Quote: Originally Posted by Kristy! Not to be mean, but I think the one thing brides often forget is that the world doesn't stop for our weddings. It's not as important to everyone else. We want it to be, but it's not.
If I was is your situation, I would just let FI handle it. Don't worry so much about even numbers. I've been to more weddings with uneven numbers than even numbers and it looks just as good. Also, how does the one girl feel about being "on-deck"? If you want her standing up with you, then have her stand up with you regardless of what FBIL does. If not, then don't. I think you're letting a tiny detail (even numbers) stress you out too much. I'm not really stressing about it too much, because if he doesn't end up coming, that is his problem, but it would be nice to know if he is going to be part of our wedding. He committed to being in the party, but hasn't commited to the trip, and with a DW, you can't be in the party without going on the trip.
As for FSIL being 'on-deck', she is fine with it. When I was telling her that I might ask someone else since 2 of my BM had to back out, she told me she would do it. Before I asked her, I already explained that it depended on the 2 other GM (one being her FI) booking. She totally understands and honestly, having an odd number doesn't bother me, but if that is the case, we can have the 2 girls and 1 guy. I don't want to making the wedding party bigger unless we have too.
Well, a couple days ago the TA called to let us know that the flight down only had 2 seats left. I told FI to get a in touch with a few people from his side that said they were coming and let them know, but he didn't. He finally talked to his bro who is supposed to be in the wedding, but I guess he didn't seem to worried about it.
There is one other option now to go. One other company that has packages down to the Dominican and to our resort has just opened up trips in Nov. Until just recently, they weren't going down until Dec, which was too late. If they take this option, they will leave 2 days before us, and will stay in a different section of the resort, but that doesn't really matter. Thankfully this option has just opened up for the scragglers, but yet, it would have been nice to finally have the final numbers on who was going. I am not feeling bad for anyone that has to miss out, and like it was mentioned, I don't think on the actual day, we will even notice who is and isn't there.