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Everything posted by EricaG

  1. So I was going to go for a really long walk with the kids today, but I saw a big black cloud coming and decided to play it safe. Thankfully I did, because it down poured and the thunder was so loud that it was rattling the door. It woke up my son and I had to rock him in the rocking chair and I turned on the fish tank light so he could watch them swim around. Tomorrow I have to work, and I will be on my feet all day, so I will try and make up for it. I also drink the most water when I am at work!!! I am trying to get motivated!
  2. Congrats!!! It only took one try to get pregnant with our son which he will forever be able to say he was made in Cuba with Canadian products! LMAO. I found out 11 days later when my daughter rubbed up against my chest and it didn't feel very good! (Breast tenderness is the first sign I got with both pregnancies). I took the test and it was positive, then I called FI to tell him before getting ready for work. When I was at work, I was walking through the ER and one of our Dr's was pregnant at the time and she asked me if I was pregnant. WTF?!?! What was I supposed to say? I told her I was and she asked how far along I was, I told her I found out a few hours ago. Then the next day we had to call my parents who were in Mexico on holidays to tell them before they got back and heard it through the grapevine!LOL
  3. I like that idea. Part of me was glad to find out that there were no more seats, since that way I would have at least had a final number of who's going. Oh well, there are a couple people that haven't booked that want to come, but are waiting to see if they can get work off to go. They are co-workers and it is really iffy if the one LPN can come and the unit clerk that is going to come with her is just waiting for her to book. Others are just too lazy and not making an effort. Arrgghhhh!
  4. I was looking at using Sand Blast Entertainment. Not sure on the shipping yet, but I did send them an email to get a quote. I will let you know what the shipping quote is. They have plastic and glass bottles there and the sand.
  5. I am sorry to everyone on here since I was one of the ones that did not have my weight in on Wed. I was the one that also PM'd Ann yesterday to let her know I would get it to her today. The reason that I didn't get it in on time was that I forgot my camera at my Mom's after taking the pic on her scale and trying to get my kids out the door. I think I need an assistant to help me carry everything and remember everything LOL! Once again, I am soooo sorry for being late on submitting my weigh in and I will make sure that it doesn't happen again. On the positive note, I did get me payment in right away! Yay for me!!!
  6. The other night I got called in to do a night shift with my Mom, so we took my dress and my daughters dress and started on some beading. That was one thing when we got the dresses from ebay is that they both came with beading on the front, Hailey's came with a little bit of beading on the back and mine had none. The beading isn't really that difficult actually, and Mom made me a deal, she will do the beading on my dress and I have to do Hailey's. I think that is fair. We each only used one thread during the night, but I was able to get the center of 3 flowers done.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Kristy! Not to be mean, but I think the one thing brides often forget is that the world doesn't stop for our weddings. It's not as important to everyone else. We want it to be, but it's not. If I was is your situation, I would just let FI handle it. Don't worry so much about even numbers. I've been to more weddings with uneven numbers than even numbers and it looks just as good. Also, how does the one girl feel about being "on-deck"? If you want her standing up with you, then have her stand up with you regardless of what FBIL does. If not, then don't. I think you're letting a tiny detail (even numbers) stress you out too much. I'm not really stressing about it too much, because if he doesn't end up coming, that is his problem, but it would be nice to know if he is going to be part of our wedding. He committed to being in the party, but hasn't commited to the trip, and with a DW, you can't be in the party without going on the trip. As for FSIL being 'on-deck', she is fine with it. When I was telling her that I might ask someone else since 2 of my BM had to back out, she told me she would do it. Before I asked her, I already explained that it depended on the 2 other GM (one being her FI) booking. She totally understands and honestly, having an odd number doesn't bother me, but if that is the case, we can have the 2 girls and 1 guy. I don't want to making the wedding party bigger unless we have too. Well, a couple days ago the TA called to let us know that the flight down only had 2 seats left. I told FI to get a in touch with a few people from his side that said they were coming and let them know, but he didn't. He finally talked to his bro who is supposed to be in the wedding, but I guess he didn't seem to worried about it. There is one other option now to go. One other company that has packages down to the Dominican and to our resort has just opened up trips in Nov. Until just recently, they weren't going down until Dec, which was too late. If they take this option, they will leave 2 days before us, and will stay in a different section of the resort, but that doesn't really matter. Thankfully this option has just opened up for the scragglers, but yet, it would have been nice to finally have the final numbers on who was going. I am not feeling bad for anyone that has to miss out, and like it was mentioned, I don't think on the actual day, we will even notice who is and isn't there.
  8. Danielle - FI brother hasn't booked, and now may be missing out. I'm not too worried about it though. As for your sister, you are lucky to have someone that wants to help. My MOH asks me if there is anything for her to do, but since she is 2 hrs away and a lot of my stuff is DIY, I usually just do it myself, but I am okay with it. Hmmm...she is coming on next weekend and then again 2 weeks later, maybe we can get the bathbombs finished! Celina - That is too bad that your MOH is preoccupied to help you out. I think that giving her a little time might get her to come around.
  9. So the TA called my Mom yesterday and told her that there are only 2 seats left on the plane to the Dominican!!!! There are a bunch of people that are "supposedly" going to book, but they are probably out of luck. The only other option for them is to book through another company and fly down 2 days before us, and stay in a different section of the resort (which isn't bad). They won't get the group rate now, since they didn't book with us, but that is their problem now.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK Here's what I got from my WONDERFUL secret elf Erica (Ethrondson). She knew the way to my heart - scrapbooking supplies. I can't wait to start using everything! I am so glad that you like it. I had fun buying it but I was starting to get worried about the international post taking so long. I was very happy to hear from you!
  11. I am watching it right now. They just evicted the house guest, but I won't ruin it for those of you that haven't seen it yet. I think that Brian screwed himself over too quick in the game, Renny drives me insane, Jerry is lovable, I too am still trying to decide on there other houseguests still. I don't mind Ollie, but hopefully this move didn't screw him over!
  12. Thanks for sharing. I think I will be using this site to make books for the OOT bags!
  13. Welcome to the forum and hppy planning!
  14. EricaG


    Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  15. I think the ferret votes just may be enough to put him over the top!!!
  16. Welcome to the forum and happy planning!!
  17. EricaG


    Welcome to the forum!!! Happy planning!
  18. EricaG


    Welcome to the forum! We are having our legal ceremony on 08/08/08!
  19. Welcome to the forum!!!
  20. Welcome to the forum and happy planning! Search this site and you will find so much info to help you on your way!
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