgeous.
  15. That is not cool. I hope they can get everything off of it for you. I am another one that doesn't back things up, but I think I will right now. After all, I still had my old comp set up in another room with plans to get everything off it before getting rid of it, and before I ever got around to it, the mother board went. Thankfully they could pull everything off and put it on a disk for me and only charged $52. You would think that I would learn, but not yet!
  16. Hahaha! I love the one with the girl passed out. That one made me giggle the most.
  17. I have 2 cousins and 2 friends that have had DW weddings, and all but one friend had an AHR. When I mentioned us having one to her, she made the comment of them not having one because it just seemed like a present grab. I pointed out to her that if we were just after the presents, we wouldn't be having the AHR, because it will probably cost us just as much or more to throw the party as compared to the value of the presents. Then I told her that if it was about the presents, I would prefer to save the $ from the AHR and buy something(s) that we want rather than hoping other people will get us things we want and need. I put her in her place, especially since there was a bit of a situation we were just getting over at that time. Long story, but I won't hijack this thread anymore. Sorry!
  18. Welcome to the forum and enjoy the planning process. There is loads on info here to help you on your way!
  19. Welcome to the forum! You will find loads of info here to help you with your choices of locations.
  20. You can also create files and save threads to them that you may want to find easily. This is in the User CP secetion as well and them you go to edit folders I think.
  21. Welcome to the forum! Enjoy the planning process.
  22. I wore a dress to 3 different weddings, but my sister was the only one that was at more than one of them. I wore it to my cousins wedding, then to a DW wedding to Cuba and then to a friends wedding which I took my sister as my date, since FI couldn't go. Oh wait, my daughter was at all 3 weddings, but she didn't notice since she was 19 months, 21 months, and 2 1/2 years. I joke that it is my 'wedding' dress.
  23. We are having an AHR but it is not something you have to do. We knew when we decided to have a DW that there were going to be a lot of people that wouldn't be able to come from FI side, then my Nanny & Grandpa and my Grandma also have to miss out for health reasons. FI parents have also split and I don't think it will work with both there, so we decided that one can come to the DW and the other can come to the AHR. For us the DW wasn't so much for the expense as for the location and in the tropics for our big day. Do what is right for you and your FI.
  24. That was a very sweet thing he did, and I am so glad for that the ring wasn't washed out. I probably would have done the samething! It is a cute story that you will always have to share with everyone and that yo ucan laugh about!
  25. EricaG

    I'm VIP!!

    Yeah!!! That is exciting.
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