So I when we got engaged, I asked my BF to be my MOH and my sister to be a BM, both which have booked. I also asked 2 of my cousins which I knew there was a chance that one or both of them may not make it. Since we knew there was a chance I wouldn't have 4 girls standing up for me, FI only asked 3 guys, his BF, his oldest brother, and a friend from work. So far only FI BF has booked, and the friend from work is planning to book next week on payday. Well, recently it has been confirmed that neither one of my cousins will be making it, so now I am down to 2 girls. FI brother who is in the wedding is engaged and I have talked to her about standing up for me if both guys get thier deposits in to book soon. My Mom just went out as bought all the material to make 3 dresses so that if we need the 3rd dress, we have the material.
Here is the issue that I am having. We told everyone back in Oct to start saving their $ to go, and FBIL has yet to pay his deposit. I mentioned it before to him and he said he didn't have $ yet, and thatn he could probably get it cheaper if he waits. I talked to his FI last week and told her that if he didn't book soon, he was going to be out of the wedding party, because we need to know who is in and who is not. I talked to him tonight and asked him when he was going to pay his deposit and he said he didn't have $. I told him he better hurry up because the plane is almost booked, and he told me "there are other flights down there." I told him there weren't and he told me "oh, I'm sure there are". It went back and forth and finally I said "Okay Mr world traveller. Trust me when I say that there is only one flight a week that goes down there. In Dec another company starts their trips down there, but that is too late." That shut him up! So I am think I will tell him that if he doesn't book by the end of the month, he is still more than welcome to come to the wedding, but he won't be in the wedding party. I am also going to tell him that if he wants to stay elsewhere because it is cheaper, he will be responsible for the cost of the day passes to come to our resort!!!!
Do you think I am being to Bridezilla on him? Oh yeah, he also plans on bringing his 3 girls too!!!! How he can afford that when he can't even afford to pay his deposit of $250 I don't know!